All Jews (and Other Decent Peoples in the World) Should Do the Following:

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Let’s try to save lives by writing to the Red Cross. Go to this website and write a letter similar to the one below.  They are obligated in answering.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today regarding the distressing situation involving the Israeli hostages who were abducted by Hamas on October 7th and are currently held captive in Gaza. The majority of these hostages are civilians, with some of them being babies and toddlers.  They are holding an 8 year old child!!

I am reaching out to inquire whether the International Committee of the Red Cross has access to a list of their names. Furthermore, I am interested in understanding when the Red Cross plans to visit them and ensure that they are being treated with the utmost respect and humanity, in accordance with international humanitarian standards.

It is of the utmost importance to the families of these hostages and the concerned global community that their living status is verified, and communication with their families back home is established. Therefore, I would appreciate any information you can provide on the Red Cross’s role in confirming their well-being and facilitating communication with their loved ones.

Your assistance and support in this matter would be greatly appreciated, and we look to the Red Cross to play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of these individuals during this difficult time.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I eagerly await your response.


4 Responses

  1. Captain James T. Kirk said:

    “We do NOT negotiate with those who
    threaten our lives or the lives of others.”

    Star Trek: Savage Trade (chapter 17, bottom of page 303)
    by Tony Daniel, year 2015 CE, Pocket Books, New York,
    ISBN: 9781476765501 ISBN: 1476765502
    Star Fleet Admiral Arlen McAteer said:

    “We don’t negotiate with thugs and criminals.
    We give them fair warning and
    then we whip their cowardly butts.”

    SOURCE: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Stargazer:
    Enigma (chapter 16, page 209) by Michael Jan Friedman,
    published by Gallery Books in year 2011
    ISBN-10: 1451646356 * ISBN-13: 978-1451646351

  2. jews should nothing at all but learn torah worldwide and daven say some tehillim nothing else will help us now besides that and u know that so could u even suggest 2 write a letter 2 anyone as if that will really help us now ur only burying ur head in the sand if u write that letter cmon don’t u know that this all coming from hashem now so please wake up now b4 it’s 2 late

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