An Arab teen terrorist carried out a stabbing attack in the Kiryat Herzog neighborhood of Bnei Brak early Monday evening.
The victim, a 28-year-old Chareidi avreich, was evacuated to Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in light condition. B’Chasdei Hashem, he managed to grab the knife as the Arab accosted him, avoiding serious injury.
The terrorist, a 14-year-old resident of Jenin, tried to flee the scene but was caught and arrested by the police.
During his interrogation, he admitted to carrying out the attack as revenge for the IDF operation in Jenin that was launched in the early hours of Monday morning.
נעצר מחבל ערבי שדקר יהודי בבני ברק
— בז news (@1717Bazz) July 3, 2023
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
21 Responses
like typical zionists, when cornered, they either get emotional, or back off and end the conversation, after being stumped!
Wow – still no actual logic – just “you’re a Zionist Kofer! How dare you not follow MY Gedolim, who are so obviously right that anyone but a true Rasha like you would do so!”
No point in continuing this conversation – it’s been real.
an Israeli Yid
and “found a relevant pasuk”.
Yeh, like all zionists, they “find” interesting thiongs. they can never think straight, or follow the meorah, they have to “find” “new” things
it’s laughable how you literally follow the חד גדיא train of zionist nonsense, unaware to the fact that other people like me and @Yossi etc know it.
Do you really believe for a minute that i don’t know of this stupid garbage talk of yours re- the gedolim telling not to move which led to ch”v……?
I can nearly predict what you’d say next! zionists have a set curricula of nonsense to babble to anyone remotely aware of the truth in the seeking to win them over, ignorant of the fact that not every human on earth is stupid enough to fall for their cruel dopiness!
First of all, let’s set this straight:
1) The Gedolim all agreed that Jews should run to a safe haven (which agav, the FILTHY ZIONIST RATS made sure to block and make impossible so long that they wouldn’t travel to Palestine and fall prey to these vultures).
Typical of zionist kofrim, as you admit yourself all you’re trying to do-in YOUR OWN words-“but I am pointing out how even true Gedolim can be wrong,” outright kefirah. I hope you do teshuvah bekarov!
No difference to all other maskilim, bundists, yiddishists, zionists, christians, shatzniks, all ym”sh, to this kind of talk. it all started with a so called “humble” understanding that gedolim can be wrong עפ”ל.
2) Besides, I have been through Aim Habonim Semaicha, and the only limud schus on the dopy borderline kefirah content written there, is that he was-as we say a tzibrochoneh yid who lost his senses because of the horrors in the war, which is why we foollow gedolim not our emotions, because thats what happens when we do ch”v r”l.
3) The irrelevance of this twisted version of what the Chazon Ish said is exactly that- irrelevant, so i won’t answer it, being that the zionist klipah is still unfortunately around, making it a ver relevant battle for today.
4) “and as a ma’amin, I looked to the Torah for reasons why something like this could happen”.
So suddenly you look for a mekor huh? Have you thought that maybe all the Jewish blood spilled over the years as an excuse for the “safe haven” medinah of yours is because of just that- the medinah? Have you taken into account all the other Chazal’z e.g. Ani Matir es Besarchem etc, Kesuvos 111, or do you just pick and choose the easiest ones that are easy enough for you to twist and play around with?
What about people like shlomo avneri sher”i?- who turned himself into a laughing stock when he faked a letter in the name of many Gedolim as if they held that the medina was a good thing ch”v.
How did we find out it was rubbish, because one/some of the signatures that supposedly signed were not in this world at the time of the letter!!!
But for zionists this is no issue at all! In fact the mizrachi kehillahs still use this wretched souls drivel until today! It is easy enough to edit gemaras, make up sefarim, crank out non-existent versions of rishonim/achronim, twist poskim, and when that’s not possible they say openly, those gedolim were wrong!
If you’d be in the times of the midbar no doubt you’d be swallowed with Korach V’Edato. How do I know? Because look in the Meforshim, and you’ll see something very interesting. All your “ta’anes” and those of all your zionist cronies are replica’s of Korach.
The amazing mad-as-a-March-hare schizophrenia content in your words, so typical to zionist confused babble, does not shock me only because it is classic when talking to brainwashed shallow zionists who are not aware of anything besides for their tinted views
@Pure – you are entitled to your view, but citing Gedolim from pre-war Europe isn’t a winning argument here – their view on the evils of Zionism led to their instructing their followers to stay put in Europe, and we all know how well that worked out. I am not, C”V, questioning their gadlus – but I am pointing out how even true Gedolim can be wrong, and it seems that HKB”H had his own reasons for preventing them from seeing clearly at that time.
Additionally, you may want to learn Eim Habanim Smeicha by Rav Teichtel HY”D about this – he was a way greater person than either of us, and had and his Sefer, written in 1944 Hungary to try to understand why HKB”H was allowing the Jews of Europe to be destroyed is worth learning. You may also want to take into account something the Chazon Ish ZT”L said about “good Polish soldiers” still fighting yesterday’s battles, and not knowing to change when the circumstances change.
@Yossi – are you a Navi, to say you know exactly what HKB”H wants? I’m not – it says that Nevua in our days is found only amongst young children and the insane, and I’m neither of those. But I’m also not a Kofer, so I believe the Avereich was stabbed because HKB”H wanted him to be stabbed – and as a ma’amin, I looked to the Torah for reasons why something like this could happen, and easily found a relevant Pasuk. “Hafoch ba v’Hafoch ba, d’kuli ba.”. Unlike the so-called “Daas Torah” you keep throwing out there to support your name-calling drivel, I keep quoting from the Torah itself – and you have yet to provide a cogent rebuttal to anything I’ve said.
I wish you health and bracha – and that we should all have (and use) Sechel haYashar.
an Israeli Yid
Zionist goy – so what you’re telling me is that HKB”H is monitoring Eretz Yisroel to ensure that the avreichim join the Zionist Occupation Army of shmad and brutalize Palestinians instead of learning Torah??? AND THAT THEY DESERVE TO BE STABBED IF THEY DON’T ח”ו???
FEH!!! You are proof of what Chazal state: עבירה גוררת עבירה.
And no, I don’t enjoy name-calling – I enjoy spreading true Daas Torah to counter the Zionist filth that you love wallowing in.
@anIsraeliYid, no one is name calling, as he said call a spade a spade.
nothing would qualify as a rebuttal to you unless it is a twisted and turned interpretation to the extent of the twisted minds you unfortunately have fallen for.
As all Gedolim before the medinas hashmad and after held about the mizrachi, that they are zionist apikorsim with a kippah. Our gedolim did not/do not not subscribe/ing to hippy style political correctness dressed up as Jewish ahavas chinam for every shagetz but sinah for anyone who doesn’t love apikorsim to bits.
@Yossi Name Edited, well put!!
with a Rabbi Like Harav Yaakov you are definitely safe. I have personally spoken with him a few times, read his books, heard his drashot and the Rav’s chochmah and straightness and clarity inn emes is what stokes up the ire of people like an isra-helli yid.
it really isn’t a time to laugh and i hope that the Avrich has a speedy refuah shleimah, but i couldn’t help laughing at your silent mockery, it reminded me of a hilarious story a few years back, when unhealthy eggs were on the market around Pesach time, and they just couldn’t find who was behind the cheap and dangerous eggs, until they caught them how? because on the eggs it said כשר לבסח/kosher lebesach!!!
For those who don’t chap arabs can’t pronounce a “P” they pronounce a “P” as a “B”.
@Yossi – you do enjoy name-calling, don’t you?
As to what you call a contradiction – both Pesukim I quoted are from the same Torah.
The first is from where Moshe Rabeinu challenges B’nei Gad and B’nei Reuven for seeming to shirk their duty to the rest of Klal Yisrael by not going to battle with them (even though the Kibush Eretz Yisrael was largely al yedei nes) – and note that their response was not that they’d sit home and learn l’zchus those going to battle. The second, in Devarim, describes how special Eretz Yisrael is, on that HKB”H is constantly monitoring it – but note that this is interpreted as being for both good and bad, since we are constantly being judged as to our worthiness for the great Bracha that is Eretz Yisrael. If we are not worthy, we will not just be “ignored” by HKB”H, as might be the case in the rest of the world.
So – I’ve cited Pesukim and the Midrashim that interpret them to support my view. You’ve called me a Goy and made a few other comments, but have not provided any rebuttals – and saying that your Rav, Rabbi Yakov Shapiro, also doesn’t agree does not qualify as a rebuttal.
It’s a pretty poor argument that relies on name-calling.
an Israeli Yid
to chaya13 – no, I am not makir tov to an arsonist who sets my house on fire and then offers to rescue me from the raging flames that he himself instigated!!
to a Zionist Goy (might as well just call a spade a spade):
I hesitate to stoop to the level of the “dati” leumi rabbis who you follow and sully myself with their krumme s’varas and farkakte “divrei Torah” they dreg up to give support to the Zionist Avoda zara, lest I too fall prey to Zionism Chas vesholom and be עובר on לא תתורו אחרי לבבכם, but you leave me with no choice, so here goes:
Notice the blatant contradiction in your response. You mock the holy residents of Bnei Brak for not joining the Zionist army of shmad in Jenin to fight Palestinian “terrorists”, intimating that the holy avreich even deserved to be stabbed רחמנא ליצלן, and IN YOUR VERY NEXT COMMENT you cite the pasuk עיני האלוקים בה that Hashem protects the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel!! Well isn’t Bnei Brak part of Eretz Yisroel?? Shouldn’t the holy avreich be protected from harm by the very passuk that you quote?
But that’s not an issue for you and the “religious” Zionist community, because your professed “love” of the land of Israel is just a fig leaf for your love of the Zionist getchka. That’s why you have no problem committing logical errors, because as my mentor Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro שליט”א elaborates, the rush that wayward Yidden like yourself have to worship Zionism is so overpowering that it blinds you to the truth and corrupts your seichel.
There’s plenty more of your Zionist drivel to shtuch out, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
@Yossi – you can rely on your Rabbonim, who seem to believe that Hashgacha Pratis stoped in 1948 and all that followed is Maaseh Satan. I, on the other hand, choose to follow those Rabbanim who feel that Hashgacha Pratis continues, particularly in the place where the Torah says עיני ה’ אלקיך בה מרשית השנה ועד אחרית שנה.
an Israeli Yid
@Yossi The truth lies in between the two of you. The operation in Jenin needs to happen and we must be makir tova to the chayalim who are doing the work so that we could stay in the Bais Medrash. It is not a given that our limud hatorah would be enough to protect us without hishtadlus.
To “an Israeli Yid”, or shall we say, a Zionist Goy:
Your statement is such apikorsus and גסות רוח infected with severe כוחי ועוצם ידי that it is not even worthy of response, except to note that you must to teshuva for falling prey (hopefully בשוגג) to Zionist kefira.
Balestin Beoble? Balestin beheimos
@Lakewoodbt – maybe it’s a message to those residents of the “Ir haTorah” that if you ignore the Pasuk האחיכם יבאו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה the war will come to you anyway? Their brothers are fighting in Jenin and they’re not – so Jenin came to them. Just a thought…
an Israeli Yid
An Arab. How do you define terrorist.
The Palestine people teach they’re children that there just isn’t any incentive in life other then to fight the Israeli state there is no purpose
The Palestine p
to lakewoodbt: Perhaps it is because we no longer have “great cedar trees” protecting us.
why was a 14 year old from the hotbed of terrorism even allowed to get the ir hatorah?