A Mother’s Plea to Am Yisrael


The community is the heart and soul of a civilized society. In their concern for the quality of life, the world Jewish community, have been reviving its value and finding that their personal needs and the community’s are one and the same. For the past year and half the name of Refael Elisha Meir ben Devora has become synonymous with words of purity, tehillim and mitzvoth ranging from zniyut and prevention of speaking rechilus and all forms of lashon hara to cutting one’s wig in honor of this and all of the beloved sick children of Am Yisrael.

photoSeveral months ago the Jewish Community stepped up to the plate and joined together to appeal to Congress by way of a petition that necessitated an incredible 100,000 signatures to authorize the FDA to grant a compassionate use exemption to Refael Elisha Cohen for Antineoplaston therapy. Bnei Yisrael managed not 100, 000 signatures but overrided within two and a half weeks to a whopping 102,215 signatures! The amazing part is that there already existed a number of petitions that have been trying to amass less than 100,000 for their own petitions and who are, after months and some well over a year to amass the signatures needed and who have yet to reach their goals. Baruch Hashem it is noteworthy to mention that congress has finally given permission for use of antineoplastic therapy for compassionate use care consumption albeit still a long and arduous bureaucratic process. At this gathering, Congress even bothered to mention that the Brooklyn community in particular had been particularly insistent on going full swing on the matter even calling in the Whitehouse hotline to press the matter.

This is a shining example of what the world Jewish community is all about. Moreover, the chances are that anything you do for your community eventually will generate its reward in one way or another. At the very least, it is an investment in having a blissful place to live. But perhaps even more we would not be able to live without those individuals who unfailingly give more than they receive – those precious individuals who relentlessly organize events, who take the initiative and the responsibility, and who urge on the rest to greater things.

This readiness to serve and share is the badge of a civilized person. Rabbi and Mrs. Cohen are surrounded by such people. Baruch Hashem a group of women from Brooklyn saw Refael Elisha and his family and transferred them from Houston, Texas where they had been residing to settle them in Flatbush, Brooklyn. While in Houston the family was cared for by the Jewish Community who helped and supported the Cohen family for over a year and a half, the school with the girls tuition, meals from the entire Houston community on a daily basis, grocery shopping, fundraising non stop, tehillim gatherings and so much more. In Brooklyn the mitzvoth continued for this special neshama who has been receiving special care that he simply could not receive elsewhere. In fact, this special group of individuals worked endlessly day and night to acquire material needs from everything from clothing, housing and utilities, to covering tuition and offering emotional support such as bonding with Refael Elisha, his siblings and parents. The priority was, and continues to be, to ascertain that everyone is involved and everyone is getting the attention they well deserve. Join us together to continue this achdut in answering Mrs. Devora Cohen’s personal request to dedicate a day of learning and tehillim for her Refael Elisha Meir and Chaim Shmuel ben Sarah (another special neshama desperately in need for our tefillos) as well as, of course all of the sick children of Am Yisrael.

May the auspicious month of Adar and the freiliche holiday of Purim transform all that is bad into good and may I write next time about these children that they will be completely cured and that Mashiach will have graced us with his presence!



(YWN – Caroline Argalgi Frank)




8 Responses

  1. While it is amazing how Klal Yisroel as a whole rallied behind one of our own, it would help if people knew what this “trial” really is. It is an unproven, and has not a shred of scientific backing. Dr Burzynski is the only one who claims this has any effect o patient outcome. He charges $7,000 plus per month for his “treatment” but has as of yet been unable to prove that it has any effect. Read more at cancer.org the official website of the American Cancer Society.

    I hope he has a full refuah sheleima, but this is not the answer to his machla. Its just a scam targeting the most desperate people. Horrible!


  2. Reply to #2 – SHAME ON YOU!!!! Your Comment deserves to be Removed! All this Heart Broken Jewish Mother asks for is to joint together with Achdus to dedicate a day of learning And tehillim for her Refahl Elisha Meir ben Devorah and For ALL of the sick children of Am Yisrael.

  3. Hello,

    I am the person who wrote the article. I want to make it clear that it was not my intention to offend anyone in Houston Community. I simply meant that he was brought to Brooklyn since that is where he has been receiving medical attention that simply was not available in Houston. The Houston Community is amazing as they too have done wonderful things such as has helped and supported the Cohen family for over a year and a half, the school with the girls tuition, meals from the entire Houston community on a daily basis, grocery shopping,fundraising non stop,tehillim gatherings and so much more. My sister was among this group of special people.
    I wish you all Shabbat Shalom Purim sameach and Mechila if I have offended anyone. An edited version has been sent to the editor and I have asked that he post the new version.
    Thank You

  4. The community in Houston and the world over has seized the opportunity to give to the Cohens in their time of need. I speak on behalf of many. In Houston specifically, we miss them and can’t wait to embrace them again in their home. Although the medical community did not have hope to offer in Houston, the Jewish community did, & we still support the Cohens in many ways. Thank you to all who have helped in any way, no matter where you are around the world. Hashem should merit us all to witness miracles and see a complete healing. If anyone wishes to help fundraise, please follow this link to donate http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fundraiser/help-raphael-elisha-meir-ben-devorah-cohen/104108

  5. Caroline, you have written a beautiful article. thank you for updating the Jewish world on this special boys well-being. I am amazed at both Houston and brooklyn communities for everything they have done . Hashem should only bring them smachot. it is noteworthy to say that whether this medication is good for the child or not. from my understanding it was done as his last hope of life where most drs have given up on him many months ago. I truly believe in my heart this boy is still fighting strong and Hashem is keeping him with us because he has done something remarkably special in the Jewish world. he helped us do a humongous kidush Hashem by gathering so many signatures in such little time. the whole world was able to see how special each Jewish life is and people from all walks of life take time to try to help in whatever they can. another beautiful thing this boy was able to do is untie the Jewish nation . time and time again his name is being heard and people constantly worrying about him. he became public to the eye and is helping being mashiach by gathering zehuyot from everyone. he also helped open or eyes to see how many little children like him are also suffering. this Yom tefilah gathering event will be in honor of all the little children like him suffering from any and all sickness. we need to remember that pure neshamot like his are suffering from our sins. let’s gather together. let’s unite to end this galut and see mashiach in our times BH.

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