TEHILLIM: Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Suffers Stroke; Next 24 Hours Critical

After being hospitalized on Monday afternoon shortly after attending the levaya of Rav Meir Hershkowitz zt”l in Lakewood, doctors in Philadelphia have determined that Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky shlit”a suffered a stroke.

The Rosh Yeshiva is completely alert and aware, and is fully communicative. However, although his cognitive function was not affected, his motor skills were.

The situation is still evolving and doctors say the next 24 hours are critical.

Rav Shmuel has specifically requested that people daven for his refuah sheleima.

Please daven on behalf of Shmuel ben Itta Ettel. 

YWN will continue providing updates as they become available.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. I’m not trying to be frum but maybe write “Rav” Shmuel ben Itta Ettel, since he’s one of the gedolei hador…

  2. @Moishe Ooffnik – I believe there is a Shita that titles such as “Rav” are not used when saying Tehilim or a Mi Sheberach for a Choleh. As I recall, the reason is that nobody is worthy of a title vis-a-vis HKBH, whom we are directly asking to have Rachmanus on the Choleh.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. I am consistently amazed that at critical times some will choose to nitpick as to how to refer to the choleh as if the Ebeshter will be confused as for whose refuah the tehillim are being offered.

  4. @Gadolhadorah maybe we can just make up any name or maybe not say any name because hashem knows… and with such logic maybe no one even needs to express tefillah in words… so yes “OUR WORDS AND ACTIONS MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE” and lets use them wisely including torah, teffilah and maasim tovim LZCHUS THE GADOL HADOR SHLIT”A!

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