Vaccine Deniers versus the Satmar Rebbe

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Boruch Hashem, vaccines have been so effective in saving lives that the very possibility of there being people that actually deny their effectiveness is only because so many have not been exposed to the deaths and damage that the diseases have wrought in the past.  Years ago, Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, shlita – the Satmar Rebbe had voiced his view against the vaccine denying movement.  His letter is reprinted here.

Of course, it is not just the Satmar Rebbe, it is Rav Elyashiv zatzal, Rav Shternbuch, Rav Asher Weiss, and numerous other Gedolim as well.

As far as doctors go, it is true that some legitimate doctors have voiced their view against vaccinations, but according to information verified by Dr. Kasriel Roberts – they are outnumbered by other legitimate doctors at 10,000 to 1.  Are there some allergic and/or other negative repercussions or reactions to vaccines?  Yes, but there are also deaths associated with wearing seat belts.  I was once stuck in a seat-belt when my 1974 Chevy Vega caught on fire.  I barely managed to get out.  But that does not mean that I should become anti-seat belt.  Seat belts save lives and so do vaccines.  May Hashem open our eyes and bring yeshuos to Klal Yisroel.

It is important to listen to:

1] the pediatricians and primary care physicials that have faithfully served our communities for decades and

2] the vast majority of Gedolim who say to listen to them






The hordes of commentators who cast aspersions on our doctors, our Gedolim, and any article that points out the overwhelming benefits of the classical vaccinations.



The author can be reached at [email protected]



19 Responses

  1. It is very important to differentiate between usual vaccinations and the covid-19 vaccine, which is experimental, and has proven to be a killer. Almost everyone today agrees never ever take a covid shot.

    Also, recently, the medical industry has become political and has been weaponized against certain groups.

  2. Dear Mr. Shlepper,
    Who is almost everyone? Please name which of the main stream doctors say it’s a killer. i emphasize doctors, not machers.
    Please stop writing and spreading misinformation. The total opposite is true “Almost every doctor today agrees you should take a covid shot”.

  3. Unbelievable!
    This announcement is dated back a couple of years, if I can see correctly. Why would it be put online now? Is this a way of being ohev sholom verodef sholom? Just saying…..

  4. Dear Mr. Plain guy, שליט”א,
    You seem to know “almost all the doctors”! Can you please name the doctors that are stating an opinion of their own – not just repeating – the direction and instructions of the CDC, which would mean they are knowledgeable through their own means, that say it is a good idea to get the covid shot.
    I am happy that you are not familiar with the thousands of injured from this shot. I know many. Rabbonim know many. Doctors know many. Those that are listening to what is going on out there know many. “sudden” deaths, strokes, cancers, heart attacks are among them.
    This is obvious for those that don’t close their eyes and ears.
    May hashem help you see the light

  5. Vaccinology was started through fraud and tyranny with false correlation of smallpox with cowpox by Edward Jenner who bought his medical degree for 20 pounds sterling, then weaponized a vaccination mandate through the British royalty. This was then repeated throughout the globe. Read Dr. Suzanne Humphries for example, her recent expose book: ‘Dissolving Illusions’.

  6. I’m glad to see you read signs in shul .it does not make it true. Please stop misinforming the public. What you are saying that people are dying is quite simply FALSE. We as an am chchom vinovon should know better than follow this silly off the track yachne talk. and yes the CDC is better positioned to know and say the truth the guy sitting in back of you by a kiddush in Shul

  7. It is interesting that the people that are listening to the doctors are considered closing their eyes and ears while the people listening to the “smart” people with no medical knowledge but are in the know are considered educated..
    This is so silly I’m not sure you yourself believe what you are saying.
    This goes together with still saying that Trump won the election, there was no COVID. etc.
    Stupid babyish talk

  8. What evidence of efficacy of vaccines did the beis din or posek consider? Is it reliable evidence? Can it be seen with my eyes or was it seen by the eye of credible witnesses? What evidence of damage from vaccines was considered? Credible evidence? I ask cuz I looked into it and came to the conclusion all vaccines are dangerous, and I also learned shas and the rest of chazal, and I wouldn’t want to disagree with any Rav greater in wisdom or understanding of this issue than I have acheived, so I would really like to know how they arrived at their conclusions. I can provide all information about how I arrived at mine. Maybe I missed something in my understanding, Heaven forbid.

  9. Lichvod HoRav HaGoan Hatzadik Rabbi Plain Guy, שליט”א,
    Actually and sadly, we learned first hand the hard way. No, not from signs in shul. You are a conspiracist. כל הפוסל במומו פוסל. Hashem should protect you and those that think like you from learning the hard way!
    I am not misinforming. You are the one that is advocating false information PLEASE STOP being a rodef. It is you and your kind, who think the CDC is קדוש, קדוש, קדוש and can’t accept that they could make mistakes. (“better positioned”, Obviously: they have the money – to control and manipulate doctors, you and your kind). Can you make a mistake?
    Something you don’t know is not “yachneh talk” or “stupid babyish talk”.
    Please stop talking down to me. I am not your punching bag. Do some research by the ones that know and stop hocking garbage.
    It has nothing to do with “smart”. Wisdom has to do with knowledge, which on this subject, you obviously don’t have. Scientific findings have to do with scientists who do the research, nothing to do with your local doctor, most of whom have peer reviewed studies out there stating VERY CLEARLY that the COVID shot is VERY dangerous. FACT.
    Degrading, silencing me or others and calling me names won’t change it.
    Are you willing to see the studies, listen to the scientists???? You just listen blindly to goyim even when a ehrliche shomer torah umitzvos is telling you there is what to be concerned with, based on MANY, MANY doctors and scientists.

  10. MR plain guy I live in boro park a very big doctor here (not a chusid in not extreme guy at all) who i use for my kids sad we should never give the covid shot in if NY state will force to give the shots for kids to enter school he will rather close his office and not to give the shots
    now the history had proven that we live in Russia here because anyone who gives his opinion on what the demarcate don’t like getting attacked and blocked their social accounts so that’s y doctor don’t come out

  11. plain guy, I really shouldn’t be answering you because you are very naïve and has been spoon fed gov propaganda. But, (hold on! let me finish!) I will give you some links to a trove of information, so that you can see for yourself -if you takeh want the truth-
    1. Go on Twitter (which is not so censored these days) and search “died suddenly”. Then review/research what you come up with.
    2. Also on Twitter search for Dr. Zelenko, and review what you find.
    3. And again on Twitter, search for Plandemic, the movie and spend the time to watch the movie.
    You can also do this research on Rumble, if you don’t like Twitter.

    Although there are hundreds of hours of research involved in the aforementioned references, it is Pikuach Nefesh, so spend say about 10 hours, before you render an opinion. B”H I have saved numerous lives advising family and friends (especially woman) NOT to take the (specifically) Covid shot.
    If you can’t do this research (maybe you have a frum filter) than kindly pay someone to it for you before getting yourself into topics that are beyond you.

    ps. More than a million people worldwide have died from he covid shot. Research this before screaming, please.
    pps. Thank you “Who Said”.

  12. A MILLION people died from the Covid shot?!?!?!

    The “official” count is that 6.8 million died from Covid itself over several years.

    I also know people, though apparently not the same ones as you. One woman I know is an RN with nightmarish (pre-vaccine) stories of trying to help patients who were completely overwhelming the hospitals.

    So what happened? Did the vaccine simply run its course? Where are the overflowing hospitals full of people who are dying from the vaccine? I mean I would think that at least some of them survived the shot long enough to seek medical care.

    If there were really that many people dead or dying from the disease it would be physically impossible to hide.
    Where are the articles about the overwhelmed cemeteries? During the height of Covid there were so many fatalities that they were literally stacked up because there was no way to bury that many people that quickly.

    Do vaccines cause side effects? Yes.
    It’s very possible that the Covid shot did harm some people. Maybe a higher percentage than traditional vaccines. Maybe it should have been tested more thoroughly. But people were dying.

    A million deaths? How are you not embarrassed to say that?

  13. It is much, much, more than than a million, world wide.
    Please review and research on Twitter and Rumble (easier to find the truth) and you will see. Once you have done this, and been exposed at what’s going on, you will see that your questions are nill.
    For example, no one is categorized as being ill from the shot!! It’s heart failure, stroke, blood clots, etc. Also, they created a new category, ‘died suddenly’. Also, the coroner is not allowed to report the blood clots found. Also, many drop dead and never make it to any hospital. (A few hundred athletes in the last 2 years. On the field, sudden death. Also many air line pilots – they were forced to take it or lose their jobs. Did you know, that the big Machers in gov, including the CDC, and from Pfiezer or Moderna, who fly by private Jet make sure to use pilots that did NOT take the shot?)
    I KNOW a lot of this stuff sounds absurd, because people don’t understand what’s going on. I have researched these topics for many many years, way before Covid-19, from when they were still planning it. Please research yourself, and when you realize that America is no more, don’t get depressed! Hashem will help us all!
    But, please! Anyone, Before you write me off as meshuga, research it yourself! Invest time! It is that important! See the Plandemic movie, free on Twitter.

  14. Brachavehatzlocho:

    Good morning!!

    Time to wake up and not put everything in to one big cholent pot. You are not embarrassed to talk without knowing what’s going on???!!! Is it possible that you are gullible and scared so whatever the establishment says has to be true and accepted???? You don’t have your own brain???? YOU simply don’t have sufficient information to talk. Sorry.

    Yes, as Dr. Fauci finally stated in public – on the record – “official” numbers are for people that died “WITH” covid not that they died from COVID.
    These people, unfortunately, were also not given or allowed to get, the available medicines and techniques that worked for hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. All because of the mitzva of covid vaccine. By the way, the CDC defines mitzva = money (we can make billions of dollars). You could could talk down to people that have the facts but you can’t change the facts. End of story.
    Covid was 95% (or more) over in Lakewood before the covid vaccine came around. That is well known. The same is true is most places.
    The vaccine certainly only did more damage than good. How of the sudden deaths, strokes, cancers and unexplainable other problems, were in totally not-covid-vaxxed people??? Yes, that is how hashem wanted it to happen to them but if you know in advance, you are mechuyev to protect as many of acheinu bnei yisroel from this very dangerous shot.
    Without the vaccine, we would have been done long ago. Since the vaccine came along most deaths in covid cases were those that were vaccinated at least once. These are undisputable facts. Do you need sources? They are available from scientists that this is their area of science.

  15. I’m much less concerned by the vociferous debate going on in the comments than I am by the fact that a shill has been permitted to publish anti-scientific misinformation at all. I am not referring to ‘scientific’ as in ‘I am science Faucci’ and his accomplice Rochelle Wallenski; I am referring to the studies that began coming out – at least one per fortnight – as the restrictions were lifted and people got back to work. These studies are proving what many thousands of experts predicted or voiced fear over. Some of the vaccines have already been withdrawn, but they’ve made their money and served their purpose, so there will be no investigation. But the shills are still being funded to promote the principle, in preparation for next time.

  16. You don’t just add up doctors. Most doctors know nothinga about vaccines. You go by people who are specialists in the subject. And vaccines have changed since the Satmar Rav’s day. In his day, the shots were simple, not loaded with metals and submolecular particles. And you got 10 of them, not 60 that have never been tested when given together. And his day, you could sue vax makers for damages. Today, you cannot. Would the Satmar Rav trust goyim who don’t have to pay a price for negligence? Not a chance. So please, spare us the emotionalism that you are trying to disguise as emunas chochamim and science.

  17. To my mind this discussion leaves out the three most important words in any such questions about how to act: asei lecha Rav. Each person’s personal Rav is his or her channel for Divine instruction, Hashem gives him the wisdom and knowledge and puts words into his mouth to guide those who ask him shailos, helps him evaluate the conflicting medical and halachic issues and reach the best decision for his personal situation.

  18. WhoSaid wrote: “Since the vaccine came along most deaths in covid cases were those that were vaccinated at least once.”
    Uhmmm. Think about that statement. If most of the population is vaccinated (which is the case), then automatically most people who die have been, well, vaccinated.
    The vaccine doesn’t stop all deaths. Some people get Covid anyway, and even though they were vaccinated they still die.
    I’m not defending the efficacy, or lack thereof, of the vaccine. The government says that far more people would have been seriously ill or dead without it.
    Unfortunately, it is not a “vaccine” in the traditional sense.

    Now, for those who accused me of being uninformed on the subject:
    Not enough time has passed to really know who is right. In the 1958 Asian Flu epidemic, there was a roughly five year period during which deaths from the disease peaked and then dropped off. By 1962 the death rate was essentially the same as it had been before the outbreak.

    We haven’t reached the end of the cycle. Honestly though, as of now the death rate is not dropping nearly as fast as experts thought it would, even with the vaccine. Proponents of the vaccine say that Covid deaths specifically are actually down dramatically. It’s just that deaths from other causes are up, which is a big talking point of the anti-vax crowd. They claim many of those are “vaccine” deaths which are being covered up by falsely attributing them to other causes.

    The continuing high death rate is probably the single most significant data point that gives ammunition to anti-vaxxers. If the vaccine were really effective, (or at the very least not harmful) they argue, the death rate in the months since its release should have dropped tremendously. By this time we should already have been approaching pre-Covid levels. So it must be, therefore, that all those extra deaths are being caused by the vaccine itself.

    On the other hand, who says Covid 19 has to follow the same pattern as past pandemics?
    It’s also possible that people who contracted Covid and then recovered and later died were actually harmed more seriously by it than they thought. Their subsequent deaths were from other conditions made worse by Covid’s lingering effects, and the vaccine played no part in either protecting them or harming them.

    The end of 2023 will mark the end of the 5 year cycle, which will hopefully provide more definitive statistics. And even then the debate won’t stop. There will no doubt be accusations and recriminations for years to come.

    So what do I think? I think that those who believe this was a great conspiracy from the outset are mistaken. I think the virus originated in China (although there is some question of how involved the U.S. was).
    I think the world (including Big Pharma) was largely blindsided by it. Once the race started to find a vaccine, there is little doubt that corporate greed influenced much of what happened. This includes possibly lying about the “alternate” meds that so many insist would have served as well or better than the vaccines. For every study showing Hydroxychloroquine works, there are multiple studies showing it doesn’t. But each side says the other’s testing methodologies were flawed.

    I think that we don’t yet have enough information to be sure about any of it.
    But I could be wrong.

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