Does Harav Chaim’s Promise Still Apply? Harav Zilberstein Says Yes

Does HaRav Chaim's promise about the Torah's protection of Bnei Brak still apply after his petirah? (Photos: HaRav Chaim, z'tl. Shuki Lehrer; The arrest of a terrorist last month in Kiryat Herzog.)

Following the attempted terror attack that took place in the Kiryat Herzog neighborhood of Bnei Brak last month, the residents made a decision to strengthen Shemiras Shabbos and close the area to traffic on Shabbos.

About a month ago, an Arab terrorist stabbed an avreich in Kiryat Herzog, a formerly secular neighborhood that borders both Bnei Brak and Tel Aviv. B’Chasdei Hashem, the avreich was only lightly injured and the terrorist was quickly caught and arrested.

The nature of Kiryat Herzog has changed in recent years, with a rise in Chareidi residents, but the neighborhood was not closed to traffic on Shabbos. Following the attack, the residents of the area held a meeting, and the subject of the promise of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, z’tl, was brought up. HaRav Chaim, z’tl, famously said in the name of the Chazon Ish that the zechus of the Torah learned in Bnei Brak protects the city from enemy attacks.

One of the neighborhood residents told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “We discussed how after the previous attack in the adjoining neighborhood, Pardes Katz, during which two Jews [and three non-Jews] were murdered, which was after the death of HaRav Chaim, z’tl – many asked if the bracha no longer applies after his petirah.”

“At the time, they sent the question to HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, who responded that the bracha definitely still applies after HaRav Chaim’s petirah but the problem is that there is Chillul Shabbos in Pardes Katz and the streets aren’t closed on Shabbos.”

“The letter caused quite a stir at the time. Now, following the attempted attack in Kiryat Herzog, all the Chareidi residents of the neighborhood woke up, and the amazing thing is that the secular residents also woke up, and got involved. A decision was made to take action and have all the residents sign a petition to close the roads of the neighborhood on Shabbos. It was unbelievable that many of the residents who aren’t Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos hurried to sign the petition even before the Chareidi residents as they understood that Shemiras Shabbos would protect them.”

“So we began to pressure anyone we could in the municipality and managed to put the issue on the agenda of the Traffic Committee although it wasn’t on the schedule. Even Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein, who usually doesn’t attend the committee’s meetings, came especially so everyone can pull their weight with all the various parties, from the police to the Transportation Ministry, so that Kiryat Herzog can be legally closed on Shabbos. The request was approved by the committee and official traffic signs were placed at the entrance to Kiryat Herzog announcing that it is forbidden by law to enter the neighborhood on Shabbos Kodesh and Chagim.”

“After it was successfully approved, we told HaRav Zilberstein about how we were mechazik in Shemiras Shabbos due to his statements and requested a special bracha for the residents.”

“HaRav Zilberstein was very moved and said that Shabbos is the mekor of bracha and undoubtedly Shabbos will repay us many times over for our efforts for its kavod. Afterward, the Rav wrote a special letter of chizzuk, saying that Shemiras Shabbos protects us from our enemies and is a segulah to hasten the geulah and and Hashem will help that in the zechus of the increased kedushah in the neighborhood, there won’t be further incidents on the streets.”

“HaRav Zilberstein’s letter was distributed and hung everywhere in the neighborhood, in every building, and was the cause of great excitement among the residents.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. So the chazon ish’s promise doesn’t expire with his nephew’s passing. Astonishing.

    I hope they ensured there would be no increased chilul shabos as a result of closing off connectin roads.

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