Letter From Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva to Attend Sunday’s Atzeres Tefillah

letter from BMG

BOAT: The boat organizers said 2 boats have been sold out, and a third boat has been secured. Tickets for the third boat will be going on sale Friday at 10 AM at the Zichron Binyomin Shul, 7th Street and Princeton Avenue (downstairs). The price is $50 round trip.

All info you need for the boat trip will be provided at Zichron Binyomin.

BUSING: Buses will be lined up on Forest Avenue from 7th Street to 10th Street, leaving Sunday from 12:00 – 12:10 PM. Tickets will cost $30 for the round trip (no credit card and no one-way).

Tickets can be purchased in BMG – 7th Street building, between the Mizrach and Maariv Batei Medrashim.

11th Street BM – Entrance

Bais Aaron – Entrance

Tickets will be on sale on Friday only from 10:00 AM. Men only. Non-Refundable.

For all updates regarding the lakewood Buses going to the assifa .call 732 551-3351 and press 1

3 Responses

  1. PBA: Beats sitting in traffic and paying tolls, doesn’t it?
    If you look at the map in Google, there is a ferry dock very close by the event locale.

  2. thge Staten Island ferry is a 1 hr 10 min drive, allow 20 min. for parking boarding, leaves 1:30 arrives at water st. 1:55, if you miss next boat 2:00 dave minch aon boat arrive 2:25 cost : free . directions to 1 bay st. 440 N towards bayonne br. exit forest ave merges into vicctory till end

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