Donald Rumsfeld slams Obama on Afghanistan: ‘Trained ape’ could do better

rumsFormer Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sure didn’t mince words this week when he slammed President Obama and his administration for their handling of Afghanistan: A “trained ape” could do better, he said.

“We have status of forces agreements probably with 100, 125 countries in the world,” he said during a Monday night interview with “On the Record with Greta van Susteren” on Fox News. “This administration, the White House and the State Department have failed to get a status of forces agreement. A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement. It does not take a genius.”

Mr. Rumsfeld also said the former friendly relations America experienced with Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai have gone “downhill like a toboggan” under Mr. Obama, Politico reported.


14 Responses

  1. This guy Rumsfeld had 8 years to get things right in Afghanistan and could not do it. What makes him or anyone else think he could now do better than a trained ape?

    Oh, wait – this guy Rumsfeld had less than 8 years to get it right in Afghanistan, because his bosses, Cheney and Bush 43, fired him for getting it wronger than a trained ape.

    So would everyone please not listen to the guys who had from 2001 to 2009 to fix things in Afghanistan, spent bazillions on a war in Iraq that weakened the most significant opponent of the Islamic Republic of Iran, spent more bazillions on a futile effort in Afghanistan, and have nothing to show for it.

    About the only thing they did right was kill Bin Laden. Mission accomplished.

  2. Obama messed up in both Iraq and Afghanistan effectively turning a decade of thousands of American’s blood into waste as Obama surrenders these places back to the terrorists.

    We need Rumsefeld back in the Pentagon.

  3. Unfair comparison to apes. If an ape was brought up to see American exceptionalism as a bad thing, to see American culture as the root of all evil, and to see American intervention abroad as a cause of war (e.g. World War II would have ended in 1940 had we not gotten involved by helping China and Britain, and then declaring war on Japan and Germany the following year) — the ape would do the same thing. If you train your ape at elite leftist universities, he’ll act like any other Democrat.

  4. Rumsfeld compares Obama to an untrained ape. Mr. Rumsfeld is a man who held a high office and speaks like a boor. Although I did not vote for Obama I have respect for the office he holds. I learned more about Rumsfeld than I did about Obama by Rumsfeld’s inability to control his tongue.

  5. Re Comment No. 2: You are exactly right – President Obama never should have started those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rumsfeld would never have done that, would have recognized there is nothing to be gained by war in those countries. After all, he is probably smarter than a trained ape.

  6. One other thing, Commenter No. 2: You say that President Obama is surrendering Iraq and Afghanistan “back to the terrorists”. So the terrorists had control of these places before Pres. Obama (or his predecessor, or King Kong Rumsfeld) invaded? So if we never invaded, what have the invasions bought us? And how much more should we spend – in money and American (but not my, maybe not your) blood to get our money’s worth, or blood’s worth?

  7. akuperma said:
    ” If you train your ape at elite leftist universities, he’ll act like any other Democrat.”

    That was funny 🙂 Thanks.

  8. Isn’t this Rumsfeld guy the person in charge when the corrupted Karzei (who is reportedly under the influence of pills to control his mental illness) was chosen to head the country (probably forever, until a revolution or something similar).

    The US can have a force operating agreement with many countries, since they don’t have such a president like Karzai, who was hand picked by the pentagon under Rumsfeld’s tenure.

    So shut up! some decency please.

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