Why Kids Are Not Putting Tefillin..

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

There is a machalah that is affecting talmidim in Eretz Yisroel as well as the United States.  It is a hidden elephant in the room.

Thirteen years ago, Rav Matisyahu Solomon zt”l spoke at a Torah uMesorah convention to mechanchim.  His message answers a question that many have.  Why is this happening?  To see what he said, watch this video.  It is only 21 minutes long and very very powerful.

This author believes that his words can make a significant difference – if it was spread.  Another factor that can help resolve the situation would be if we made son sort of game show on hilchos tefillin with an emphasis on Matan Torah with some very serious prizes.  Rav Grossman shlita did this last year and ten years ago or so regarding hilchos brachos and it was enormously effective. And now, with so many people in Klal Yisroel coming back to yiddishkeit – now is the shaas hakasher..

The author can be reached at [email protected]


4 Responses

  1. My advice concerning off-the-derech youth (and off-the-derech adults):

    LISTEN! LISTEN!! LISTEN!!! Really listen to them, with both ears.

    Nobody goes off-the-derech because they received an abundance of love and respect.

    Nobody goes off-the-derech because they were treated like a valued member of the community.

    Nobody goes off-the-derech because they were happy with yeshivah and parnassah and shidduchim.

    The normal people are often afraid to discuss the community’s problems.
    Listen to off-the-derech people, they can tell you what the problems really are.

  2. I believe people – male and female – cut off mitzva observance because they are in pain – personal pain – and they are struggling with connecting to a spiritual path when they are in so much pain. Get to the root of the pain – enable this Yid to live a fulfilled life and mitzva performance will be restored. Getting to the root is a difficult task – this person is in complete hurt and mitzva cutoff is just one visible signal. May we all view struggling people with sympathy and empathy and extend a helping hand.

  3. The assimilation plague only occurs when someone feels inferior to the (imagined) superior climate.
    It’s the story of pre-war Europe and such. Nations that Jews looked up to, from the poverty of Poland and the suffering of Russia. Grass seemed greener on the Goyish side…
    America is not the same. Most of the assimilation is not based on rejection or jealousy. Who is envious of low-class Americans with media in all the wrong places?
    If those who are stricken with despair and reject due to our failure to cover with ALL… we are also suffering!
    Don’t use the names of groups. Any reach-out is a reach-in!
    May HaKodosh Boruch Hu inspire us to say the right things, do the right things, and love the right things!
    (Condensed and conscience of space here. Much more to say…)

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