Rav Shteinman Shlita Speaks Out Harshly Against Those Seeking to Harm Torah

lapMaran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita made a surprise visit to his yeshiva, Orchos Torah, on Thursday morning, 4 Adar II.

The rosh yeshiva gave a chizuk schmooze and had very harsh words for those seeking to harm the Torah world. The gadol hador stated the gezeiros facing the lomdei Torah are very harsh, more than we saw at the hand of the Greeks, expressing his pain and concern over the current situation.

The rav spoke out harshly stating

“כל אלו שרודפים את לומדי התורה, שיהיה להם צרות ולא יישאר מהם כלום וירדו לגיהנום יימח שמם וזכרם, אמן”.

The gadol hador called on talmidim to strengthen their tefilos and limud during this most difficult time period.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Im waiting for the dl’s to come and and scream how can the rabbi say that where is the ahavaT yisroel. you know where it is see tehillim.. u’mesanecha hashem esnah

  2. The first comment, written by lbj, just mocked a segment of the Jewish People. How can this be justified? These kinds of things should not be written. lbj, please don’t slander me either!

  3. Criticizing the hilonim for being anti-Torah is a “no brainer.” Of course the zionists are our enemies. We might be able to co-opt the Dati Leumi, but the whole idea of secular zionism is to be “free” (as they sing in their anthem) from Torah.

    The only alternative to a zionist regime is an Islamic one. Since a zionist regime guarantees perpetual war with the Muslims, if you are pro-zionist but don’t want to serve in the army, you are a “chicken hawk”.

    The positions of Satmar (going back to the Sefer vayoel Mosh) and the Eidah hareidis (going back to the period before De Haan was murdered) leave open the option of negotiating for an Islamic state with an autonomous Jewish kehillah. This is the only option that allows for Jews to live in Eretz Yisrael, without having a Medinah that will crush the frum community.

  4. coffee addict.. unless you are a rodeif torah and a rodeif hashem! someone who is sins machmas ta’avah we daven that he do teshuva, someone who is rodeif lehachis the oilam hatorah that sits al hatorah ve’al ha’avodah gets a klalah from the godol hador who rav wosner a chassidishe termed “our general”

  5. Lo Kashia:
    1) If it’s a yid against you whicj means a personal situation NO
    2) But somebody against H”, against the Torah!: Ohave H” Sinhu Rah!!!

    Just Remember what Moshe Rabeinu asked H” for those yiddim by Korach revolt…


  6. Because the problem here is not doing the army itself. And the goal of the law is not that they do the army. The discussion here is about the Orthodox way of life. The main goal of the law is that the Orthodox people stop being so Orthodox and start being more secular. Army, jobs, education. There is no problem with an army. Or with working. But we will not do it in a way that is detrimental to the torah way of life.

    There are some works where nobody would send their children because they would learn there bad habits, right? Is the same here. Orthodox jews have a different moral standard, so, for them, the army generate big problems to their way of life (and, since is not necessary for defense proposes, just for social proposes), they won’t go.

    Just imagine the opposite scenario. A Orthodox contry, with a Orthodox army, in witch the seculars that are conscripted would rapidly became extreme Orthodox . Would the secular minority of that Orthodox country be happy to send their children to this army? Is not a defense problem, is a religious problem. The discussion here is theological, not practical.

  7. #4- Criticizing YOU for being anti-Torah is a no-brainer. If you were pro-Torah, you would take a few minutes of your day and learn it.

  8. lbj: You are so wise and all-knowing. I asked you not to slander me but you couldn’t resist. But it is ok because the Chazon Ish, zt”l, is on your side, of course. You are really something. Can I send my shailos to you in the future, lbj shlita?

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