Miriam Gittel (Gitty) Pultman a”h

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Every once in a while a neshama comes down from shamayim that is so filled with talent and gutzkeit that it is difficult to believe that such people exist.   But Gitty (Nee Porges) Pultman did exist. And she touched the lives of tens of thousands.

She was a talented artist, writer, brilliant teacher,  baalas chessed and baalas hachnassas orchim.  She taught in numerous schools – Bais Yaakov D’Rav Meir  was the first.  There were many other schools, Bnos Yaakov, Machon, and Bobov, for example.

Her very shidduch was brought about by virtue of her prodigious talents.  The shadchanim noticed two highly talented, tall and artistic people who were deeply committed to Torah and avodas Hashem. Reb Shmiel Pultman, owner of Betzalel of Crown Heights (the art gallery) was captivated immediately, but they waited for the sixth date to get engaged.  At the shiva, her husband said in tears, “She was my soulmate.”

Her middos were beyond exceptional.  She was enormously talented and yet demonstrated  such anivus that one would think that she had no talent whatsoever. When she helped her in-laws in their illness, the doctors told her that she should become a doctor.  She could have, but she felt that she could be more effective in teaching klal Yisroel.  Another aspect of her personality was that she always attributed the source of everything she did – even if it was just a mere recipe.

She personified the statement of Rav Chaim Volozhin in the hakdama to the Nefesh HaChaim that we are here on this earth in order to help others.  It seemed to the casual observer that her personal mission in life was to build the self-esteem of others.  Perhaps this is why she chose the career of a teacher.

Mrs. Pultman had a fabulous sense of humor and was mekabel everyone b’saiver panim yafos.  It was her cheerful disposition that made her so beloved to others.

Like the Gemorah in Shabbos describing Hillel, no one can recall her ever expressing anger.  There were certainly challenges that life presented, but her Emunah Bashem and her highly developed hashkafos never allowed her to become angry.

While she was sick in one of the hospitals, a pediatrics nurse would visit her twice daily.  Reb Shmiel asked, “Mai hai?  You are in the pediatrics dept.  How is it that you come and help and assist her?”  “She was my teacher.  I was not the best of students.  Your wife saw things in me, she understood me and appreciated me and brought out my latent talents.  I am what I am today because of your wife.”

In the summer, she would bring out the talents of her charges in drama.  Her genuine free-flowing compliments created a loving atmosphere.  Most people who are familiar with productions know that it is often a veritable pressure cooker.  Not so with Mrs. Pultman.  One of the most significant thing that the world is missing after her loss is the fact that she did not write a book for teachers.

Gitty Pultman was a brilliant student at Tomer Devorah – her high school, located in Boro Park, where she was valedictorian.  For seminary she went to Rebbitzen David’s BJJ in Yerushalayim.  She quickly because one of Rebbitzen David’s many favorites.

She further exemplified genuine hakaras hatov.  She made sure that each and every person that assisted her in the hospital was thanked – often at the expense of the loss of much strength.  This was something that was extremely important to her, because this one part of her mahus – the essence of her personality.

As a teacher she was warm and knowledgeable.  She taught earth science, STEM, biology, and advanced physics – not typical subjects for a young Chassidic woman.  In all her teachings she employed the opportunity to imbue proper Torah hashkafos in all of these fields.  Her teaching of limudei chol was a manifestation of AVodas Hashem.  Years later, her students marvelled at the hashkafic strength that she fortified them with.

But more than that she cared deeply about her students and how they would do.  Her love for her students was so palpable that they studied hard because they wanted to please her.   A relative of Gitty described her perfectly, “There are teachers that are kind pf pareve; there are teachers that think that they are building their students but really make withdrawals in their self-esteem accounts.  And then there are those who truly build up their students, That was her.”

Mrs. Pultman wrote, produced, and was the casting director for the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation films that have touched thousands.  Generally people with such enormous talent are not necessarily there when their family needs them.  Not so Mrs. Pultman.  She managed to be a model parent as well as someone so remarkably productive. Indeed, she worked so closely with her daughter that they formed a production company together. She was so close with her daughter that they would finish each others sentences.   She was also a good friend, a best friend to hundreds of her peers.

Mrs. Pultman produced popular films with remarkably wholesome messages.  She employed her skills as an eved Hashem to build klal Yisroel.  Her films are now shown on El Al.  At the shiva, her father said, “It should not be limited to El Al, it should be on Delta, United Airlines, Continental, and every other airline that flies to Eretz Yisroel.”

Right now there are literally thousands of former students were are in tears at the loss.  Her legacy to us is twofold:  She built up so many people that they too are now building others as well – because she was exposed to the incredible personality that was Gitty Pultman.  The second legacy is the remarkable family that she leaves behind – as well as a new chosson and a new kallah.  She was zocheh to be aware of her daughter’s vort two days before she passed way.

The author can be reached at [email protected]


3 Responses

  1. When a person has the insight to reach fellow Yidden through creative means, a world of possibilities opens for everyone.
    No one can be left behind when forward thinkers know how to engage.

    That was our dear Miriam Gittle bas Reb Simcha Meir.
    She touched thousands with her sharp mind and tender heart.
    May Hakodosh Boruch Hu send us yeshuos on her behalf and see all of Klal Yisroel dancing by Wednesday night and send her husband, parents and her wonderful children comfort!

  2. very inspiring hesped, indeed. wow.
    With due respect to the writer – without any minimizing of the greatness of the nifteres a”h – please, clarify a hashkafa question that arises due due to a word used by the rabbi/writer.
    quote “Every once in a while a neshama comes down from shamayim that is so filled with talent and gutzkeit that it is difficult to believe ”
    we were not taught in torah hashkafa that “talent” is an inherent maala in a person at all, and so would that be a siman of a special neshama?! its only an nisayon/oppurtunity to be used lkvod hashem. (ofcourse USING your abilities/ talents for kvod shamayim is an important maalo which the great nifteres had)

    unfortunately our youth who seek role models, will sometimes confuse an inborn talent vs a developed chashivus of the person.
    (this confusion seems to be a result of the hashpaah of the western culture that glorifies talent.)

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