Election Update from Aryeh Deri [13:30 IL]

deriThe following update is provided by Shas leader Aryeh Deri via a phone interview with Kol Berama Radio a few moments ago.

I am here since 05:30 when we davened shachris. I have been through many elections and this is unique as the lines were visible at 06:30 with activists for candidate Eli Cohen a half hour before the polls opened. “This tells me all the organizations that have been assisting him are doing their work to get him elected”. We have been in touch with Interior Ministry, Central Election Committee and Israel Police officials and there is a measure of improvement as a result. (Referring to many complaints of delays in the chareidi sector due to the actions of police).

Police are acting as activists for the opponent and we do not have the means to compete with such a large election mechanism against us. Therefore we must all get out and vote even if it means waiting on line another few minutes or even a half hour… This is Maran’s instructions and this is what is expected of us.

Yes, the voter turnout is higher than last time but we must understand what this means. Last time 8,000 eligible voters in Old Beit Shemesh did not vote and now they are out voting for Eli Cohen. Therefore every one of us must get out and vote.

Gedolim in the Sephardi community are calling calling on every eligible voter to exercise the right towards being MeKadesh Shem Shomayim to reelect Mayor Rabbi Moshe Abutbul.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


8 Responses

  1. let us all daven ( after we vote for Mayor Abutbol ) Kpital 22 written by Esther Hamalka for another purim miracle!!!!!

  2. That’s because the last time they were Mechallel Shaeim Shomayim by cheating. A different approach would be nice. MAke us proud and keep it clean. I can’t believe Maran would have given a Heter to steal an election.

  3. Sounds like chaos at its best. Hard 2 understand how this entire voting procedure can be labeled a “kiddush Hashem” no matter who wins. Looks like a huge hester panim!

  4. Higher than last time voter turnout may be bad news for Abutbol. Cohen lost last time around due to very low voter turnout among many of the demographics that supported him (with the exception of the DL community). He fought for this “do-over” to try to change that, and if he in fact succeeded he may have a chance of winning, especially considering all the extremist in RBSB who don’t vote at all.

  5. i was on J-m’s light rail today (of course AFTER voting Abutbul), and the driver announced a “Cheifetz Chashud”. So i said, “i didn’t know eli cohen is in J-m today” 🙂

  6. Who ever wins will need to deal with a very politicized constituency I don’t envy either candidate. Truth be told if everyone took a moment to consider the consequence of either candidate winning they would realize both are qualified career politicians and both when the election is over will be dutiful mayor for both halves of the city. The emotions that both sides of this race have ramped up to a point of putting all their future hopes and desires on this election is somewhat deluded. If Cohen wins the Haredi sector of Beit Shemesh will continue to grow and thrive and if Abutbol wins there will not be Mechitzas put up on side walks. This election is akin to a high school student government race where everyone is hoping their candidate will lower taxes and shorten the school day.

    In the end nothing fundamentally will change and everyone is still going to have learn to both compromise and get along for the sake of the Greater Shalom Bayit.

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