TEFILLA OR POLITICS? Jerusalem City Council Members Join WoW For Political Protest At The Kosel

Photo: Women of the Wall

Left-wing candidates for the Jerusalem City Council joined the Women of the Wall group on Tuesday morning, Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, in a provocative political protest against the government at the Kosel and a campaign event for the upcoming Jerusalem City Council elections in October.

Labor MK and Reform Rabbi Gilad Kariv also used his parliamentary immunity to bring a Sefer Torah into the Kosel plaza, which is a violation of Israeli law.

The protest was attended by Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Yossi Havilio, Jerusalem City Council and Meretz member Laura Wharton, Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Yizhar Hess (as a representative of the Conservative movement), and Chairman of the Jerusalem Labor Party and a candidate for City Council Eran Ben-Yehuda.

The above protesters signed a statement: “We express our commitment to promote religious freedom at the Kosel plaza with all the tools at our disposal if we are elected to office as members of the Jerusalem City Council.”

Photo: Yizhar Hess/Twitter
Photo: Yizhar Hess/Twitter
Kariv and Hess. (Photo: Twitter/Yizhar Hess)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. What about religious freedom at the Temple Mount? Can Jews bring a Sefer Torah there, or are Muslim sensibilities greater than Jewish ones?

  2. There is no room for nasty comments about people’s age ever. It’s intolerant and hurtful. All ppl hope to be zoche to arichus yomim which entails growing old.

  3. The reason that these poor misguided American Jews are all seniors is because the wishy-washy Conservative Movement does not have many young people. Most of the young ones have either become baalei teshuva or else intermarried.

  4. Dear BASESTHER,
    I don’t think americanyeshivish was simply poking fun at their age. The fact that these Reform and Conservative activists are all old shows that they are not capable of passing their phony message on to the next generation. Compare them to the Chareidi protesters opposite them who are young and passionate about their beliefs.

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