Launching Shiurim for the Safety of Acheinu Bnei Yisroel

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Klal Yisroel is in trouble and, aside from our Tefilos and our physical efforts, we really also need to strengthen our efforts at limud haTorah.  To this end, we hope to post an in-depth shiur each day.  This shiur is from Rav Binyomin Cohen shlita.

Thursday night, at Ateres Esther in Lakewood, Rav Binyomin Cohen shlita, delivered a shiur l’zecher nishmas his illustrious father’s first Yahrtzeit –  Rav Feivel Cohen zatzal. There were over 100 yungeleit in attendance of the shiur.  Rav Binyomin Cohen is an outstanding Talmid Chochom who is already a Gadol B’Yisroel.  The many volumes of his seforim Chelkas Binyomim have become the go-to sefer on every topic that he covers, both in clarity as well as in depth and profundity.

Rav Elyashiv zt”l held of Rav Feivel zatzal in the highest regard.

The shiur delivered was explaining a Rashi in the halachos of Hashavas Ribbis.


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