Recalcitrant Husband Gives a Get After 14 Years

getA man who fled Israel using a forged passport 14 years ago returned to attend his son’s chasenah. After the wedding he was taken into custody and a few days later he gave his wife a get.

Three years ago the Rabbinate’s Agunah Unit became involved and tried to negotiate a deal with the recalcitrant husband as rabbonim in Moscow acted as intermediaries. They were unsuccessful.

The Agunah Unit a number of weeks ago learned the man was going to return to Israel for a wedding. Officials contacted Interior Ministry, Foreign Ministry and diplomatic consular officials in an effort to set a trap into place. Their efforts were complicated by the ongoing strike of Foreign Ministry employees. There was also the awareness the man evaded a red flag on his passport at Ben-Gurion Airport by using a fake passport. Baruch Hashem they managed to track him down with the assistance of the agencies mentioned and he was followed from the moment he arrived in Israel.

The private detective hired by the Chief Rabbinate maintained surveillance during the Shabbos Sheva Brachos. On motzei Shabbos they received information that the children learned the mother was planning to take their dad to the beis din and they began scheming to sneak him out of the country.

The head of the Agunah Unit, Rabbi Eliyahu Maimon gave the order to have the man arrested immediately, unwilling to risk him evading authorities again.

The suspect was taken into custody and he told the rabbonim they he refused to give a get. The woman was taken to a safe house for authorities learned family members of the husband were signaling they may attempt to harm her.

After a few days of imprisonment, the husband announced he would give his wife a get, bringing the 14-year-old case to an end.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. Doesn’t make sense. Why would the children want their mother to remain an agunah? Also, it is illegal to travel using a fake passport. Wouldn’t he run into legal issues just based on that? This story doesn’t add up.

  2. A forced Get is a Get Me’usa. A beis din can only render a vedict of “kofin” if both parties accepted the beis din’s jurisdiction and the beis din heard the case with both parties present. In a case the beis din wasn’t agreed to by both parties or more importantly the b”d didn’t hear the case with both parties present, it can’t rule kofin.

  3. Why was he going to such great lengths?

    It might have been easier to simply bill him for child and spouse support, which leads to a judgement that tends to be relatively easy to get enforced since judges in all countries look down on a man for not supporting his family.

  4. “Recalcitrant Husband” is the title assigned to the husband that refuses a Get. What is the title for the wife who in all likelyhood or at least possibly made this mans life a miserable gehenim & then wanted to rake him over the coals in court regarding costody and support. I’m by far no fan of a man withholding a Get but in many cases the woman is unreasonable and quite nasty taking advantage of the courts sympathy for woman to further destroy the same man who they destroyed in marriage.

  5. Hope he is still in Jail for using a forged passport along with any of the children involved in sneaking him out of the country.

  6. If he didn’t want to be married to her, why not give her a get? It is to punish the wife for not wanting to put up with his drinking, gambling or running around anymore. He bribed the children with money; buying them an apartment and furniture etc.
    the men have the power and the control in these awful marriages. The woman lost fourteen YEARS of her freedom. How awful.

  7. Yanky55:
    Why is it that on every issue discussed on this site, the only comments you have are those putting someone else down, but never adding any intellectual opinion?

  8. Bogen: I think it’s obvious that they rule kefiyah. BTW, R. Moshe holds there’s no such thing as kefiyah when the husband has already decided to divorce her, and he’s just holding out for money etc.

  9. 10,
    You have no info whats so ever, what led to the Get, and why he refused it,
    But your Hope is that this Jew gets More prison time. Hope you got better Hopes and wishes in life, than this one. Shame.

  10. הרמב”ם (הלכות גירושין, פרק ב, הלכה כ) מבאר, שהטעם לכך הוא:

    “שאין אומרים אנוס, אלא למי שנלחץ ונדחק לעשות דבר שאינו מחויב בו מן התורה, כגון מי שהוכה, עד שמכר או עד שנתן. אבל, מי שתקפו יצרו הרע לבטל מצווה, או לעשות עבירה, והוכה עד שעשה דבר שחייב לעשותו, או עד שנתרחק מדבר האסור לעשותו, אין זה אנוס ממנו, אלא הוא אנס עצמו בדעתו הרעה. לפיכך, זה שאינו רוצה לגרש, מאחר שהוא רוצה להיות מישראל, ורוצה הוא לעשות כל המצוות, ולהתרחק מן העבירות, ויצרו הוא שתקפו, וכיון שהוכה עד שתשש יצרו, ואמר: ‘רוצה אני’, כבר גרש לרצונו”.

  11. #12- I have added my intellectual opinions long before you became a member of this site. I am tired of repeating myself and arguing with people. I simply cannot suffer hypocrites or people who think they know it all.

  12. כשיש הצדקה לכפות על הבעל לתת גט לאשתו, מלקים אותו בית דין, עד שיאמר: “רוצה אני”, ויכתוב גט.
    אף על פי ש”גט מעושה” שניתן אחר כפייה ולחץ, ולא מרצון של המגרש – פסול; גט שנכפה על הבעל על ידי בית הדין, אינו גט מעושה, והוא כשר.

  13. Yanky55:
    You seem to know exactly when I became a member.
    Now THAT was a very intellectual and non-hypocritical post.
    You’re right about one thing: you’re not it pays to waste time arguing with.

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