HaMevaser Speaks Out Against Yated Neeman’s Dati Leumi Bashing

mevaserIn its latest attack against the dati leumi Tzibur, Yated Neeman on erev Shabbos ran an article addressing residents of Yehuda and Shomron and their cost to the national state budget entitled מתנחלים בספר התקציב.

“If there is a drain on the national economy it is the money that flows like water via hidden channels using expertly hidden means to put another caravan into place at a dangerous junction, for the expensive paving of another approach road to a desolate hilltop and all of this without event speaking about the security burden”.

It is clear the report was another Yated attack against Bayit Yehudi at the expense of the hundreds of thousands of residents of Yehuda and Shomron, many members of the dati leumi community.

Firing back is a column in the Sunday 7 Adar II edition of HaMevaser, in which Binyomin Lipkin attacks the erev Shabbos report in Yated, stating “there must be a total separation between anger and the non-forgiveness towards Bayit Yehudi and between taking revenge against the Jewish yishuvim throughout Eretz Yisrael”.

Lipkin makes no effort to belittle the pain and measure of betrayal felt by the chareidim towards Bayit Yehudi, but this anger is now heading to a dangerous area, chas v’sholom supporting relinquishing Israeli control to the PA (Palestinian Authority) and calling to uproot yishuvim. He warns such a move represents a fundamental error, adding over the years Agudas Yisrael did not support land giveaways to the PA. Lipkin explains the anger should be directed at the political party, and not the residents of Yehuda and Shomron, adding the Moetzas Gedolei Torah since תרצ”ז have stressed the significance of portions of Eretz Yisrael and opposing concessions to the PA.

Lipkin calls for a cessation of attacks against the dati leumi community and the yishuvim once and for all and to direct the anger where it belongs, at the political party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. I have an open question to anyone who knows the real answer.
    What is the connection between the American Yated Ne’eman and the Israeli Yated Ne’man. I am so embarrassed being a long term subscriber to the American Yated. If there is any REAL connection, I would like to cancel my subscription in protest against all these hate-mongering articles in the Israeli Yated. These can’t be at the behest of the gedolim. I personally know Rav Shteinmen for much more than 50 years and know for certain that he would never never approve of such actions.

  2. B”H, we have heard a voice of sanity. I am pleasantly surprised. Hopefully we will see Degel make some changes soon. The approach they have taken over the past week appears to leave the impression that they are unhinged. This is not a good thing. The response needs to be sharp and on the money. The approach here is very dangerous.

  3. Mottel. There is absolutely no connection between the two of them. You can continue to keep your subscription to the American one without supporting the Israeli one.

  4. The Religious Zionists led the attack on the yeshivos, and the demand to conscript hareidim, in no small part in the belief that after army service many would become ex-hareidim who would support the Religious Zionist movement.

    By making the Medinah and “the land” into an “Avodah Zarah”, the Religious Zionists have gone “off the derekh” as much as if they were worshipping a false prophet. Note that some of their own scholars (e.g. Yeshiahu Leibowitz) also saw this problem developing years ago, though I doubt they imagined that the Religious Zionist would start perecuting the hareidim for rejecting the Dati Leumi creed and refusing to convert to the religious zionist persuasion.

    The drain on the Israeli economy is the war, and the Dati Leumi demand to rule over the goyim guarantees a never-ending war. Only the hareidim can bring peace. While people such as Satmar seem weird to modern secularists, from a secular perspective (ignoring the prejudices of the frei Jews), they are correct in realizing that the Torah way is the only viable path to peace, and Jewish survival.

  5. Yaated Neeman israel has been for a long time the forfront
    of lashon hora. To anyone. They use it as weapon and tool to get message of propaganda out. But in the most unyiddish prohibited way al pi halacha. But it does hurt to say; and I must say it. That the newspapers in eretz yisroel have direct hamlatzos and approval of rabbonim and although I believe rav steinman is misinformed by his followers and for sure doesn’t know the bad that comes out of this newspaper; it is sad to say that Rav Steinman is the hamlatza to Yaated Israel. If only those around him and other leaders would tell them to generally disassociate themselves with newspapers in general then it would help the rest of us very much.

  6. #6 ari:
    Not true. Your comment is very misleading and dishonest. if you know the true history of those pieces of land which I’m almmost sure you do is that those lands are owned by israel under different clauses as a result of land purchased. It is not occupied or settled or whatever else. It’s owned.

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