IDF soldiers gathered together on Sunday evening for a special tefillah prior to the launch of a major military operation in Jenin.
Moments after the tefillah, over a thousand soldiers were deployed to Jenin to face hundreds of murderous terrorists.
One IDF soldier from the Duvedan unit was lightly injured by a “friendly” grenade. After receiving emergency medical treatment, he insisted on immediately returning to his unit in Jenin to continue fighting.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
14 Responses
וִיקֻיַּם בָּהֶם הַכָּתוּב:
כִּי ה׳ אֱלֹקיכֶם
הַהֹלֵךְ עִמָּכֶם לְהִלָּחֵם לָכֶם עִם אֹיבֵיכֶם
לְהוֹשִׁיעַ אֶתְכֶם: (דברים כ:ד)
וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן:
When David hamelech said bshem hadh
When David hamelech said bshem hashem he meant only if the purpose will be for the better of kvod shamayim not to win the Jewish people cause then it is the same as God if they are that but he meant Dave
Amazing to watch! Am Yisroel Chai!
classic form of shituf
Please protect the brave soldiers
מי כעמך ישראל!
@Pure Narishkeit – care to explain why this would be Shituf?; I see no other god (lower case) being called on here. You may think that the Hashkafa thy represent is wrong in that their understanding of what HKB”H wants is a distortion of true Yiddishkeit – but that’s not Shituf, Avoda Zara, or certain of the other terms anti-Zionists like yourself like to throw around. I see absolutely no indication that the Rav who is speaking has a belief in anything other than HKB”H.
If you’re going to use Hashkafic terms as insults, at least know what they mean.
an Israeli Yid
#pure yiddishkeit
There is no alternative
– you know it . we all know it . and we all know that you know it too.
the choice for millions of your brothers is between the suitcase and the coffin .
its time to stop to pretend .
not shituf , but hatsalat nefashot.
agree with the tsionistim or disagree , yes medina or no medina , it doesnt make any difference at all .
the choice stays the same .
Naivete is not a virtue ….
Don’t awaken a sleeping bear and you don’t have to protect yourself from it.
As HaRav Meir Arik Ztz”ll said (from what i understand the story happened before the medina- correct me otherwise) described the zionist dream of making a medina (along the way being over on all the worst aveirah’s to do so) as holding a dog by its ear. if you hold on to the ears for a minute it will bark at you maybe even nudge you but that’s it (when you let go). if you hold on for longer, it might even try to bite you, even longer it will get dangerous etc etc. At some point your arms will get tired and won’t be able to hold on to it’s ears any longer and Hashem Yirachem what will happen then.
Making a medina will get the Arabs and others angry, and the longer it goes on ch”v the greater the danger what will happen when it falls apart, iy”h speedily without any danger to Jews.
zionism is open avodah zara. For your information, the origins of zionism is not herzl ym”sh or other devils of recent history (1800’s etc). It is actually a form of christianity dating back to early protestantism, most prevalent today in the form of evangelical christians (which coincidentally pushed trump to be the “ohev yisrael” people make to be, only because of his evangelical voters).
Religious zionism (i.e. mizrachi/dati leumi etc) is mixing this form of christian-zionism, hegelianism, modern day nationalism, together with a twisted form of our holy Torah, specially fitted to go with the above apikorsut. This, in simple English, equals to shituf.
and by the way talking about name calling…….hhhmmmm
@pure – you are correct on the name calling, for which I apologize. I should have stated that you were spouting pure narishkeit rather than referring to you as such.
As to your point – you bring no support for your allegations, which is why I refer to your blathering as pure narishkeit. You also ignore the treatment of Jews in Arab countries well before the advent of Zionism in its current form – it was no paradise.
an Israeli Yid
first of all, what i stated is easy enough to research.
Go search it.
second of all, for your knowledge, i am of a very wide diverse mix of Arabic origin, so:
You may or may not know, but in the years following up to 1948, quite a few bombings rocked shuls, restaurants etc in Iraq, specifically Bagdad, in the Jewish area. the zionists swiftly jumped onto the bandwagon, exclaiming the imminent danger and the need to run away to Palestine. This went on for a while, but was soon revealed that it was the filthy terrorist zionists themselves that orchestrated these bombings!
What about Morocco? Well, Morocco did fare a bit worse than other Arabian/middle eastern countries, but still did not suffer the level that our brethren suffered from the bloodthirsty Europeans!
In India, the kehila/os had a sefer hashana, which they’d record the happenings of every year. Up until the mid-early 1900’s, there was NEVER ONCE a pogrom/attack etc. the first time there was hostilities was lo and behold, 1948 (i think possibly 1947).
In Iran, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, and all other countries in the area, the Jews were the most respected and important members in society. I do not argue the point that there was. at the end of the day a non jew hates a Jew.
BUT, as the Ramban says in the parsha of Yishmael (i don’t remember which one it was a long time ago i saw it, but one of the few in Bereshit), that the difference between Esav and Yishmael is, that Esav, Hashem put in him an inexplainable hatred – “Esav Soneh L’Ya’akov”. But, with Yishmael, he’s like a bow-n’-arrow. Meaning, that the further and stronger you pull the further the arrow will fly, and the greater the damage of it. Don’t pull and nothing will happen!
Anyone remotely familiar with the relationship between Jews and their Arab neighbors know, that this is 100% true.