Beginning on Wednesday, Many Jerusalem Children Will be Lunch-less

chederThe Rashi Fund, which supplies government funded hot lunches to thousands of students in schools in Yerushalayim informed schools that beginning this Wednesday, 24 Adar II, it will cease delivering the meals. These meals are intended for children coming from low-income families towards providing them with a single hot balanced meal daily.

The reason given for halting the hot lunch program by the Rashi Fund is the Education Ministry’s decision to halt the program in the capital. According to a Yated Neeman report, this will impact at least 10,000 talmidim in schools in the capital.

It is also reported that the announcement came from the Rashi Fund and the schools that will be impacted have not received any formal notification from the ministry. The ministry has not responded to this report.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Their mothers will give lunches in bags. Do you really think that one is able to eat only if the government is feeding you? In all fairness, children got along for millenia being fed by their parents and not by the state.

  2. I still don’t understand (although I can definitely take a very educated guess) the government reasoning for doing such a cruel thing. What, they would rather use those same funds to support those low life Arabs? Cause that is definitely hands down the destination for those funds.

  3. To #2 ezlev — no!!! The government is giving money to yeshivas so that grown men can sit and learn, and not earn money to feed their children!!! I guess the government could cut money to many yeshivas, so that at least it will have money left over to feed these poor children.

    Some funds go to arabs but remember that those Arabs also pay Israel taxes just like you and me. Granted they are not sitting and learning in kollel, but they are at least paying taxes, so it’s not crazy that the government helps them out also.

  4. There is nothing cruel going on here. Its time Mommy and Tati took responsibility for the children they brought into this world. baruch Hashem they have the privelige of living in the Holy Land. Robert Rogoff. Passaic nj

  5. “In all fairness, children got along for millenia being fed by their parents and not by the state.”

    Wrong. Read the last chapter of Yerushalmi Peah, and chapter 9 of Rambam Hilchot Matanot Aniyim. The communal authorities — i.e. the government — were commanded by the rabbis to set up communal charity funds and food programs after the agricultural set-asides for the poor ceased to be effective.

  6. To is acceptable in all countries that there is free or subsidized hot lunches for lower income families..Check out your facts..

  7. to #1 It seems you are really unaware of the poverty that is the norm for many if not most school children in Israel. For many of the children that receive this hot meal it is there only meal of the day. Many children who do not receive this meal go hungry from 7.30 when they leave home to when they return after a long day of school. My nephew brings an extra sandwich each day for a child in his class that accepts it hungrily and there are many such children.
    This cut will mean very many children going hungry…

  8. There are mitzvose that primarily fall on the father, and in cases where he does not fulfill it, the mitzvah can eventually become the responsibility of the community (through beis din). Milah is a good example; there is also much discussion in the gemara and poskim about mezonose.

    It seems reasonable that in our situation, if parents do not satisfy their obligation of feeding their children, then the responsibility becomes that of the community. BUT – it should be clear that this is b’dieved. Just as no one would say it’s ok for parents not to give their sons a bris milah, since who cares beis din will do it, it should be clear the obligation of mezonose falls first and foremost on parents. If father and mothers need to stop learning and start working — or start some career training so they can eventually work and put food on the table — in order to fulfill their chiyuv to feed their children, then that should be the first step.

    It is very sad that many parents cannot afford to feed their children. That is tragic. But willingly avoiding efforts, hishtadlus, that would help them put food on the table, that seems to me negligent and cruel.

  9. Oh yes,akuperma and Mr. Rogoff, their mother will give them empty bags for lunch and they should just starve. That isn’t cruel at all…

  10. we should daven for their nourishment. after we do that we can point fingers. I would blame the waste of food in America by frum people who make extravagant parties and don’t send the leftovers to people who need it. the braca we enjoy from our wealth is fine but we need to remember others not so fortunate. the non jewish workers at kosher food establishments are eating well so let us do our part to feed needy jews. another thing may be how we close our doors to outsiders from joining us for meals. jews who are alone or poor should be welcomed to eat and made comfortable to stay and become part of our families. when we don’t do this our extended families in Israel are left without food and comfort. may we all improve in these areas I”YH.

  11. The poverty level with most children in Israel is not that high. The only reason why these kids don’t have food is because their parents refuse to work. Now that the children need to bring their own lunches, their father will have to go get a job to provide for them.

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