Lapid: What are We Voting On Exactly?

lapSpeaking to the Knesset plenum on Tuesday, 9 Adar II 5774, the day before the scheduled vote on the draft bill, Finance Minister Yair Lapid explained just what the vote is about.

“What exactly are we voting on? Not just the induction of chareidim and their going out into the workplace. Before all else we are voting tomorrow on the question of who decides. We will vote on the hashkafa that the state has the right and obligation to determine our future and it does not have to ask permission from anyone. We will vote on the fact that we still know how to be one nation, one chevra, one and one seminal idea”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. “one nation, one chevra, one and one seminal idea”

    Sounds very much like Mussolini (not Hitler, not Stalin).
    In the United States, a similar speech would make it clear that the “seminal idea” is something enjoying universal support (e.g. “freedom”), and would mention diversity. An Israeli “right” (Netanyahu, Bennett, Lapid) that is trying to force everyone into one mold will inevitably be the enemy of the hareidim, since hareidim have their preferred mold.

  2. one nation, one chevra, one and one seminal idea…

    what is that one idea of this nation you oisvorf? to be a bunch of hebrews with a jewish past that are all mechallel shabbos!

  3. this shows the naive people that it’s not a question of sharing the burden, but a question of destroying a democracy, and a Jewish State with at least a token of Judaism: throwing a few bones to the yeshivas, when Moshiach comes, even Israel will not be able to claim reward for helping Torah. they also will plead for some mitzva and then run away from it.

  4. “that is trying to force everyone into one mold” — does that remind anyone of the LEARNING FOREVER MOLD FOR ALL ABLE-BODIED MEN???

  5. When Lapid states “Before all else we are voting tomorrow on the question of who decides” – he is right.

    That is exactly what this bill is about – who is the ultimate authority, the State or G-d.

    In short, is the state the ultimate and total authority and does it have the right to decide any and all matters and use the power at its disposal to enforce those decisions.

    The clear and unambiguous answer of the Torah is NO – THE STATE IS NOT THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY. There is a Higher Authority – and when push comes to shove (i.e,. when you push and we are shoved) we STILL STAND WITH THE TORAH!

  6. Lipman is in that party because he wanted to break in to politics, and the original party that he tried to start never got off the ground, he is the guy who wanted to play for the Bulls when MJ was there so he can win

  7. A democratic coercion vote , we will democratically punish you for not voting. An act of crime remains a crime even if approved by a government.

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