Jerusalem Police arrested eight Arab-Israelis on Friday morning for abusing a mentally impaired Chareidi man and live-streaming it on Tiktok.
The horrifying incident occurred on Thursday evening outside Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital when a number of Arab-Israelis came to visit their friend who was injured in the violent Arab riots that transpired in east Jerusalem “in solidarity” with their Arab brethren in Jenin.
On the way into the hospital, the Arabs noticed a mentally impaired Chareidi young man who had come to the hospital for treatment and began abusing him, mentally and physically, while broadcasting it live on TikTok.
They videoed themselves mocking him and demanding that he eat “like a dog” from food that they placed ont the ground. They also ordered him to curse an Israeli flag, express support for Jenin, and repeat derogatory statements.
The video came to the attention of the police, who immediately opened an investigation and located and detained all eight suspects, residents of the Tzur Bahar neighborhood of east Jerusalem, and brought them to the Moriah police station for questioning. They were then brought to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, and at the request of the police, their detention was extended for four days.
“The Israel Police will continue to act resolutely to protect the safety of every person, including monitoring such crimes on social networks, locating and arresting suspects, and investigating them accordingly,” a police spokesperson said.
תיעוד מזעזע: תושבי מזרח ירושלים התעללו בבעל מוגבלות ונעצרו
לכל הפרטים –
— חדשות 13 (@newsisrael13) July 7, 2023
In an act of “revenge,” the police took the Arabs’ mugshots on the background of an Israeli flag.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
10 Responses
On the background of an 🇮🇱 flag because עם ישראל חי
But hypocritically Haaretzism will not elaborate on raw Arab racism Hitler-Youth style attacks..which hets liked by thousands of other Arab Fascists. It picked up especially in Apr-2021.
They abused him on “the way into the hospital”…. and no one stopped them? It doesn’t make sense. There are literally hundreds of Jewish bystanders, employees, plus hospital security. And the police only caught them from the video evidence?
Sent those pictures to the UN and their President gueteres.
I actually do not care if they aren’t available for a photo shoot next week…..who knows what an happen on the way ….. I blame the liberal and dark liberal jewish and Haaretz for the decay in our society…..and signally out the Chareidim…..
And during Covid, when the israeli Nazi Police force did the SAME, in fact MUCH WORSE, and after abusing, in all areas a vulnerable elderly yid, they left him in a puddle where he fainted and nearly slipped into a comatose state, simultaneously catching hyperthermia, which is the state his family nebach found him after hours, none of this made any news.
some pathetic daft “investigation” was promised, which went to sleep as soon as they announced it.
And after that? never any coverage, no outcry nothing!! Ish Bish had to fight it out himself!!
These low Reshaim Y-E-M-A-C-H S-H-E-M-A-M SHOULD ROT IN GEHENOIM!!
for this time, for that story and for everything they do!!
We must forgive these youths. It’s not their fault. That’s what happens when your mother mates with a donkey.
To pure yiddishkeit:
If history and yiddishkeit taught us anything, is even when our brothers are wrong, turning full hilt is likewise very wrong.
I believe that on so many levels, calling other Jews Nazis, Amelek, etc is very wrong and damaging, and does good for neither HKBH nor Am Yisroel.
After what i have seen with my own eyes, the way they gathered around an avrech, mocked him, and women soldiers beat the life out of him (with the butts of their guns) and left him in a puddle of blood, where the ambulance picked him up, is nothing less than a nazi to me. And I have friends who tell me they’ve seen the exact same type of story play out, unfortunately.
Anyone who learnt in Yerushalaim around Covid time heard about the way they treated Ish Bish, the down-syndrome kid, and other vulnerable Yidden.
If you can’t understand why someone would call such a person a nazi, i haven’t much to tell you.
And this is besides for their historically proven collaboration with the nazis in the holocaust.