Poll: Most Dati Leumi Don’t Daven Shachris with a Minyan

daven.jpgAccording to a poll conducted by the Rabbanei Beit Hillel organization on the internet, most dati leumi respondents do not daven shachris with a minyan. Over 3,500 people from different streams of the dati leumi community responded to the poll which reveals 802 respondents classify themselves as “Modern Orthodox”, 1,774 as “Orthodox” 256 as “Chareidi Leumi, and 131 as “Traditional”. (The categorization of 800 respondents was not reported).

The organization is satisfied with the volume of segmentation and says that this is an unprecedented statistical sampling of the various sub-streams towards helping to understand the mindset and behavior of the community.

Regarding one’s commitment to halacha, 97% of Chareidi Leumi respondents expressed a commitment as opposed to 89% of the Orthodox, and 69% of the Modern Orthodox.

When asked how many daven shachris with a minyan, the response was:

88% (Chareidi Leumi)

62% (Orthodox)

40% (Dati Light)

When asked to describe one’s social connection with non-religious people, over 70% of the dati community feels one must maintain a relationship. When asked about separating the religious and non-religious community, a third of the Chareidi Leumi responded positively as opposed 20% of the other streams of dati leumi.

Asked about one’s love for Eretz Yisrael, 90% of the respondents feel this is an integral component of their identity. Those who view themselves as “religious” rank even higher, 95%.

What about television? 75% of the Chareidi Leumi community does not want to have a TV in their home while only 14% of the Dati Light community feels a religious should not have a television.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

30 Responses

  1. One should ask how many “hareidim” other than those employed in frum institutions (e.g. yeshivos) get to a minyan regularly, and compare to to similarly employed Dati Leumi. The difference would be much less. People who work on a frum schedule in their home town are “different” from those who don’t.

  2. With all due respect, what is the point of this article? Is it to promote futher machlokes – further judging of who is better than who? Only Hashem knows the true worth of a person.Do we always need to be hit with tragic circumstances to come to together as Am Echad? Let’s do what we can to promote achdus, not divisiveness. It is the only way we will get out of this galus.

  3. This article keeps flip flopping between between “Modern Orthodox” and “Dati Leumi” which happen to be two very different tzibors.
    MO is used when talking about American Jews which usually means they believe in Torah Umadda and Dati Leumi refers to yidden in Eretz Yisrael who are pro-Medinah and send their kids to the army (many times through hesder) which is an act of Hakaras Hatov because the medinah protects you and you are a citizen of the land. The two olams are not against each other and in fact support each other but they are different.

    In addition, this poll just seems to be Lashon Harah against the dati leumi tzibbor. This is just an act by yeshivaworld to think badly of the tzibor due to the news that was announced that they would have a rally outside of Bnei Brak, which they very well should do because the Charaidi Tzibor keeps degrading their Talmidai Chachamim.

  4. im sorry, but how is this “most” since we dont know about the other stream that isnt reported, from the stream that did report their affiliation it comes out to 1698 out of close to 3,000 more than half

  5. Excellent! Let’s further divide klal yisrael into more formal categories and then label them with stereotypes while making sure to include some Loshon Horah in the process. Great Job!

  6. This appears to be quite an unfair portrayal of the dati leumi community. First, the headline is a blatant lie. If you look at the numbers provided in the article, 88% chardal, 62% Orthodox and 40% dati light, that does not add up to a majority davening without a minyan (unless “dati light” comprises a vast majority of the overall dati leumi community). Second, it does not seem that this poll was really able to get a representative sample of the dati leumi community to be able to make such statements. Third, people who lechatchila don’t daven with a minyan probably don’t do other things k’halacha as well, and while they might self-identify as dati leumi, such actions have no backing from any respected dati leumi Rav and it is therefore to paint the wider dati leumi community with the same brush as one paints these people.

  7. This article seems to be furthering hate amongst Jews. This not news it is irrelevant loshon horah. Just because the DT tzibur doesn’t follow all of the same views as chareidim doesn’t mean we must spread hatred. Shame on you.

  8. What are you for real.
    First off statistics are good however to extract one point as a head line is lashon harar and in the case is moysi sham ra just based on your numbers do the math.
    More so it seems that Dati Leumi includs a very broad spectrum of people and this poll showed that the ones who do identify as being 100% are commited to daas torah and the mitzvos. The poll also shows that those who have a lighter background at least have an almost 50% involvement.

    Cut the head line ASAP it is out of line where is your main Editor they at least try to be inclusive and represent all torah observers

  9. According to a recent poll, 92% of Briskers dont daven Shachris with a minyan. Is it possible that Dati Leumis are really Briskers?

  10. 90% consider “love of Eretz Yisrael”, whatever that means, as an “integral component of their identity”?

    A Jew’s identity is simply Hashem and the Torah, not “love of Eretz Yisrael”, which, for at least some, if not most or all “D”L”, anyways means love of the Zionist State of Israel, not specifically E”Y.

    It anyways makes no halachic sense to love a piece of land, no matter how holy it is, other than for the mitzvos one could do there, etc. But to make it an integral component of one’s identity? That’s Nationalism, not Torah.

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman stated (and other concurred): “Nationalism is Avoda Zara; Religious Nationalism is religion and A”Z together.”

  11. Headline should say 97% of chardal are fully engeaged mesorah and daas torah following beni torah.

    You could also have a headline “99% of lakewood members polled,in an internet poll have a computer and dont follow das torah..”

  12. I thank Yeshiva World for its tireless efforts to purport לשון הרע so everyone can do more עבירות with their computers

  13. Headline mistake. Dati leumi in israel is a general category which includes all of the categories listed. There was a majority of dati leumi which davened in a minyan. The term modern in Israel is a more liberal subcategory then modern orthodox in america where it is the more general equivalent of dati leumi.

  14. thats what happens when your comforts come before your religion, religion takes a back step. first we decide on what we want to do and then we make the halacha shtim with our preconceived ne’gios. the future dorod will not be shomer shabbos and eventually mary goyim

  15. I wonder what the percentage would be in Flatbush and Monsey. I always like to compare the packed Friday night minyanim when everyone goes to shul with the typical weekday morning minyanim.

  16. And we should allow them to dictate to the yeshiva world how they should rract to the army situation?! Sorty but we r headed in a different direction

  17. First of all, why do we have to have an article like this? All it does is sectionalize society and create more barriers rather than remove them. Also, doesn’t this strongly border on Lashon Hara? I can say that I strongly try to Daven with a Minyan 3 times a day, but if someone else doesn’t, does that really matter to the whole world that it is newsworthy? I feel that almost every article I read on YWN that reports something about a community other than YWN’s own community seems to have a negative portrayal and that only causes harm. When will be the day when I see an article that says Ploni Almoni, who is “Dati Leumi” or Modern Orthodox” or any other of the million ridiculous labels we have in Judaism, did something good and we should appreciate it? It isn’t just YWN, it’s every news source out there, but I would have expected that a religious news place would have a bit more discretion in how they write their articles.

  18. Theheading is a quite irresponsible accusation of a community which spans a wide spectrum of people. You can’t label a “Dati lite” boy who went to a Mamlachti high school, did not go to header, and davens once a day to a ben yeshiva, who takes his learning very seriously, and stick them in the same category as DATI LEUMI, and make the latter look bad in your label.



  20. Over 30% of Daati soldiers who enter the IDF religious leave the service as chiloni.

    At least 50% of those who comment on YWN make up statistics out of their heads.

  21. I’m impressed that so many people commented about the fact that this “news story” is totally unnecessary, unless YWN is attempting to increase hatred amongst Yidden.

    I am equally impressed that Akuperma wrote something I could actually agree with. I think this is the first time that ever happened.

    Of course, #s 3, 14 & 18 just HAD to add their hateful comments, as usual. I suppose they cannot help themselves. They should get help.

  22. This is the most shocking piece of loshon harah that I have ever read on this website. You are probably aware that Dati Leumi would have joined the atzeres in Eretz Yisroel if not for the foolish, misguided disrespect by a “haredi” newpaper for one of the Dati Leumi Rabbis. Don’t add to the sinas chinum. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

  23. With all due respect, this article is totally inappropriate! Even if you want to teach us something, the timing couldn’t be worse! I never believe any poll coming out of Israel, regardless what the topic! Lets stick to the issues of the day. We have to fight the HAMAN’s of our time, Lipman/Lapid!!!

  24. Let’s get real, people. YWN is in business to make money. They do so by getting readers to read the articles and hopefully react to the advertising.

    This story already has 27 comments, which means it is a “successful” one in terms of generating revenues for YWN. Now, doesn’t that trump little things like loshon horah or sinas chinom?

  25. 55.. could you either help yourself from your stupid comments on every one of akuperma’s no why? because you hate hypocrisy. well we hate krumkeit!! now go back to v-nnnews

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