VIDEO: Pew – Next Generation More Than 50% Non-White

downloadFor the first time in American history, non-whites will make up half or more of the next generation, likely pushing Washington toward a bigger government — and the GOP better tone down their anti-government rhetoric if they want to win them, according to a top polling outfit.

At a briefing for congressional aides hosted by the moderate Republican Ripon Society, Pew Research Vice President Michael Dimock said that the trend among younger Americans is support for government programs and acceptance of Democratic Party policies.

“Their tendency is more liberal, their tendency is bigger government,” he said of so-called “millennials” born between 1979 and 1995. They will likely set the trend for the still-unnamed next generation.

“This is a generation that is 41 percent non-white; the generation behind it is likely to be close to 50 if not more than 50 percent non-white, and the anti-government kind of tone is one that really doesn’t resonate with that non-white sector in particular,” said Dimock at the Ripon retreat.

His advice to the GOP: “Try to take as much of the anti-government rhetoric out.”

Ripon provided Secrets with a video of his recent presentation. In it, he said that younger voters are both pro-government and pro-business, split over gun control, back abortion and believe welfare does more good than harm. What’s more, they are not angry voters and are still politically diverse.

“I think he confirmed what a lot of Republicans already know, that the party has a lot of work to do with younger Americans, who view the GOP as politically rigid and ideologically out of step. If there’s a bright spot, it’s that millennials are increasingly untethered to either party, which means there’s a chance for Republicans to win them back,” said Ripon’s Lou Zickar.

Pollster John Zogby, who has dubbed millennials First Globals in his new book, said those born after 1979 already number 75 million and will grow to become bigger than the 78-million strong Baby Boom generation, and that should be good for Democrats.

We asked him about Dimock’s prediction and characterization of the current and coming generation.

Said Zogby, who does our weekly report card on President Obama: “The 41 percent non-white figure is right on the money and so is the projection. There is a strong libertarian streak, but they largely do not hate government if it can prove to be a problem-solver. They have no patience for loud debates and for bureaucratic entropy, favoring quick and streamlined forms of problem-solving and decision-making — just as they have learned in video games. There is also an upside to their all having received a trophy: They are great believers and practitioners in teamwork. This is potentially great news for Democrats and liberals (34 percent call themselves such), but mainly it is worse news for the GOP, who have no meaningful outreach or connectivity with them.”


6 Responses

  1. 1. The biggest change was when the country ceased to be primarily WASP, which occured in the late 19th century. That was traumatic. Remember that the English considered the Irish to be little better than beasts, and burning Catholics was once the national sport among those who founded America (and at the beginning of the colonial period, England was “Judenrein” as were many colonies up to the Revolution).

    2. Hispanics, Middle Easterners (including Jews, Arabs, etc.), and South Asians, are defined as “white” when they are affluent and become accepted in society, and for all purposes the same can be said of people from East Asia. An immigrant from Mumbai, Seoul, Havana or Tel Aviv is no different than one from Dublin, Rome, Warsaw or Odessa. Politically there is no “racial” factor relating from the pigmentation of immigrants. Note that most of the leaders of the Republican party (and especially the “Tea party favorites”) are non-WASP, and several are children or grandchildren of immigrants.

    3. The only exception, and the only really distinct minority (other than the American Indians) are African Americans. And the percentage of African Americans in the United States is falling due to a falling birth rate, low immigration from Africa and high intermarriage with other groups.

  2. American culture is going down the tubes being sold to special interest immigration votes by the Democrats importing voters.

  3. Of course!

    The Western countries, Europe, America, and Russia are now in steep population decline. As documented in a recent harvard population study, the iron rule is “Less religion, less population.”

    Selfish, decadent people have no rationale for sharing and sacrificing for children. they want to enjoy the “Good Life,” with no bothersome little brats to spoil their fun.

    So, the atheist “West” has an average of 1.7 children per family or less–way below the necessary @.3 choldren per family required to simply maintain their present numbers.

    Just take a look at our our own community, here, and in Israel.

    Secular Jews are losing population, just like secular Westerners. However, Chareidi Jews have an astounding average of 8 children per family.

    That is the REAL reason that Yair lapid and Naftoli Bennett are so gung-ho to secularize the Chareidi community. Lapid knows that the Chareidim will be the majority is he doesn’t secularize their children quiclkly.

    If he fails, he and his cronies will have to join his pal Avrohom Burg (former speaker of the Knesset) in his Parisian exile in France.

  4. what is new here? most whites go to college and don’t get married, at least to the opposite sex, and if they do, they put off having children. It interferes with their pursuit of pleasure.

    it is the minorities that are not so ‘enlightened’ who still marry and have children. so the next generation of Americans will be majority of non whites.

    Read the news, fellow Jew, and come to Israel to live and have a family and be normal.

  5. chachom:

    “special immigration votes” — you mean like, Jews???

    The Hispanics (who are all Christians, even if racially they are largely related to the Indians) have much more in common with the “old stock” Americans than we do. And while the Asian cultures are quite different from traditional American culture, most immigrants are Christians attracted here by the desire to be part of America’s traditional Christian culture.

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