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VIDEO: Motzei Shushan Purim Traffic Horrors in Yerushalayim


cjaFor the many who decided to visit Yerushalayim and celebrate the day with residents on Shushan Purim, leaving on motzei Purim was a nightmare. While traffic heading into the capital was heavy, heading home was described as “a nightmare” by many motorists that were stranded for 90 minutes as they tried to leave the city.

It began in some chareidi neighborhoods as traffic was slow, but by the time one reached Yirmiyahu Street, it came to a standstill. Some managed to make their way to Ein Kerem and snuck out of the city that way, but later reported getting stuck at the Harel Interchange.

For those traveling with public buses it was even worse. Passengers report waiting over an hour for a bus that permitted them to get on while trying to control tired children after a festive day in Yerushalayim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Yerushalayim was never designed to be a modern, overcrowded, busy busy city. The roads were not built for the amount of cars, buses and people that live & visit there. A complete overhaul is needed during the time of Mashiach Ben Yosef.

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