Did Turkish MP Really Die While Criticizing Israel?

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

It makes for a good headline, but is it really true that an Opposition Turkish MP was struck dead for criticizing Israel?  What was the deputy head of the Saadet Party – Hasan Bitmez attacking when his heart stopped? Is this a divine message to the enemies of Israel?   And why Bitmez?  Aren’t there hundreds of Hamas supporters that have criticized Israel that have significantly more political power than a mere parliament member?

Turkish MP Bitmez’s words were recorded in his speech to parliament, so they can be examined.  And if they are examined well, one can see that Bitmez was actually criticizing Erdogan for continuing to do business with Israel.  The message inherent in the heart attack at that particular moment seems to be more of a message to Erdogan,

These were his words:

We say, ‘Stop transporting ammunition to Israel on ships owned fully or in partnership, and operated by the AK Party executives and their children.”

You respond, “We are boycotting Starbucks.”  [YH:  Sidebar: To understand this, recall the following: 1] Starbucks employees harassed its Jewish patrons.  2] The Orthodox Jewish chamber of commerce were shocked that Starbucks didn’t react and released a meme saying “Dinking a Cup of Starbucks is like Drinking a Cup of Jewish Blood.” 3] Starbucks wrote a letter to the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce Today, we filed a complaint in federal court against Workers United and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) for misusing our name, logo, and intellectual property. This misuse included a statement paired with an image of a bulldozer tearing down a part of the Israel and Gaza border, indicating their support for the violence orchestrated by Hamas. Such reckless behavior warrants scrutiny to safeguard our partners and clarify Starbucks’s official stance.”  4] Turkey boycotted Starbucks because of the letter.]

We say, “Israel is encouraged by your lack of action and your lack of expressing attitude.”

You say, “We are holding a rally [against them]!”

We say, “Who paid for the rally, friends?”

Akbasoglu said here, “we are doing it as the AK Party.”  But you paid for it as the government!  You are such hypocrites!

Christians and Jews in America, London, Tokyo – Christians and Jews hold there much better rallies than you do.  You are Israel’s accomplices!  You are Israel’s accomplices.  You have Palestinian blood on your hands.  You are collaborators.  You have contributed to every bomb Israel has dropped on Gaza.

Take a realistic step right now and let Turkey lead the way,  Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Libya, Algeria,  INTERRUPTION FROM AK PARTY SPEAKER

Now you don’t want me to talk.. Let me end my speech by quoting with lines written by the famous poet, Sezai Karakoc (1933-2021) in reference to you:

They think that if we are silent – there will be no issue.  However, history will not be silent [even] if we remain silent.  Even if history is silent, the truth will not be silent.  They think that if they get rid of us, There will be no problem.  However, if you do get rid of us, you will be unable to escape the torment of your conscience. If you escape the torment of your conscience, you will not escape the torment of history.  If you escape the torment of history, you will not escape the wrath of Allah.  I greet you all with respect.”

It was then that he was struck with his heart attack.  It seems clear that he is talking to Erdogan and imploring him to stop supporting Israel.

The Divine message inherent in him being struck down is more likely a specific message to Erdogan the Prime Minister {essentially saying – “Do not listen to this guy and boycott Israel or suspend business ties with them” because I just made him drop dead.”)

Also, if Erdogan is an aficianado of gematria messages, “Hassan Ben Saluh Bitmez = Pereh Adam – [a wild and uncivilized scourge of mankind].”


7 Responses

  1. “The Divine message inherent in him being struck down is more likely a specific message to Erdogan the Prime Minister {essentially saying – “Do not listen to this guy and boycott Israel or suspend business ties with them” because I just made him drop dead.”)”

    The massive Zionist idolatry in this whole story is so pathetic. We have zero idea why Hashem killed this Muslim. But it’s very unlikely to be a result of his anti-Zionism, given that Zionism is the greatest existing rebellion against G-d, in a league of its own.

  2. >>>The massive Zionist idolatry in this whole story is so pathetic. We have zero idea why Hashem killed this Muslim. But it’s very unlikely to be a result of his anti-Zionism, given that Zionism is the greatest existing rebellion against G-d, in a league of its own.

    First a piece of personal advice for you. You want to say he didn’t die because of complaining that Turkey doesn’t take a strong enough stance against Israel I’ll give you another possibile reason. It simply isn’t healthy to have a heart so full of hate. Preaching hatred is a poison that kills many. B’gasmuis U’Brunchnius It has destroyed the Yiras Shamayim of many kanaoim.

    Secondly, if you believe that that Zionism is the greatest existing rebellion against G-d then (like many of those who are obsessed with Zionism) you aren’t following authentic Judaism

  3. Dear HaKatan,

    Before “THE ZIONISTS” took-over Eretz Yisrael,
    there were around 3 yeshivahs in Eretz Yisrael.

    After 75 of Eretz Yisrael ruled by “THE ZIONISTS”,
    the number of yeshivahs in of Eretz Yisrael is
    probably more than 500, maybe more than 1,000.

    After “THE ZIONISTS” won the 1967 “Six-Day War”,
    there was a HUGE Baal Teshuvah Movement,
    in Eretz Yisrael, and around the world, that
    continued for half-a-century after that war ended.

    Every public attack by Jews against “THE ZIONISTS”
    helps bloodthirsty terrorist murderers whose
    highest goal to: kidnap, cripple, torture and kill
    100% of Jews, both inside and outside Eretz Yisrael.

    But please, don’t listen to anything I say!

    Instead, just continue to attack “THE ZIONISTS”
    365 days a year, because that harms Jewish Unity,
    and helps nothing, and helps nobody,
    because that really makes lots of sense, logically.

    Somebody Who You Will NEVER Listen to, Under ANY Circumstances!

  4. Hakatan, why are you so shtark when it comes to the Satmar shita on Zionism but so shvach when it comes to the Satmar shita on using the internet?

  5. Aseh maat ve emor harbeh,

    I took have had this question on several of these fierce “anti Zionist” commenters. They seem to choose what’s easy for them. Walk into any Satmar shul, it’s quite clear their stance on the internet and smartphones. Yet, these big kanoim like “hakatan” (so appropriate!) and “Miriam” among others, seem to be fine with using the internet but very strong when it comes to those terrible Zionists. Hypocrites.

  6. Nothing in the entire world is coincidence and everything has a message directly from Hashem. (Still not to find on any sefer in the world or hear from a Gadol Hador speaking in a shmuz or shiur etc….) Look what happened just 2 weeks ago in the Parsha when Yosef Hatzaddik spoke when not supposed to and asked the sar hamashkim to remind him to Paroah…. It caused him to stay in prison for another extra two years for lack of faith and trust in Hashem for someone on the level of Yosef Hatzaddik

    May we all remember that Hashem runs the entire world and has a plan for every person and every country in the entire world.

  7. @smerel and @Hakatan,
    You are 100% right!

    i just thought that he was cursing Jews not zionists/israel (maybe both but i thought he was cursing Jews as well- correct me if I’m wrong).

    To all those closed minded idiocracy fueled zionism infested minds out there, all you did was display typical zionist ignorance and lack of proficiency.
    Turning away from the point Hajkatan and smerel made because of your lack of possibility to be able to answer (precisely because there is none- what they said is true and the truth hurts), instead hiding behind attacking back, is nothing but childish.
    It reminds me of the typical scene when you tell your child off and they respond, “but Shimi hit me first”. Like as if that answers why he hit back.
    Now that is all if Shimi really did hit back.
    In our case, right or wrong, and answers there are many but you are not interested in them, because it debases your agenda, I would highly suspect, that with everything, they probably still keep to a much better standard of internet usage i.e. filter, time usage etc.
    I may be right I may be wrong, speculating is not always accurate, but I am judging on your typical ‘internet style generated ignorance and closed mindedness’ that is usually displayed only by people who practically live in the internet 24 hours a day…

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