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NY Fire Board Says Chief Made Anti-Semitic Remark About Jewish Town Supervisor

ffA suburban New York fire department, responding to a report of anti-Semitic remarks, is acknowledging that its chief made an “inappropriate” statement about the Jewish town supervisor.

The board of the Fairview Fire District in Greenburgh said Thursday that Chief Anthony LoGiudice used words that don’t show respect “for people of all religions.” It did not detail the remark.

The Journal News reported earlier that a retired firefighter and a deputy chief said in depositions that LoGiudice used anti-Semitic words to describe Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner.

The depositions came in an age discrimination lawsuit against the department.

The department said on its website that the chief made the remark when he was angry with Feiner over efforts to consolidate fire districts.

Calls to LoGiudice and Feiner were not immediately returned.


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