Church Official: Pope’s Trip To Israel In Peril

popeA top Roman Catholic official in the Holy Land says a trip to Israel by Pope Francis in late May is in peril because of a strike by Israeli diplomats.

Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal told reporters Thursday that if the strike continues, the pope may remove Israel from his itinerary.

He says planned stops in Jordan and the West Bank will not be affected.

Twal, the Church’s top clergyman in the region, said officials have received assurances from the Israeli government that the trip will not be disrupted.

Israeli diplomats play a key role in make preparations for visiting dignitaries.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry went on strike this week, demanding higher salaries and improved work conditions. They had reduced operations in recent weeks in a prelude to the strike.


13 Responses

  1. I think both comments 1 and 2 are myopic and inappropriate. This pope is one of the best friends yidden have had in Rome in many years and his visit was eagerly awaited by many Isrealis. Every time a pope meets with the government of EY, it also conveys a degree of global political legitimacy which is obviously not a positive to those that hate the current government and anything which it does. Such a visit would benefit yidden throughout the world, help in the fight against anti-semitism and be a net positive. There were plans for him to daven (in his own mesorah) at the Kosel and Rav Rabinovitch had already worked through the protocols as he had for visits by prior Popes. This time, there were none of the stupid suggestions from prior visits about having the Pope remove his tzemel before he entered the kosel plaza.

  2. Israel has promised him gifts, kever dovid hamelech amongst others, So I’m happy if he doesn’t come

    Did u know he has Jewish blood?

  3. #4, your screen name is an insult to a true Godol Btorah. Last time I checked, millions of our ancestors were brutally murdered, persecuted and tortured over the last 2,000 years. Now , you suddenly want to make nice with this evil idol worshipper ? In a few years from now , I assume you will want to make nice with the decendants of Hitler YMS. Timche es zeicher Amoleik. No matter if he has a smile or not.

  4. People talk foolishness about how good a friend he is. We have to ask how as yidden we need to relate as a friend to him!

    Second there was serious discussion about giving away dovid hamelech to this pagan.

  5. Say what you will about the “idol worshiper” in the white kippah, he attracts a lot of comments on a frum web site.

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