Cheder Supervisor Faces Arrest for Striking a Child

hitAccording to an exclusive Ladaat report, a cheider supervisor described as a senior official in a cheider system of a “large chassidus” was questioned by police in Modi’in Illit and is likely to face arrest. Police allege that he regularly strikes children as part of his educational hashkafa.

The report cites the person being questioned has been working in education for many years and has been the subject of a number of complaints but do date, nothing was done. The most recent incident occurred on erev Shabbos Parshas Vayikrah 5774, prompting a parent to file a police complaint.

Police arrived at the man home on Sunday morning. At the time of this report it appears police will place him in custody.

A number of parents are quoted by Ladaat explaining “this is not t he first or even the second complaint”, adding they are fearful what will happen to the parent that turned to police but they add “someone must put an end to violence against children once and for all”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The chasidisher and yerushalmi schools must stop hitting. They are destroying our children!

    My son was repeatedly “patched” and his glasses were broken twice. After a Rebbe from another kita hit my son on the back of his head while he was bending over to pick something off of the floor, I went crazy on the mashgiach. What was his answer? Be silent or withdraw your son from the school!

    BH he is no longer at the cheder.

  2. He SHOULD be arrested. There is no excuse for striking a child. Ridiculous that in today’s day and age, first graders are still pinched or slapped for terrible infractions like not keeping their fingers on the place…

  3. I have been in Education for 10 years or so. The kids today are getting more CHUTSPADIK every year.
    Hitting is not a good option but sometimes a slap is well deserved.

  4. I wonder, if one of the Rebbe’s children were “patchedt” would he stand by idly or do something about it???? If you can’t keep order in the class or keep the children’s attention or when a child does something wrong be able to verbally explain right from wrong, you do NOT belong in a classroom. “Se passt nisht” to do something else, then keep your temper and hands to yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I wish there was something we could do to stop the violence. You guys mamesh dont get how it works in EY. the rebbi beat up a boy in my 10 yr old kid’s class to the extent that the kids were all crying and begging the rebbe to have rachmanus. rumors that a parent threatened to call the police if he returned kept the rebbi out of the cheder for a few days. parents tried to arrange bringing the class to the rebbi’s house to avoid ‘bitul torah’. in the end the parents had a little meeting/vote. Not only did the majority of parents vote to keep the rebbi they wanted to throw out the kids of the parent that threatened to go to the police. they claim the gedolim said it’s assur to go to the police and we dont want such types in our cheder… Even ideas/requests like installing video cameras or windows in the classroom doors fell on deaf ears. Please if you have an idea or a way for a parent/kid to remain anonymous and put an end to the rebbi violence, please share it.

  6. Slapping a child once in a while when deserved to get it is just fine. But doing so on regular basis as a daily method in disciplining kids is wrong. Many times they cant keep their temper and hands to themselves because of a fight they had on the morning with their spouse or because of financial stresses, and the kids fall Victims for this.

  7. to kehath64:
    I have been in Education for 37 years. What have you been “in?” I hope not a classroom. Would you mind revealing the name of the place where you so-called teach? We want to be duly warned and keep our precious children away.

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