Hikind Deeply Disappointed by Failure of Education Investment Tax Credit

hikindAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) expressed his deep frustration today with the NYS budget deal that was reached over the weekend. “I have never been so disappointed that we have once again failed the families of yeshiva and parochial school students,” said the Assemblyman.

“From the beginning, fighting for the Education Investment Tax Credit has been an uphill battle. Never could I have imagined that the message of this year’s budget would be that education is important for all children in New York State, unless you attend a yeshiva or a parochial school. This was the one legitimate way to bring relief to struggling parents who send their children to a yeshiva or to a private or parochial school. It would have benefitted parents of public school children as well.

“There was never an issue of separation of Church and State with this legislation,” Assemblyman Hikind continued. “There was a huge effort by many groups who came to Albany to represent their communities. The effort involved various Jewish organizations, including members of the coalition of the Orthodox Union and TEACH NYS, as well as members of the Archdiocese of New York led by Archbishop Dolan.

“As we vote to adopt this year’s budget agreement today, I call on Governor Cuomo, a champion of all of New York’s children, to adopt the Education Investment Tax Credit Legislation this year and fund it in next year’s budget,” said the Assemblyman. “It is a matter of equity. Our families deserve their fair share.”

Despite the bill not passing, Hikind applauded its sponsors. “I was told from the beginning that TAP would never happen,” he said. “I worked on it for many years until it came to fruition. This fight is not over. We will not stop until the Education Investment Tax Credit becomes a reality in New York this year,” he said.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. So if yeshivos want to teach their students that Bris Milah is a mitsva not a mutilation, and that gays are abnormal and wrong, and that crusaders and Romans and pharohs were bad guys who we happened to outlast — they won’t run into any problems?

    Government money means government control. We don’t want to become addicted to government money (the way certain “hareidim” in Israel did, and are now having to break the addiction “cold turkey” when they saw the strings attached).

  2. I guess this is an indication of Hikind’s effectivness in Albany. Working with the other Assemblymembers instead of calling press conferences may help our community.

  3. this bill was all about separating taxpayers from their hard earned money. not a PENNY would’ve ended by teh parents. All bills will be useless until they give a tax CREDIT to teh taxpaying parents. read the bill, why did thebill require that the donor receive approval before the donation and the money must go thru foundations? Its a waste of money and a new $$ and power grab for those in power. we need to set up charter schools for general studies in the afternoon. The charter schools can rent space from the yeshivos. The BOE will be required to pick up the tab.

  4. Agreed: All bills will be useless until they give a tax CREDIT to the taxpaying parents or school vouchers to ALL parents.

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