MK Feiglin: DM Ya’alon Owes Me 4,000 Shekels

yaalonIn a Facebook post following the destruction of the Lazar home in Yitzhar by Israeli forces, Moshe Feiglin wrote the following:

DM Ya’alon already owes me 4,000 shekels. This is the second consecutive month that I have given all of my tithe money set aside for charity to the dear families whose homes were destroyed by the forces who answer to the defense minister – in the name of the law, of course.

Bogey [Ya’alon] tries to explain that nothing can be done as the newly built homes were illegal. But the homeowners do not enjoy any form of equality. Surrounding their homes are thousands of Arab homes being built with no authorization. The law, then, is not the problem. The problem is the politician’s weakness, which leads to serious evil.

Last month, it was the Kaizer family from Kidah who lost their home. Last week, it was the Lazar family in Yitzhar. Pictured is my recent visit to the ruins of their home. Avi Lazar is determined to re-build his home. Those who donate to this reconstruction project are doing more than merely contributing to these amazing pioneers: First and foremost, they are contributing to themselves. As we have consistently seen throughout Jewish history, the moment always arises when we say to ourselves, “How fortunate that the Jewish People has produced such giants to safeguard Israel’s heartland for us, while a cruel enemy fights them from without and pitiful, short-sighted politicians fight them from within.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Not getting involved??? Your fellow Jews’ houses were destroyed and all you have to write is about Mr. Feiglin’s Halachic basis?
    How about “Lo Saamod Al Dom Rayacha”?

  2. That’s what happens when the mizrachi make their own torah, they look to close down the yeshivas so the can make up their own halachas.

    PS Feiglin the rasha voted for the law to put yeshiva boys refusing to join the IDF in prison.

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