YWN New Features Update: Simchas, Classifieds, & Baruch Dayan Ha’emees

ywnlnYWN is proud to announce that the newest YWN features are being are being fully utilized by our strong global readership base.

We have received hundreds of emails thanking us for the newest offered services and it always makes our days when we read such nice emails.

We thank everyone for their thoughts and good wishes  and we ask that you let us know more of your feedback/thoughts so we can work on improving and create even more useful tools for the YWN global community.


With over 800 Simchas added and over 4,000 comments posted over the span of a few short months (43 months approximately),  we are very happy to share in everyones simchas.  We should all continue celebrating Simchas together.


We have received such a large & positive  response from our new classifieds section. in the course of 3 weeks, we have over 100 live listings and many new user registrations.  It makes us so proud that we can further help yidden around the globe  provide parnassah to their families.  Others have commented that they were able to score great deals on appliances and used cars. Keep the feedback coming and while you clean for Pesach, instead of throwing that old item out, list it on the classifieds section!

Baruch Dayan Ha’emmes:

Though we apprehensively glance at this section and are deeply saddened every time, a new entry is submitted, YWN has  further enabled people to be fulfill the mitzvah of Nichum Avelim. We are proud to know this forum is being used to console others in times of sadness and distress. May we all be zoche, to close this page down speedily in our days.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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