Protest Leader: “We’ll Destroy The Economy & Bring Down The Gov’t”

Protest leader Moshe Radman (with the megaphone).

Moshe Radman, one of the leaders of the left-wing protests against the government, revealed the real goals of the protests and the lines he’s willing to cross to achieve them in an interview with Calcalist last week.

The interviewer asked: “How do you overthrow a government? We’re in a democratic regime and there are no elections on the horizon.”

Radman responded: “We’re beginning to make the economic situation very difficult. You can already see that money is being taken out of Israel and we’ll soon see a move to withdraw money from the stock market. Unfortunately, this will lead to crazy inflation and an increase in interest rates and it will burden the public. People will start suffocating from their mortgages. People won’t have money to buy food at the supermarket.”

“In three to four weeks you’ll see letters from senior Shin Bet and Mossad officials saying they’re retiring…and at the end, a member of the coalition will come out and say he can’t bear it any longer. The country will collapse but unfortunately, we’ll have to close our eyes and plug our noses and let them lead us there.”

Interviewer: “But it’s not one Knesset member – four, maybe five are needed.”

Radman: “Once there is one, it’s like a house of cards, more will appear. Right now there is zero.”

Interviewer: And how will the protest actually help?”

Radman: “I’ll say it again – we’ll see people withdrawing money from the stock market and even from current accounts and we’ll continue to protest on the streets on a scale that Israel has never seen before. At the same time, the security system and the public service will gradually disintegrate.”

Interviewer: Aren’t you afraid that the public will weaken and not want to take such steps?

Radman: “The public surprises me every time. We’ve been carrying out the battle for seven months and each time we’re getting more passionate. I think the public in Israel is shocked by the strength of the government’s disconnection and it understands that the government has no legitimacy to act.”

“I hope I will be able to convince everyone that the goal now is to overthrow the government because this government has signed its own delegitimization.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. If we don’t stop this now it’s our own fault.

    We know are those who called for Civil war and predicted “blood will flow in the river and that would be Jewish” on Jewish blood.
    Chief BDS spokesman Lapid Ben Lapid
    The looser and thug Ehud Barak
    Th criminal who was bbc calling on civil war
    Because they lost election with 1.5 child and two dogs vs 9/8 children of Arabs and frum BAH.

    Why don’t you publish their address?
    Why Oslo 1 and 2 and exil of Gush Katif residents and theft of Yeman kids and burning of shuls and ripping off mezozos by Lapid father’s Meretz Youth (SS youth) Jews are civil and force feeding taif frum survivors and forced labor on shabbos to get rashon oppression by few.
    Slaves are ruling over us and we are silent.

    Why don’t we publish the organizations who Lapid recruited.

    Dai Stop the oppression.

  2. These filthy treasonous rabies infected sewer rats, have to dealt with exactly as you would with diseased RATS.
    You call the exterminator

  3. Classic leftists…

    Communists and socialists.Marxists.
    It’s all the same.

    Leftism is the biggest threat to any free democracy!!

  4. They sound like the biryonim in the past nebech-not caring for the welfare and stability of their brethren, obsessed with their own foolish agenda-without thinking of the long term consequences-may Hashem send them clarity to awaken and repent very quickly and come to their senses!!!

  5. stop him……and all that follows….without Hashem you have this… is going to get worse….remove their heritage and take their passports away

  6. This is exactly why R Chaim Brisker said the tzionim are chushid on retzicha – all they care about is their goal and are willing to do any damage, including murder, in order to accomplish their goal… Hashem yirachem

  7. The story with Shlomo Hamelech with the 2 women claiming the baby is theirs. He determined that the one who was willing to kill the baby by splitting in half was not the mother. Seems like the same can be applied here.

  8. ON the 5th Iyar they dance and celebrate the establishment of the “State” of Israel and the other 364 days they happily burn the country!

  9. Democracy by definition means: Every citizen has an equal right to vote a government, which will ultimately chosen by the wish of the majority; the loosing minority will accept the will of the majority and support the chosen government for the best of the country!
    Leftists have a hard time with such a definition; not sure what’s their’s!

  10. This is a huge disgrace. Jew fighting Jew. The so called Justice In Israel needs to be redone as the enemies of humanity were winning and Jews/Israel were losing.

    The likes of Barak, Lipid, Olmert are align with the humanoids, (enemies of humanity). Those three are against Israel and Torah. The goyim are enjoying this “entertainment ” of Jew vs. Jew.

    Meanwhile Biden/Obama is promoting the anti-Israel sentiment once again.

    If only Moshe Deiglin was the PM.

  11. Wow!
    Who believed just a lil while ago, that the Zionists will butn their own country to the ground?
    Can anyone help me in finding it ironic?
    No anti Zionists needed. They’re doing the job. Wow!
    Hashem will guide His children from these sickos. They’re a dangerous species but they’re regarded as humans unlike and chareidi protesters.
    Who wldve ever thought of self destruction? 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  12. Given that it appears the movement to say “it’s my ball, play by my rules and let me win, or I take the ball away” is run by the upper class elites, who do, in fact, control the economy. The rich and powerful often have trouble reconciling themselves to democracy. From a Torah perspective, creating a modern medinah meant enabling the secular elites to become a ruling class, which is probably why the gedolim 100+ years ago were opposed to starting on the road to establishing a secular modern state (and also why on previous occasions, the elite needed to ignore “democracy” and turn to violence to make sure the right people would be chosen to run the government).

  13. His rants bring to mind the Dubno Magid’s moshol.of the passenger on the ship who drills a hole in his room. Guys, if you drill a hole in the hull of the ship, everyone drowns!

  14. @JayD
    And after the happy destruction of the medina, then what ?

    Whats going to happen to the nearly two million of your religious brothers and sisters , men , women ranging from babies to nursery residents ?
    Have not asked about the other millions of mostly tinokos shenishbu ….
    What s going to happen to them, their children , their property ?
    Throw them to the wolves ? Like in the other countries in the area ?
    Do you wish on them the same fate as the residents of Syria ? of Lebanon ? Or maybe of Yemen and Iraq ?
    Where is your responsibilty to acheinu bnei yisrael ?????

  15. This fellow is a product of the Bolshevic left. By his own admittance he is not a Zionist.

    To blame all of Israel and it’s people for this anomaly, is like blaming the American system for BLM and Woke’ism.

    In fact this left leaning so called progressive movement, is a world wide problem. It’s just more pronounced in Israel for Geopolitical reasons.

    But these yidden that in their comments gloat about the problems in Israel. Expressing their happiness that their Rebbe was right (sic). are no better than this boat boring Radman and Co.

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