Yad L’Achim Steps Up Counter-Assimilation Efforts


While Yad L’Achim ensures that they rescue Jewish women & children that are trapped in Arab villages, they are constantly working to prevent the assimilation from taking place in the first place.

Throughout the year, Yad L’Achim arranges lectures that raise awareness among Jewish girls as to the effects of intermarriage with Arabs, in a bid to nip the painful problem at the bud.

As part of its information campaign, Yad L’Achim’s counter-assimilation department is currently recruiting Jewish survivors of Arab villages who can tell their personal stories at assemblies at high schools, ulpana-religious high schools and youth groups throughout Israel. At these venues, and at gatherings sponsored by the Social Welfare Agency for the general public, these speakers offer a first-hand look at the severe consequences of assimilation on Jewish women and their children. While similar lectures are constantly taking place throughout Eretz Yisrael, Yad L’Achim is looking to increase the amount of awareness due to the large amounts of calls coming in to Yad L’Achim’s hotline. The hotline, which operates 24 hours a day so as not to miss any emergency call, has been receiving over 150 calls every

At the same time, Yad L’Achim is distributing among educational institutions around the country copies of the best-selling Shvuyot – “Captives,” in which authoress A. Chetzroni tells the true stories of three women who were rescued from Arab villages. These women were severed from their people and traditions and subjected to serious abuse until their rescue.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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