Polls Have Closed in Beit Shemesh

bseThe polls have closed in the Beit Shemesh reelection at 22:00 as scheduled. The official results of the election are expected sometime during the night. All pollsters are signaling that whatever the outcome, it will be very close. The final voter turnout is reported to be respectable, but an official figure is not available at this time. The estimated unofficial number reported is a 72% voter turnout, which is lower than both Abutbul and Cohen campaign workers believed would be the case. The lower voter turnout most feel works to the benefit of Abutbul, but at this juncture, it is just speculation.

Kol Berama reports that an unspecified number of residents affiliated with Neturei Karta voted in the election, as did many residents of what is known as the Old Beit Shemesh, not believed to be supporters of Mayor Moshe Abutbul.

The situation is tense in the chareidi campaign headquarters on Nachal Nitzanim Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh as no one really has an idea who will emerge the victor, the chareidi candidate Mayor Moshe Abutbul or the contender, Eli Cohen, with the latter supported by Likud, Yesh Atid and Bayit Yehudi.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. According to people manning voting booths in the neighborhoods of Satmar, Eidah Chareidus and Neterei Karta, there was a significant number of voting in those districts whereas last time (and all previous elections) there was very little turnout.

    Also, according to someone involved in the counting, Abutbol has taken a significant lead in the (very) early count.

  2. It also looks like the Chareidi parties will be picking up one more seat on the City Council then they won last time. This will give them an outright majority, whereas in the overturned election they only won half the seats.

    Those who pushed for a new (re)election may end up deeply regretting it. Not only didn’t they gain their objective, they very well may come out much worse than if they didn’t sue for a new election and lived with the original election.

  3. There was a new election because of fraud, hopefully the new election was honest and upright.

    Whomever wins, Hurray!

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