Photo Essay: Purim 5774 In New Square (Photos By JDN)

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10 Responses

  1. What is just as disgusting as the moron who decided to put the Jude star on his bekesha is that you actually decided to post this. I’m sure his dead ancestors that had to wear this in constant fear of death are turning over in their graves.

    Moderators Note: Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, a rov in Flatbush, and well known speaker, wears an authentic holocaust yellow star every Purim. He wrote an op-Ed about it in the Ami magazine last week. I guess you consider Rabbi Goldwasser a moron too.


  2. Thank you moderator in response to clown #1. Especially during times like today when both Jews in Israel and non-Jews outside of Israel are persecuting Torah Jews it is most appropriate to wear a yellow star to remind us who and where we are.

  3. After reading the moderator’s response, the question myls87 asked still lingers as to why someone would wear such an outfit with a harsh symbol. I don’t really care if Rabbi Goldwasser wore it, or a simple Jew wore it. I read the article, and I don’t want to compare current politics to Nazi Germany. Rabbi Goldwasser is not a moron, but his choice of costume was moronic and insensitive.


  4. I wholeheartedly agree with post #1. Whether or not the person was commemorating the Holocaust with the costume, without context it should be deleted. Rabbi Goldwasser’s article highlighted the need to remember the atrocities and was not done in jest, unlike this person. You will likely say that we should be “Dan Lkaf Zchus.” True, but I am simply affording the same level of scrutiny you give to people like Dov Hikind. Applying that principle, this constume is wrong. Unless context is given as to why this person is wearing this costume, it must be removed from the site. I am sure if my grandmother, who is a survivor, saw this she would cringe. And your explanation or lame excuse relating to Rabbi Goldwasser and simply ignoring the fact that he has very different reasons, would not pass muster. If you want to make the right decision, then remove the photograph so as not to hurt anyone. I think we can all agree that the removal of this photo would not take away from the content of the album. In fact, the person looks severely constipated and it would probably help. Moreover, to post #4, I think it is more egregious to post something like this at a time where hostilities are high within our community. Why post something like this when you are aware that tensions are high? If anything, the post will likely cause even more arguments. If you are referring to the persecution aspect, you need to study the history of the Holocaust and the Jewish people. Are our freedoms, at times, limited? Yes. But to ignore the fact that many of us enjoy freedoms not ever afforded to our ancestors, is ignorant. More importantly, we are not being persecuted. Nations want us dead, they always have- since we the beginning of our existence. You sit behind a computer and write at your own beckoning whatever you would like, that is not persecution. Please tell us how you are being persecuted at the moment. The only persecution going on here is on the people of this forum who need to read your pathetic response.

  5. Wearing a Yellow Star is a memorium and a credit to our zeidas and bubbes who wore them. We should all wear a yellow star at some point to remember what our grandparents went through.

  6. In reply to “The Big One”. Firstly, the only thing that may be big is your ego because it is definitely not your brain. How is wearing a yellow star remebering what they went through? Putting something today on your coat doesnt even remotely begin to touch on the subject on rememberance. if you truly want to remember than start by reading history books to educate yourself on the atrocities that were experienced and then maybe you will further understand why wearing such a thing especially on purim is disgusting. I highly doubt the few survivors we have with us today would agree with it had they seen the picture.

  7. Thank you for the laugh, myls87. My entire family of survivors, and my entire family went through the holocaust, support wearing a yellow star. We are all well-read on this topic. But thank you for the unsolicited advice.

  8. Wearing a yellow star is a terrible thing to do. It shows a complete lack of sensitivity to wear it as a costume on Purim. If you want to wear it as a remembrance, wear it on Yom Hashoah – not on Purim – as a costume. It was done in terrible taste, and without any thorough thinking. It was likely done by someone who thought it’d be a great costume.

    I agree with Myles above – feel free to mock him, but he has the right idea.

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