Vaxxers, anti-Vaxxers, Third Viewers, and Emes

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

With President Biden’s new immigration policy finally about to take place,   New Yorkers especially are facing a new major health crisis.  The policy is officially allowing in to the United States tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from the southern border,  What is the new health crisis?

Over fifty percent of the new immigrants are not vaccinated for polio.  This can be both very dangerous and potentially very deadly rachmana litzlan.  This is especially true for those who subscribe to the anti-Vaxxer thought process.

This article may very well irk the majority of readers, but perhaps it will do the impossible – create unity among the vaxxers and anti-vaxxers for once in their anger against this article.  It’s real purpose, however, is to attempt to avert a major health crisis, by re-conceiving how we view the anti-Vax community.  But first, a dvar Torah from Rav Gamliel Rabbinowitz shlita about Emes.

Rav Gamliel Rabbinowitz Shlita is one of the leading Roshei Yeshiva and Kabbalists in the world. He is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaarei Shamayim, the Yeshiva that was headed by Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZT”L. Rav Gamliel, in his Tiv HaTorah (on Sefer VaYikrah p. 411) provides us with a fascinating Kabbalistic interpretation of the following verse in this past week’s Parsha.

“The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land belongs to Me, for [כִּי] strangers and temporary residents [וְתוֹשָׁבִ֛ים] you are [אַתֶּ֖ם] with Me.” (VaYikrah 25:23)

The word כִּי in this verse can mean “for” or it can mean “when.” Therefore, in the aforementioned verse, Rabbi Gamliel explains that we can read it as follows: When you are “estranged” [from Me or from My Torah], there is still hope for there are two tools, two methods or devices that can bring you back to Me,

What are those two tools? Let’s continue reading the verse. Throughout the Zohar, and other Kabbalistic works, we find that the rearrangement of letters carries great significance. The two tools, that can bring Bnei Yisrael back to Hashem are the next words in the verse – תוֹשָׁבִ֛ים the observance of Shabbos which is hinted at as the word contains the letters

“ש” ,“ת” and “ב”– when rearranged, the letters of Shabbos; and the second device is “אַתֶּ֖ם” which, when rearranged, spells the word “אֱמֶֽת” truth.

Truth is the signet ring of Hashem (Shabbos 55a) and can bring us back to where we should be – not only spiritually, but in terms of our public health policies,


During Covid-19, finally, a vaccine against the deadly version of the virus came out.  It saved many people.  However, in order to save these people, the NIH, CDC, and a number of others including doctors –  suppressed some of the information regarding the Covid-19 vaccines and adverse reactions to vaccines.  The adverse reactions were rare, but often serious.

Real and true reactions to the vaccine were ignored.  Only now are doctors realizing that they can treat the over-reactions. Many anti-vaxxers used these cases to discredit and denigrate vaccines in general.  Both sides, however, don’t like or agree with the Third Viewers.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal ran a story about Brianne Dressen who was one of the first Americans to be vaxxed.

The WSJ reported that she “volunteered to participate in AstraZeneca’s  trial, and received her first dose on Nov. 4, 2020, at a clinic in West Jordan, Utah. “I am pro-science and pro-vaccine,” Ms. Dressen says. “I was more than glad to participate in the scientific process.”

Minutes after the shot, Ms. Dressen’s arm began to tingle, her vision grew blurry, and sounds became muffled. The clinic suggested she see a neurologist, who directed her to the emergency room. The ER couldn’t figure out what was wrong and sent her home.

Her condition steadily deteriorated over the next 2½ weeks. She experienced extreme nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, painful vibrating sensations, pins and needles in her arms and face, numbness, tremors, brain fog, heart palpitations and fever. Physicians were mystified. They diagnosed her with a “silent migraine” and “anxiety due to the Covid vaccine” after a hospital stay. She was provided occupational and physical therapy but spent weeks in bed, unable to tolerate sound, light or even her children’s touch.

In the ensuing months, she faced not only debilitating symptoms but also bureaucratic indifference—though government officials tried to be helpful at first. On Jan. 11, 2021, her husband, Brian, a U.S. Army chemist, contacted Avindra Nath, intramural clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Dr. Nath responded immediately that he would discuss her condition with other National Institutes of Health neurologists. He asked for blood and spinal-fluid samples for analysis, and he ominously mentioned that “the current political climate is another aspect that we need to keep an eye on.”

Dr. Nath didn’t elaborate, but by now the politics of the Covid vaccines are familiar. Bitter disputes over mandates fed skepticism of the shots and claims, often false and outlandish, about their dangers. At the same time, public-health authorities, anxious to promote vaccination, played down risks that were real if rare, leaving patients like Ms. Dressen in limbo.

After failed attempts to work remotely with Ms. Dressen’s home medical team, Dr. Nath invited her to an NIH facility in Bethesda, Md., for examination. Physicians there diagnosed her with postvaccine neuropathy and severe postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, which causes rapid heartbeat on standing up. She was treated with intravenous immune globulin, an infusion of antibodies from healthy donors that can modulate an overactive immune response.

The treatment helped, but symptoms persisted and would wax and wane.

She learned that many others were experiencing similar symptoms after getting vaccinated. She organized online support groups, but Facebook shut them down under its “misinformation” policy, which bans information that is “likely to directly contribute to the risk of imminent physical harm, including by contributing to the risk of individuals getting or spreading a harmful disease or refusing an associated vaccine.” This includes “claims about the safety or serious side effects of COVID-19 vaccines”—even, it appears, when such claims are truthful.

The Facebook censorship and government inaction spurred her to launch React19, a “science-based nonprofit offering financial, physical, and emotional support” for people who suffered severe reactions after Covid vaccines. React19 has more than 21,000 members in the U.S. and another 20,000 in 24 international partner organizations. It also has a Facebook page.

“We are not antivax and are neutral on the Covid vaccines,” Ms. Dressen says. “But doctors need to be aware of what’s going on so they can treat patients.” Ms. Dressen and others have pressed the NIH, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration to acknowledge their symptoms so patients don’t feel shunned and can obtain the medical care they need.


Anti-vaxxers are not evil, chas v’shalom.  Indeed, in this author’s experience, most of them are well-meaning and have better midos than other groups.  The message that the anti-Vaxxers spread can be very dangerous to public health.  What we really need to do is pursue emes – honesty not just in our spiritual observance – but also in our public health policy.  That means not suppressing the cases of reactions and real risks.

What follows is this author’s theory as to the cause of the anti-vaxxer view.  But first, a discussion about a controversy in the world of grief and psychiatry:

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926 – 2004), a world-famous Swiss-born American psychiatrist, in her 1969 book entitled, “On Death and Dying”  – discussed her theory of the five stages of grief, also known as the “Kübler-Ross model.”

The five stages are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  They are tools to help frame and identify what people feel when they go through trauma or grief or other difficulties. The controversy is whether people go through these stages from one to another or whether they are different states.

The theory that is being proposed here is that, far from being evil and the like, the anti-vaxxers had experienced a trauma or difficulty where they experienced denial but never progressed beyond that stage.  Being good people, they wanted to bring this message to other people.

Those that comprise the world of anti-Vaxxers are one of four types (or a combination of them):

  1. People who experienced a personal difficulty, grief or trauma, or lost or nearly lost a loved one [or the loved one went through a grief or trauma] and experienced denial, but never progressed.
  2. People who have become influenced by the first group, either because they are highly intelligent, influential, charismatic, highly loved or respected or a religious leader. We also include within this second category people that live in a setting where everyone around them are anti-Vaxxers as well.
  3. People who, by the nature of their personality, are somewhat oppositional to the conventional thinking of things.
  4. People who are looking to make $omething on tho$e who are susceptible to believing in this.

The problem with the anti-vaxxer movement is that they can often take true and valid  problems and blow them out of proportion thus jeopardizing the general welfare of society.  We don’t really tell people this, but when a car catches on fire, seat-belts can be the reason for loss of life.  Nonetheless, this is so rare in comparison to all of the lives being saved by seat belts that it would be foolish to eradicate the use of seat belts.

While we are at it, this can perhaps develop our understanding of how great Rabbis can be among the anti-Vax community.  People go through denial and depressed periods in life.  It is part of life and not everyone is immune to it.  For some people that denial can stay with them.  [This can also, perhaps, help our understanding of how someone could withhold a get from a spouse years and years after it became clear that the marriage was over.  They are in a state of extreme denial and were unable to move on.  They hope that they can regain their marriage.]

The solution is to take a compassionate approach and understand and educate the states or stages.  [See also Assia Publication # 111-112 p. 7]


Third viewers believe that vaccines are essential to our public health policy but believe that suppressing negative information about vaccines is wrong.  The NIH, CDC and other organizations should have been up front.  The dishonesty has caused a grave crisis, wherein entire communities no longer trust doctors or health organizations  whatsoever. Across the country, anti-Vaxism has spread like wildfire.

The coming polio crisis can be avoided if the position of the Third-Viewers is adopted.  Yes, there will be some severe reactions to the polio vaccine – but do we really want to be the cause, heaven forbid of so many other people dying?

The author can be reached at [email protected]

19 Responses

  1. You can definitely say that anti-vaxxers are well meaning, but it’s absurd to say that they “have better midos than other groups.” Have you heard how virulent these people can be?

  2. This is a well balanced article, but it is important to note that a new and unmentioned category exists. The “vaccine hesitant” movement. After seeing the lies, manipulation and clear gaslighting displayed by doctors and nurses throughout Covid, it was bound to happen. These “health heroes” are slaves to a narrative and when you see the lengths they went to, to silence concerns and side effects, how can a person not become distrustful? How can a person not second guess medical norms? Has the American academy of pediatrics condemned gender reassignment surgery in children? Until they do how can parents trust any of their “health” guidelines?
    The word “misinformation” has gone viral. It is often said in the same sentence as conspiracy theorists and flat earthers. In truth misinformation has most clearly been propagated by the medical community and the distrust will take a very long time to sort out. The best way to speed the process would b to apologize. Profusely apologize for the lack of trust that THEY are responsible for!

  3. You’re not qualified to an opinion on vaccines (or “anti-vaxxers”) unless you already have done your research. It wasn’t taught in any school. One way is to read Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. Then think about it. Look up the references if you want. You might be surprised at how your opinion changed…

  4. The first piece of sheker in the article and by Public Health is calling these quack pseudoscience C19 jabs “a vaccine” as far as infection efficacy & transmission. The second lie would be it’s safety with 1/800 adverse events according to many independent & government reports. The 3rd lie would be denythe basic virology concept of Natural Immunity. The 4th lie would be to deny early medical treatment ..and so on.

    I’m very much in favor of real vaccination that provides long-lasting sterilizing viral immunity that has an established safety record. One should accept nothing less. Nothing has done more damage to vaccination acceptance that the repetive government lies, policy madness & mandates of the past 3 years.

  5. @Dontbefooled
    Public Apologies won’t be enough. Maybe for Rabbonim who unesseraely pitched these jabs to previously recovered ultra low-risk bochrim/girls …if the can truly claim they were also victims of Public Health Disinformation.

    As for Authorities, nothing else will do other than justice via Nuremberg-like trials to refoster trust again.

  6. Dontbefooled – what does gender reassignment have to do with vaccines? The issue is providing good and bad info transparently not their political or moral views. In fact, most frum people want doctors to treat them according to Jewish values and not the doctors personal values. But maybe you never dealt with end of life issues to appreciate this. But then again that would be odd as every anti-vaxxer apparently knows of countless numbers of people that died from the vaxx so you would think they have extensive experience in this regard… So confusing.

    Schmendrick – Sounds like this fellow is clearly well versed in statistical methods and medicine. Definitely reading a book titled something about Turtles is a substitute for years of advanced study and technical training. When you have some free time, maybe you can read another book or two and provide legal and accounting advice as well.

    jpa – sounds like you are in the denial stage still. Time to move on. Just a clarification… Natural immunity is immunity gained through exposure to the live virus versus a vaccine which exposes you to something else to gain immunity. Can you clarify for us neophytes why you seem to suggest that being infected by a live virus is better, considering there is extensive evidence that exposure to any live virus risks life-long consequences including increasing awareness that viral infections can cause cancer. I imagine you must have done extensive research in this area.

  7. If you wan’t to really know the EMES then you need to hear what the virologist Stephen Lanka found and the pseudoscience used to prove viruses and the mathematical calculations used to find virus genomes. Germ theory is not the EMES it’s actually the twin theory of evolution! Unfortunately our Tzibur has become trained to not think and investigate, we’ve become conditioned to just follow what we’re told. People though are waking up and learning that health is all Terrain theory. Hopefully people can get past their denial and wake up to the Emes

  8. @jpa:
    There’s plenty more sheker there, but that was a good start. The sum of those parts is unimaginable rishus, for those who can do that math.

    It is also still unbelievable how rabbis went out publicly and did that – and we have still not yet seen even one public apology and explanation for the same.

    So sad.

  9. Here’s some information about the “out of proportion” response of the anti-vaxxers.
    1) Dr. Peter Aaby vaccinated millions of children in Africa with DTP. He then compared the outcome with millions of un-vaccinated African children. He discovered that although the vaccinated children were protected from the specific diseases for which they had been immunized, their overall mortality rate was up to TEN times higher than for the unvaccinated children.
    2) The American govt. set up a special adverse vaccine reaction reporting system for covid vaccines called v-safe. The online form was designed in such a way as to minimise reporting of serious reactions. Even so, the amount of people who required medical intervention after the vaccine was 7.7%, or one in 13!
    3) Dr. Paul Thomas, a general practitioner, has many children under his care in his busy clinic who have not been vaccinated. At the request of the Oregon medical board he carried out a ten year study comparing the overall health of his vaccinated vs unvaccinated patients. He discovered that the unvaccinated patients were much healthier than the vaccinated ones in every branch of medicine. The medical board’s reaction? They took his license away!!

    Maskana? There’s no such thing as pro-vaxxers or anti-vaxxers. There’s only the uninformed and the informed.

  10. “The coming polio crisis can be avoided if the position of the Third-Viewers is adopted. Yes, there will be some severe reactions to the polio vaccine – but do we really want to be the cause, heaven forbid of so many other people dying?”

    The author is supposed to write “halacha” (or “halakha”) articles. A “dvar Torah” surrounded by his (uninformed) political and sociological opinion is not “halacha”.

    Furthermore, he should not issue conclusive halachic “rulings” in a public forum, especially when those conclusions have zero halachic reasoning provided to support them.

    Nowhere in halachic literature does it state anything remotely close to the author’s conclusion, that the potential fear that maybe someone would be the cause of “someone else dying” would obligate someone to inject anything into the guf that Hashem gave him and commanded him to watch over – and to chance a “severe reaction” by doing that.

    Giluy panim baTorah shelo kaHalacha is not a good idea.

  11. One of the goals of the article is deception and deflection.

    Using the false term “anti Vaxxer” for someone who questions the labeling, safety, efficacy, ingredients, of a Biologic injection, malicious and is backed by a political agenda.

    If you question the Kashrus of a product or restaurant- are you anti-Kashrus?

    If you question aspects of an Eruv- are you anti-eruv?

    If you question the qualifications of a contractor- are you anti-contractor?

    If you question the Hashkacha of a Pesach Program- are you anti-Pesach?

    If you question the safety and efficacy of an experimental Biologic injectable drug labeled a vaccine by a for profit company that has paid billions in dollars in bad drug lawsuits- you are not an anti-vaxxer or any label. You are exercising your right as a human to question a medical procedure you are being pressured into taking.

    We still have this right even though governments, foundations and Pharma companies have a embedded this entire enterprise with severe manipulative snd coercive measures, including paying Millions of dollars to “trusted community and religious leaders and organizations to act as ambassadors to counter vaccine hesitancy”, including in social and print media.

    They have also paid millions of dollars to local trusted Religious based “vaccine clinics” to push these experimental dangerous shots. The Medical Specialty Societies that are paid millions of dollars by Pharma and doctors paid Pfizer and other Grants dollars also are pressured to coerce the public to take these shots, early on telling us they are safe and effective for all when they had NO SUCH DATA TO MAKE SUCH A CLAIM. The money trail of bribes and threats at every level is atrocious and should be illegal.

  12. 2/3
    They be of the dangers of vaccines are that once a Pharma company labels an injectable Biologic a “vaccine” the Pharma co has an u usual immunity from being held liable for the damages that drug causes. Any sane thinking person should immediately work to rescind This waiver of liability for Pharma companies who peddle these injections.

    The author of this article bizarrely ignores the fact that by allowing illegal aliens into our country without requiring they get the vaccines Americans are forced to take, the Biden Admin and those vote for and coordinate with them are themselves “anti-Vaxxed” according to their own definition.

    The author of this article is an “anti vaxxer” because he believes the Aliens that Biden is letting flow into the country are putting people at risk for diseases by not getting the injections he thinks prevents a disease, and he is doing nothing to stop
    This invasion of what he alleges are dangerous disease vectors.

    After the “Covid” has lost momentum, there has been a coordinated agenda to push a Polio fear. Even though the one case that was alleged to have occurred was caused by being exposed to someone who had a live polio virus type Vax, that is known to be able to cause spread of virus, there has still been an attempt to smear Orthodox Jews as spreaders of virus “anti-Vaxxers” that is malicious and dangerous campaign. Yet again Vaccine influencers and ambassadors in the community are helping in this campaign

  13. 1/3 EDITED:

    One of the goals of the article is deception and deflection.

    Using the false term “anti Vaxxer” for someone who questions the labeling, safety, efficacy, ingredients, of a Biologic injection, is malicious and is in fact backed by a political and/or financial agenda.

    If you question the Kashrus of a product or restaurant- are you anti-Kashrus?

    If you question aspects of an Eruv- are you anti-eruv?

    If you question the qualifications of a contractor- are you anti-contractor?

    If you question the Hashkacha of a Pesach Program- are you anti-Pesach?

    If you seek a second or third opinion for a cancer treatment for your health- are you anti-health?

    If you question the safety and efficacy of an experimental Biologic injectable drug labeled a vaccine by a for profit company that has paid billions in dollars in bad drug lawsuits- you are not an anti-vaxxer or any label.

    You are exercising your right as a human being to question a medical procedure you are being pressured into taking.

    We still have this important right, and medical freedom, even though governments, foundations and Pharma companies have embedded this entire Covid Shot enterprise with severe manipulative and coercive measures, including paying Millions of dollars to “trusted community and religious leaders and organizations to act as ambassadors to counter vaccine hesitancy”, including in social and print media.

    They have also paid millions of dollars to local trusted Religious based “vaccine clinics” to push these experimental dangerous shots. The Medical Specialty Societies that are paid millions of dollars by Pharma pressure doctors, and researchers paid Pfizer grants and other Grants also are pressured to coerce the public to take these shots,

    Early on they were telling us they are “safe and effective for all” when they had NO SUCH DATA TO MAKE SUCH A CLAIM.
    In fact the Clinical Trials themselves are not complete until 2024. And pregnant women were excluded from Clinical Trials. Yet wild unsubstantiated claims about safety and efficacy were made, often from “preliminary data” that included computer means of simulated models or data comprised entirely of self-reported e-diaries of a PRE SET elicited side effects list.

    The money trail of bribes and threats at every level of the Covid Injection agenda is unprecedented, and should horrify every single person of integrity, it is atrocious and should be illegal. The entire Covid Shot agenda is built on lies and bribes.

  14. ‘Diet Prevents Polio’ was a runaway bestseller in the late 1940s and early 50s, written by a leading doctor of that time, Dr. Benjamin Pinchas Sandler. (It’s available free to read online; search at He advocated a high protein (and animal fat) diet, low sugar and starch, and b’h, advocated against the experimental and dangerous vaccination ideas which later mesmerized the world thanks (sic!) to Salk, Sabin, and others, who were pawns of the crooked Rockefeller Foundation and other profiteering pharmaceutical rackets and politicized medical societies.

    Aside from ‘Turtles All the Way Down’, the fraudulent history of vaccines of all types is shown by Dr. Suzanne Humphries in recent times, in her work ‘Dissolving Illusions’. There is a rich history of expose works revealing the false science of vaccinology that dates back to the times of Pasteur, and Edward Jenner as well – both proven fraudsters, who are largely responsible for weaponizing medical philosophy including the fallacious ‘germ theory’ (not that germs don’t exist, but that they should be the focus of treatment rather than diet, lifestyle, and similar aspects of health as causative of most illness, which will reduce their prominence naturally).

  15. I remember when the Covid RNA based vaccine was first made available. It was recommended and restricted to the elderly and high risk. How the younger population (and lower risked) clamored to get the jab (lets not talk about deceits, right?) . How many Whatsapp groups advertised when “leftover”doses were available. Yes , this RNA based vaccine like all medications and treatments could have caused some people to have bad side effects. People are funny like that, we all react differently to various stimuli. Some can die from the whiff of peanuts, some dont respond to this or that antibiotic, some leave surgeries better off and some dont, not to talk about child birth, dental treatments, plane travel, crossing the street!! The same teacher can be a miracle worker for one child and scar the other child for life. Are we going to be all AntiTeachers, AntiPlaneTravel, AntiDentalCare, AntiSurgery??? Come on. For a people who believe that Hashem runs the world, we know that each day is a miracle and a gift. We are all emerging from a terrible situation. We may have been apart but we were never more together in our experience. We need to support each other. The many who lost loved ones, those who had bad reactions from the shot that was touted as our ‘savior’, those who lost their financial security, those whose mental health was affected, etc. The Vaxxers-AntiVaxxers debate will not help us at this time. Its time to put it behind us. Regarding being “lied to”, dont we all do that to our children- the tooth fairy?? Come on!! Yes, during research it is common to ignore extreme outcomes, Gregory Mendel did so with his genetic theory etc. We need to deal with today, and get off the finger-pointing treadmill.

  16. @emes nisht sheker
    Admittedly I was in denial at first as I was rooting for these jabs to work and regrettably was foolish enough to take the first two. (BH at least our kids did not receive them.) I am now 100% convinced that these jabs provide way more harm than benefit. The evidence I’ve seen is both anecdotal from first hand adversee accounts including people dear to me as well from hundreds of medical journals & publications which I actually took the time to review. This opinion is now corroborated – at least in private – by all tenured clinical physicians I’m associated with. The worst part was the injured were left hung out to dry since there’s no liability nor even hospital ICD codes for them.

    As far as sheker, for the future, whenever ANY shekarim are announced by Government & Public Health, learn not to trurst and use your better judgement. This trait saved my grandparents from the shoa and I should have learned from and utilized it more.

  17. And Shall I post here the many Millions of dollars that Refuah Clinic, Ezras Choilim Clinics, Chemed/LRRC and others got from HRSA grants for Covid?

  18. So they lied to us, but now we’re supposed to embrace their next campaign. I guess 80 years is too long ago for some people to remember.
    As for the “denial theory”, I put that in the same garbage category as the “cognitive dissonance” one proposed once by some organization–that the “anti-vaxxers” don’t want to hurt their kids by injecting them, so they find evidence of harm.
    Rabbi Hoffman, don’t try to psychoanalyze our motivations. It’s extremely patronizing and is insulting to the intelligence of those who have read hundreds of journal articles and dozens of books before arriving at their decision. Have you read books on pharma by John Abramson, Marcia Angell, David Healy, Peter Goetzche, and many other top doctors?
    Here’s a quote from Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine:
    “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”
    And here’s another from Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet:
    “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
    And from Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University:
    “There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false… Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.”
    So Rabbi Hoffman, I believe you should add a fifth type to your list of categories:
    5. Highly intelligent and educated people who have had suspicions that their children were afflicted with ADHD and learning issues as a result of vaccination, spent hundreds of hours doing research, and discovered that as many as 100,000 people died of Vioxx, since pulled from the market, and up to half a million due to opioids, and these deaths were only accounted for because there’s LIABILITY for those drugs, unlike vaccines, and so they came to the intelligent decision that there’s no one to trust. And then the rest of their unvaccinated kids miraculously had no ADHD or learning issues. (Call it anecdotal, I prefer to call it a clinical study, N=10, and further research is certainly necessary, but never going to happen, because there’s no money to be had in the outcome.)
    Thank you.

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