Jewish Teacher Arrested For Threatening Students Who Drew Swastikas, Police Say

A Jewish middle school teacher in Wisconsin was arrested for making terrorist threats toward students who drew swastikas on a paper in his classroom, police said.

The Grafton Police Department, north of Milwaukee, has not identified the seventh-grade teacher they say told the students that he had 17 guns in his basement and that he wasn’t afraid to use them.

The John Long Middle School teacher, who police say is Jewish, was angered by the drawings and also threatened to send his daughter to students’ homes with a baseball bat, WTMJ-TV reported.

“At first he kind of just acted normal, he just put it on his desk like, ‘I’m going to tell the office about this,’” seventh-grader Ethan Poulos told the television station. “But then he picked up the piece of paper and went on a ramble about how that’s bad and that’s a disgrace to his people. He started mentioning the N-word and how that was worse than writing the N-word on the wall.”

The teacher was booked into the Ozaukee County jail for making terrorist threats and exposing a child to harmful material, according to police. Both charges are felonies.

Grafton Superintendent Jeff Nelson said Friday in a letter sent to families that the teacher was immediately placed on leave and removed from the school. The teacher will not have contact with students until an investigation is complete, Nelson said.


8 Responses

  1. It never pays to threaten goyishe minors, he surely realizes that by now but it’s a bit too late for him’
    very sad story, but not sure why YWN feels we need to know about this.

  2. Wait a second
    Am I getting this correct.

    The kids drew swastika.
    Teacher took it away and started to lecture the kids about how inflammatory the drawings were.
    Then so
    Something happened that triggered the Jewish teacher to “threaten” the kids.
    Is that the way YWN story reads?

    Now what and who instigated the teacher to say what he/she said?

    Why YWN is calling the teacher Terrorists without due process of law as school is aperntly doing?

    Isn’t drawing swastika a symbol of Nazi hatred and white supremacy and anti Jewish racism? If so why YWN is calling the teacher the terrorist?

    If a Neo Nazi or KKK symbol is drawn on a black church by a minor isn’t that by itself act of Hate? So AGAIN WHY IS YWN CALLING THE TEACHER A TERRORIST.

    The student named above was quoted as if he / they never did anything wrong to instigate the situation or was a part of threat to the teacher. Yet they got away without any repermend and thrown out school?

    To me this looks like inbreeding of Jewish hate and silent glorification of Hitler’s Neo Nazi youth.

    Please let me know we are not so screwed up in the head.

  3. Never pays for a jew boy to threaten goyim, especially minors.
    I still feel bad for the fellow he was really put to the test

  4. I believe that teaching in Yeshiva will be better choice for teachers
    1) they educate their own communities
    2) you may get a discount from the school administration for your kids (in case your kids go to the same school
    3) Yeshiva yougalite are behaving really nicely with their teachers
    You see from here that the benefit of teaching in a Yeshiva are great
    Plus I believe you get schar in Olam Abah for this Avodah and that no teachers pension or benefits will pay off

  5. Hmm, I feel that justice and education would both be better served if the school district instituted a Holocaust education curriculum. Make this teacher teach it and have the kids attend. Or most immediately educate the students as to why the symbol is a particular trigger for that teacher and get the teacher some counseling.

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