(New York) – It was a heated exchange on the Zev Brenner Show. The debate was between a self-proclaimed cult-buster, Rabbi Shea Hecht, and Rabbi Yair Hoffman.
Rabbi Hoffman took Rabbi Hecht to task for claiming that one of the top Yeshivos for bochurim returning from Eretz Yisroel is actually a cult. He further took him to task for saying, “If we are right, then we have closed down a Yeshiva and the bochurim need a new place. But if we are right, Hashem Yerachem! That is Gilui Arayos, incest, Shfichas Damim and AVodah Zarah!” Rabbi Yair Hoffman stated that Rabbi Hecht’s claims are completely unfounded and constitute complete lashon Harah against a Talmid Chochom and Tzaddik who had built an extraordinary Yeshiva, Kollel and community in Great Neck, New York – Rabbi Eitan Rubin shlita. Rabbi Hecht countered Rabbi Hoffman and asked how dare Rabbi Hoffman equate his claims with the famous forgery of the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?”
After the mothers of the Talmidim called in, however, it was “game over.” Numerous viewers remarked that the attackers of the Yeshiva suffered an unmitigated disaster. “Rabbi Rubin was completely vindicated,” remarked a Monsey couple. “Rabbi Hecht couldn’t even respond to their sharp upbraiding of the cult-busting Rabbi.
Rabbi Tzvi Gluck, founder and director of Amudim, carefully explained how none of his investigations and the formidable team he put together, found anything remotely resembling the narrative of those attacking the Yeshiva.
Philanthropist George Rohr called in and informed Rabbi Hecht that he has known Rabbi Rubin since his childhood and warned him to triple-check everything because Rabbi Rubin is an earnest and talented mechanech. Rabbi Yair Hoffman noted that Rabbi Hecht never met Rabbi Rubin, nor did he ever visit the Yeshiva. Four parents called in denying Rabbi Hecht’s assertions and singing the praises of Rabbi Rubin. They explained that Rabbi Rubin was the furthest thing from a cult leader. The Chabad shliach in Great Neck called in as well and explained that Rabbi Rubin allowed the Talmidim of the Yeshiva to attend a Tanya shiur in the Chabad Rabbi’s home. Rabbi Hecht harshly rebuked the Great Neck Chabad Rabbi for not responding to his inquiries previously. Toward the end, even Rabbi Hecht admitted that the products of the Yeshiva were model Torah scholars and exhibited the finest Midos.
38 Responses
It seems that many people in the comment forum know quite a lot about what has been going on with this yeshiva, and therefore present a strong side when generating their comments. It could be that people involved in this heated debate already will come into this article and video with a confirmation bias, which ultimately fuels what they write. I watched this video with an intent similar to watching any two people debate (I believe in the podcast Zev Brenner equated this to a “presidential debate”) and with minimal to no knowledge about this yeshiva’s reputation. Rabbi Hecht presents with a confident, passionate, and sympathetic demeanor strengthened by the visuals of a video (not to mention his reputation as a cult buster), while Rabbi Hoffman presents facts in a respectful and calm manner that appear carefully researched (ex: knowing who the negative parent was with minimal identification and asking a pointed question about his family, after which was confirmed by Tzvi Gluck).
A few points I’m pondering about:
– If we are giving weight to reputations because of Rabbi Hecht, should we not also give weight to the reputations of Tzvi Gluck and George Rohr, both of whom vouched to some degree for this Rabbi Rubin?
– If we are giving weight to the comments of negative parents, should we not also give weight to the comments of positive parents?
– How many families who are negative had family issues before their children entered this yeshiva?
– How many people who speak negatively about this yeshiva ever visited the yeshiva or spoke to Rabbi Rubin? On the flip side, should someone who’s never been exposed to this yeshiva and/or Rabbi Rubin speak positively about it? How is a reputation created?
– How many bochurim, if any, ever left the yeshiva to go to other yeshivos? What is the percentage of bochurim staying vs leaving since the opening of this yeshiva? Which yeshivos are they going to (ex: mainstream)? Are there any other yeshivos that also conduct themselves in this way, but are not seen as a problem?
Finally, as an aside, I would be scared to say anything positive about yeshiva after the way Rabbi Hecht responded to the Chabad Rabbi. When there’s a vocal minority and a silent majority, naturally people steer clear and avoid saying anything that may oppose the vocal minority’s opinion (look at the social justice movements that have been going on in the goyish velt, for instance).
@ Chaim Weiss
You mixed many matters in one small paragraph. I sm not a very known individual, so am amazed that you know my identity. I am not trying to egg you on. If you know who I am, please reach out to me (even anonymously) I will gladly admit that I am the one writing here.
I don’t represent anyone in any campaign.
I did not know that the controversy has been going on for 2 years.
I did hear that Rabbi Rubin was going to shut down the yeshiva to help boys get shidduchim, but Rav Elya Brudny helped out, vouched for the yeshiva, and helped it continue. You are correct that it may have been more recent than I think.
I am still not sure why you are getting all worked up. I suspect this is a case of mistaken identity and you are taking it out on me.
I’m very confused. Does anyone know of a cult that isn’t hiding out and is in the middle of long island? Maybe the place is weird or intense, but cult seems wrong. It seems as though words don’t need to be calculated by some people.
Also, does R Rubin not have a family? We’re talking about a person as if there are no consequences to this.
Is there no number to contact them? If I just show up will they lock me out? What cult invites parents to come spend shabbos?
Sounds to me to be a witch hunt as Mr Rohr said. I don’t know about anyone else, but if he’s vouching for someone (look at what he’s done here in Florida, let alone chabad all over the world), alongside rabbonim who don’t usually vouch for people, would definitely give me pause. Very very dependable movers in klal yisroel on different fronts who don’t endorse people are doing so here.
My friends daughter married a boy from there. He said the rabbi is very friendly and spoke about sports in his machshava shiur. Doesn’t seem like a cult.
If the yeshiva is watching this, my advice is to make an open event and invite people to come see you firsthand. There are a lot more people than you think ready to get to know you. I’m ready! It’s not too far from Florida. Jeremyeisen2 on Gmail if you decide to do it.
@abeb That wasn’t a few years ago. It was a result of the now two-year long campaign by the people you represent to slander the yeshiva.
There are few people, even among those on your side, who take pleasure in the pain of people whom they’ve never met. Your attempt to brand innocent bochurim in such an underhanded way leaves little doubt as to your identity.
Additionally, contrary to your claim, I am not trying to fool anyone. Only 17 different people have commented on this article. It is a few days old and no one is going back to it. I am pretty sure it is just you and I. I actually thought we were having a real discussion and gladly offered you to reach out to me directly, to continue off line (assuming you know who I am. I don’t know who you are, but if you know who I am, that means I am not hiding and whatever I comment is with the knowledge that you know who is saying it). I am remaining respectful.
@Chaim Weiss
Back to the name calling. When Rabbi Rubin was going to close the yeshiva a few years ago, it was to give bochurim a better chance at shidduchim. Additionally, bochurim were sent to larger yeshiva’s to increase their shidduch chances as well. No malicious intent in my comments. No reason to get worked up.
@abeb You’re pushing the lie that the bochurim had any issues with shidduchim before you and company tried to turn what was known as “a shtark place in Great Neck” into some kind of nefarious place with the kind of vague innuendo you’re pushing here.
There are very few people on your side who are literate, and so it’s not hard to figure out your identity. The pretense that you’re casually interested in the subject and yet happen to be aware of a select few details and happen to be spinning them into a very particular yarn is fooling no one.
Regarding the shidduch situation in general, I commented that it is highly unlikely that multiple people dislike the yeshiva due to bochurim in the yeshiva not wanting to marry their daughters. Being that the bochurim are struggling with shidduchim even after transferring out for the sake of shidduchim, it sounds like a fantastic claim to say that multiple people are disgruntled with the boys due to shidduch rejection. I would rather not continue this specific disagreement in a public forum.
@Chaim Weiss
” I think I know who you are, and so I’m not surprised that you would do this”.
I doubt you know me and if you did you probably wouldn’t write that sentence as if your claim is true (which it isn’t) “You know that what I’m saying is true about the fathers of girls because he literally testified to this at the panel. It’s therefore quite insidious of you to deny this”
, it would actually be out of character for me.
It’s back to the name calling.
I have no clue whatsoever who you are (the only clue you gave was that you have deep knowledge of the yeshiva world) but if you know who I am feel free to reach out (it can be anonymously) to continue the conversation. I don’t think it is benefiting the yeshiva to have continued articles and debates in a public forum. Two weeks ago, 99% of people that ever heard of the yeshiva knew of it as a “shtark place in Great Neck”.
@abeb “I don’t feel anyone can have a claim on Rabbi Hecht, who was present at the panel, for advising a parent to look for other options.”
Hecht made two factual assertions in his email that were completely false and slanderous. He will likely have to face the music in a bais din, and certainly in bais din shel maala.
It’s also basic human wisdom and decency not to come to conclusions without hearing from the other side, ESPECIALLY when one heard highly emotional (read: dramatized, choreographed, calculated character assassination), but these are qualities that Hecht has shown himself not to possess. Fortunately, the world now knows this.
Hecht publicized his letter. He or his handlers were spreading it around like the flu.The question was so obviously a setup.
You know that what I’m saying is true about the fathers of girls because he literally testified to this at the panel. It’s therefore quite insidious of you to deny this.
@abeb “I don’t feel anyone can have a claim on Rabbi Hecht, who was present at the panel, for advising a parent to look for other options.”
Hecht made two factual assertions in his email that were completely false and slanderous. He will likely have to face the music in a bais din, and certainly in bais din shel maala.
It’s also basic human wisdom and decency not to come to conclusions without hearing from the other side, ESPECIALLY when one heard highly emotional (read: dramatized, choreographed, calculated character assassination), but these are qualities that Hecht has shown himself not to possess. Fortunately, the world now knows this.
Hecht publicized his letter. He or his handlers were spreading it around like the flu.The question was so obviously a setup.
You know that what I’m saying is true about the fathers of girls because he literally testified to this at the panel. It’s therefore quite insidious of you to deny this. I think I know who you are, and so I’m not surprised that you would do this.
The disgruntled parents made false claims and even the two that called in lied about their identity and their “facts” – that’s very disturbing to me because if they were sure of their position they wouldn’t be hiding and lying about their position, which is exactly what Zvi Gluck called out. Besides for the fact that both parents had terrible relationships with their children years before their children even knew about the yeshiva! If anyone actually wants to investigate, which Rabbi Hecht did not – as he has not spoken to one person in Yeshiva – they can get all of the details. But Rabbi Hecht and everyone else has no right to speak out against the Yeshiva without looking into both sides of the story
@ Chaim Weiss
I hear what you are saying and agree that your viewpoint has merit. That being said, the panel was 6.5 hours of intense, emotional testimony that definitely gives one the impression that the yeshiva is run in atypical fashion. I don’t feel anyone can have a claim on Rabbi Hecht, who was present at the panel, for advising a parent to look for other options. Rabbi Hoffman stated that the reason he wrote his piece is because he believed that Rabbi Hecht orchestrated the letter in order to publicize his opinion. Rabbi Hecht claims that is not the case, and assured Rabbi Hoffman that if he has a strong opinion, he is not afraid to publicize it and does not need to hide behind a fabricated letter. Rabbi Hoffman seemed to agree in theory that if there were.ore than a few “disgruntled parents” there would be merit to the claims against the yeshiva. There definitely seem to be more than a few. You do seem to have an answer that there are parents that are upset that boys in the yeshiva did not marry their daughters. The BMGN boys do not have the easiest time in shidduchim, so I doubt that they could have been in the position to break too many hearts. The testimonies were heart wrenching and it is hard to have a complaint on someone who took a negative stance after hearing the testimony.
P.S. I appreciate the civilized discussion.
@abeb “he is dealing with 7 families” means nothing if they’re people who don’t like the yeshiva because their daughter was rejected by a boy for marriage and other reasons. These are not parents. There simply aren’t more than one la parent that has a grievance against the yeshiva.
“There was more than one rosh yeshiva that testified”. The other rosh yeshiva made no statement of fact, so I’m not counting his putting his thumb on the scale on the side of the parents as much, but ymmv if you consider it substantive.
The testimony of said rosh yeshiva in the name of the former rebbe was positive. What that rosh yeshiva did was read selected excerpts of it and claim that the rebbe only wrote that letter to be cordial. Sneakily, he left out the portions where the rebbe needlessly praised the yeshiva. I’m attaching the whole letter here:
Lekavod Harosh Yeshiva Shlit”a,
I heard the heartbreaking news and am at a loss of words. I feel terrible for the Rosh Yeshiva, terrible for the bochurim, and I feel terrible for Klal Yisroel. I know that whatever reasons the Rosh Yeshiva had for making such a devastating decision were no doubt the right ones, and as always he is putting the talmidim first.
I will always be grateful to the Rosh Yeshiva for what he has done for me and my family. BMGN will forever remain the prototype perfect Yeshiva for bochurim to shteig in all areas of aliyah. And your talmidim choshuvim will continue to project your light onto Klal Yisroel forever.
May Hakadosh Boruch Hu give you tremendous success in all your future steps of doing His ratzon, and may He be mechazek you and your remarkable family.
Please call me any time.
With much love and respect,
Shaul S****
@Chaim Weiss.
I don’t know how many people from his community were at the panel, but he did testify that he is dealing with 7 families from his community alone..it shouldn’t make a difference if they flew in for the panel or not.
As far as wether Rabbi Rubin met with the panel, I don’t think there is any disagreement to the facts. It was only pointed out on air that he did not meet them on the original prearranged date.
As for the panel’s opinion,I have heard different statements going in each direction (but not too extreme on either side). They seemed to have pulled out after Rabbi Rubin had his toen write to them that they are unqualified to paskin on the matter, so I guess the panel’s opinion will never be released.
I don’t know if the rosh yeshiva said that Rabbi Rubin has no right to pick panel members, but I take your word for it.
There was more than
one rosh yeshiva that testified and I don’t agree to your assessment that the roshie yeshiva are not respected. Again, baseless name calling that can be avoided in a nature dialog.
One of the Roshie Yeshiva, read testimony that he heard from a former rebbi. For the sake of this discussion, that qualifies as testimony, even though it may not be truly first-hand.
Dear @shira David, assumptions like the one you have made here is what perpetuates the false narrative of this atrocity being perpetrated on Rav Rubin.
You assume Rabbi Hoffman unilaterally decided to throw his voice in the battle just for the sake of increasing advertising dollars. It is a foolish assumption at best.
The truth is Rabbi Hoffman was asked to speak out against Rav Rubin by the parents trying to destroy him. They asked him to help with their campaign of lies and manipulation. They unfortunately did not do their due diligence or would have known that Rabbi Hoffman holds Rav Rubin and his yeshiva in the highest regard and would not only never disparage him with such malicious lies but as he has done has endeavored to bring the truth to the very public he was being asked to make false claims too.
If Rabbi Hoffman is personally responsible for anything it is being a light in the darkness of angry parents lies.
@abeb there was only one family from his community who had children in the yeshiva at the panel. No respected rosh yeshiva testified as to anything that they had first hand knowledge of. That’s not testimony. And that so called respected rosh yeshiva is hardly respected by anyone..and I say this as someone with deep knowledge of the yeshiva world.
In any case, that rosh yeshiva without portfolio wrote that Rabbi Rubin has no right to choose any members of the panel as it’s “not his panel”.
Nevertheless, Rabbi Rubin met with the members of the panel (as rabbi tzvi gluck mentioned on air) and every single member of the panel felt that there was no basis to the claims. Rabbi Lopiansky called it a “modern day lynching” . Rabbi Hopfer said he doesn’t even see smoke, never mind fire. Rabbi Eichenstein said ” nobody is saying it’s a cult”. Well, here we are.
@Chaim Weiss.
You seem to know what went on at the meeting. If you, you surely know that one respected out-of-town menahal represented 7 families from his community alone. You surely know that well respected roshie yeshiva testified about issues in the yeshiva. You may know that it is true that Rabbi Rubin’s side was part of the process of picking the panel, and yes he backed out 3 days before. I understand your frustration, but the name calling is uncalled for.
Also, @shira david, the “no show” claim was debunked on air by Rabbi Gluck of amudim. Try harder
@shira david, the “15 parents” are actually 4 parents. The others who testified include a fabulist whose daughter was distraught and “traumatized” that a bachur in yeshiva didn’t want to marry her, an activist whose son never learned in yeshiva, and a sundry cast of characters with lots of time on their hands and faint claims to prominence, probably including yourself.
@shira david …… let me clarify!
You clearly don’t have the proper context, so let me fill you in. Many months ago a few parents united to destroy an entire Yeshiva. They found a few chest pounding, ego driven, narrow minded bigots and told them their story. The chest pounding, ego driven, narrow minded bigots took the parents stories to be 100% true and decided that there is no need to research and hear both sides. They lied and played 3 Rabbanim to believe that they want shalom, and staged a meeting where the other side was “invited” to, when in fact all their ammunition was already stacked and ready to be deployed.
After this meeting the parents and the chest pounding bigots sent out a letter PUBLICLY against the yeshiva claiming that the 3 Rabbanim, hereby called Daas Torah, agreed with them that the Yeshiva is a cult.
The 3 Raabanim sent out their own letter stating that the letter was not put out by them and that this was a severe wrongdoing.
Then the parents & chest pounding bigots & Co. sent out an email with Hecht’s nonsense PUBLICLY against the yeshiva.
It was a sad and foolish move for the parents & chest pounding bigots & Co. to take this in front of the public. But the damage is done, and all Rabbi Hoffman has done was defend and protect a Yeshiva that has become victimized when in fact Parents & chest pounding bigots & Co. have escalated this fight into what it has become.
Dear Rabbi Hoffman,
Not many people in the public knew that this yeshiva had an issues yet alone that it even was around. After all it’s a small boutique yeshiva with less than fifty students. It wasn’t until you wrote an article about this yeshiva that created all this lashen harah. I think you need to look in the mirror and ask who’s casing this Rabbi and yeshiva all the damage you’re claiming. If you were a smart and honest peace broker, You would encourage Rabbi Rubin to negotiate peace with the families that have claims. Obviously the families that are happy will remain happy. Instead you’re personally responsible for making an issue that didn’t exist a horrible situation. Your readers say that any one defending rabbi Hecht is on the e take getting money. I find that so ironic since your articles about yourself in both yeahiva world and voisizniess to increase advertising dollars. The entire jewish community is watching. When this is over and the truth surfaces which it will. I wonder if you have the courage to say you made a mistake. The 15 affected families met for 7 hours in Philadelphia to try to make peace and Rabbi Rubin was invited but he was a no show. He didn’t have the courage to face the pained families, but rather hid himself behind his poor Talmudim. No one in the public heard about that or even knew about it. It’s you and you alone that’s causing all the pain for the yeshiva , it’s rabbis and students. Work on making peace rather then on making a name for yourself. You are a wise man instead of causing more issues try to fix issues.
Praying for shalom.
Gmar khasima tova
A very concerned member of klal Yisroel.
If you have a “Rabbi” from a group that beleives their dead Rebbe is Moshiach and or G-d chas visholom , and he dares call a Godlo maker who belives in the Real G-d יתברך שמו and the real Moshiach a cult? I THINK THERE IS A SAD MISCALCULATION HERE.
Why won’t you post my opinion? Do you have an agenda? I only see comments from one side ? Reminds me of cnn ?????
Regardless of this discussion Rabbi Hecht has the zchus of saving many yidden from cults.
Finally the truth is coming out! This wonderful Rebbe and Yeshiva does an amazing job. May Hashem give them kochos to continue.
I am not clear on this situation from the video. Confusing and it makes me sad.
I didn’t understand this unreadable article. What motivation would Rabbi Hecht have to lie exactly? What is it about the yeshiva that makes it a cult? What EXACTLY is being charged? All I know is that the these two rabbis who I have met were on the Zev Brenner Show.Please write a more exact article. Charges, rebuttal, etc.
Rabbi h kept on saying, rabbi Hoffman how many shiurim does he say a week if you visited the Yeshiva?
He kept on repeating that. Why shud rabbi Hoffman know that. who cares. Does it mean rabbi Hoffman didn’t visit the Yeshiva Does it mean rabbi Hecht ever visited the Yeshiva
I was in a Yeshiva and can not tel you how many shiurim the rosh Yeshiva gives a week
Hecht keeps on screaming “it’s a 14 month investigation, and it’s still ongoing!” So in 14 months all of the victims he came up with are 2-3 of parents who allege “the yeshiva doesn’t teach kibud av”? And they had to recycle: anyone else notice “Mark” had to call back as “Chaim” to create the appearance that there is more than one “victim”? These people think that if they don’t have total control of their 24 year old son it’s the Yeshiva’s fault and Hecht will cry in pain for the victim. The real victims are their children, some of whom, as Rabbi Hoffman pointed out, never learned in Great Neck Yeshiva and don’t talk to their parents! The true victim’s are the children, Rabbi Hecht. Stop victimizing the Yeshiva that shelters them.
One thing is for sure if H was doing it for the sake of emes he wouldn’t get so heated and scream like a baby waiting for a pacifier. What a that’s A and B why would he care if someone called him a murderer he’s doing it for Hashem!
Bottom line is Hecht and all the others on hecht side are being manipulated by money. It was clear that money was the inspiration!!! It’s a shame that $ has to be the reason why Rabbi R has to suffer! Can’t wait for Hashem to come out of his Hester and show Hecht how to really respect the Torah and leave the innocent alone.
Hearing Rabbi Hecht from a lineage of great rabbis ( who gives a flying flip) for a few seconds, it is obvious he needs help.
this Rabbi needs a patch….zip up his mouth….it is Elul
Knowing Rabbi Shea Hecht for decades it is obvious he lost his mind and in need of help himself
And, what is the theory on story completion and the pain caused and horror uncovered
Rabbi Hecht is a bona fide cult buster. But he could be wrong here. I don’t know the facts.
I listened to the show, and as an outsider listening, I would like to point out two reasons why it is so clear to me that Rabbi Hecht’s claims are completely false, and a huge apology is warranted, for all the damage and pain he has clearly caused. Firstly, he admitted that he never met Rabbi Rubin, nor did he ever visit the Yeshiva. How can any logical and just person make a judgement based on one side. There are always two sides to a story. Calling one side the victim and the other the perpetrator, without ever meeting and speaking to the other side, is barbaric. I would go so far to say, that he might have intentionally not met the other side, as it would have been more difficult for him to spread this false narrative. Additionally, he admitted openly throughout the show that the students of the Yeshiva are wonderful amazing boys. If this was a cult, the members would be zombies and unable to blend into society. We also heard from multiple parents and callers how amazing the students of the Yeshiva are. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Wonderful boys=Wonderful Yeshiva=Wonderful Rosh Yeshiva.