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Police Halt Voting in a Number of Stations Due to Long Lines [10:12 IL]

vote3.jpgPolice have halted voting in polling stations in the Cheftziba and Kiryat Belz areas of Beit Shemesh. Voters are reporting the long delays are less due to voter volume as they are the result of prolonged and exaggerated police inspections of each and every chareidi voter.

A report on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) states the brother of a member of the city council, not a chareidi, “faked passing out in a chareidi polling station to halt the voting”. This is based on the information provided to the radio station and unverified.

A re-election is also taking place in Nazareth today, with 86 polling stations operating. A large police presence is reported, over 500 policepersons in the hope of maintaining order in the city.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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