Russia’s Chief Rabbi Calls On Ukrainian Jews Not To Meddle In Politics

lazarRussia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar has advised Ukraine’s Jews not to get involved in politics.

“The Jewish communities should not offer any political advice to U.S. President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin or any other national leader, Lazar said in an interview with English-language Jewish media companies, when commenting on Ukrainian Jewish organizations’ recent address to the Russian president.

Lazar said that, in his opinion, such an approach is wrong.

Some Ukrainian Jews chose to support the Maidan regardless of the significant role that ultra-nationalistic and anti-Semitic parties and movements played in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovich in Ukraine, Lazar said.

Several major anti-Semitic incidents, which caused serious concern among Jews worldwide, occurred during the recent unrest in Kiev and other regions of Ukraine, Lazar said.

Events similar to those that took place in Ukraine have not happened in Russia over the past 15 years, but the roots of anti-Semitism run deep in Ukraine, especially in some of its regions, Russia’s chief rabbi said.

(Source: Interfax / FJC)

15 Responses

  1. Was Rabbi giving political advice or religious advice? And if he was giving political advice, what is his political expertise? I am not objecting to his advice, or disagreeing with it. I merely want to know what “hat” (other than the black felt fedora with the “Lubavitcher pinch”) he was wearing when he made his comments.

  2. There is no “Jewish” issue in Ukraine. Both the Ukrainian and Russian governments are equally friendly and/or equally anti-semitic. We should support peace, but not get involved with either side.

  3. The current Russian Chief Rabbi wasn’t even picked by the Jewish community, they picked someone else and certain wealthy russian jews with connections to Putin got the government to override the Jewish communities will and put him in charge. While I a sure he is a nice person and a good rav, he is a putin crony who has to say this due to the corrupt nature he came to authority. Most shuls and Jewish orgs in Russia do not recognize his authority and recognize the rav he deposed. So why should we care what a Putin crony has to say

  4. It’s best to show Putin that he’s not taking sides. Taking a side wouldn’t help the Jews anyway and it could possibly hurt them.

  5. As Kveens Yid writes, this is sadly an old story, chabad sent “it’s own rabbis” their not happy with R Bleich, this man works for Putin, very obvious.

  6. Holy Brother,

    Rabbi Bleich has nothing to do with this or with Rabbi Lazar.

    Rabbi Bleich is in Ukraine, Rabbi Lazar in Russia.

  7. In this case, taking no sides is taking Putin’s side; which is ok with me, just be honest about it. Lazar is betting on his boss, and also with the winner in this issue.

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