Limited Time for YWN Readers to Apply for Summer Jobs

The Yeshiva World Limited Time for YWN Readers to Apply for Summer Jobs « » Frum Jewish NewsOver 30 years New York City has sponsored programs which enabled thousands of local youth to obtain meaningful summer jobs. Large groups worked in hospitals and in day camps, others in police precincts and community Chesed organizations. For many this was their first employment experience. They learned about their own individual competencies and built on their strengths. They took pride in their accomplishments and how they were able to help others. They became aware of various areas of endeavor, learned teamwork and the meaning of communication, the SYEP program helped them hone vital job skills and make career choices.

This year, again, our elected officials are working on obtaining additional funding which will enable the Department of Youth and Community Development to operate a SYEP job lottery for even more New York City residents. The deadline for applying to this lottery for summer jobs is Friday, April 25, immediately after Pesach.

Youth who will be over 14 years old (and not yet 16) by July 1 may apply for SYEP funded summer jobs through COJO (Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush). To do that they may go online to HTTPS://application.NYCSYEP.Com  to complete the questions asked. At the end of the series of questions, in order to assure that they stand a chance to get a job in community operated workplaces the youth should choose “Brooklyn” as the borough they want to work in and then select Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush as their “provider”.

New York City residents between 16 and 25 years old on July 1 may apply the same way however,  after selecting “Brooklyn” the older youth will be able to select National Society for Hebrew Day Schools  (NSHDS) as their “provider”.

In May and in June the city will inform the SYEP job lottery winners of how they can claim their job openings. Further information is available at COJO’s and NSHDS’ summer jobs office – 718 252 – 4446.



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