8 Things to Know About Shvi’i Shel Pesach

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

  1. The essential point of reciting shira is to embed Emunah in our hearts and souls.
  2. The generation of Enosh erred in praising and eventually worshipping the celestial creations that Hashem created. This led the world into idolatry. The Shira rectified that error, and is thus termed by Chazal as “chochma” – wisdom.
  3. The Shira is applicable today and if it is said daily in a state of joy as if he himself went through the sea (Mishna Brurah 51:17 citing Zohar) it can wipe out all of a person’s negative sins.
  4. Joyously thinking in this manner can catapult a person to a very high degree of spirituality far beyond that of the angels themselves.
  5. Some of Klal Yisroel out of their sheer Emunah and bitachon recited a partial Shira even before the splitting of the sea according to the Mechilta (Perek2).
  6. There are two inyanim of Shira: 1] Recognizing what has been done and expressing thanks. 2] Being catapulted to a higher degree of spirituality and ensuring that it will not be negated. This second type  can last for all future generations.  It is possible that these two types of Shira were recited before and after the crossing of the sea.
  7. The Shla HaKadosh explains that for the future redemption the Tzaddikim of Klal Yisroel will recite the shira – even before they are redeemed just upon hearing the news of the redemption.
  8. The full redemption was not completed until after they crossed the sea.

Based on Yareach LaMoadim Simanim 65-68

The author can be reached at [email protected]

One Response

  1. Is there a specific time that we must read the Perek Shira at? I’ve heard some people recite the Perek Shira for 40 days.

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