Criminal Indictment Against Frum Man who Called a Soldier ‘Shiksa’ on a Bus

egednnTwo years after Shlomo Fuchs shouted “shiksa” at a female soldier on a public bus he is facing a criminal indictment. The incident occurred on one of the mehadrin buses. Fuchs is facing charges of “harassment” for his actions. The case is being heard in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court.

Fuchs was traveling on the 49-A bus in Yerushalayim, a bus on which passengers observe a separate seating policy, on December 28, 2011 when he shouted ‘shiksa’ at the female IDF soldier.

An Egged inspector boarded the bus at some point, at which time the soldier who was seated in the rear began making her way to the front of the crowded bus to pay the driver. Fuchs turned to her and told her to remain in the rear of the bus.

The soldier responded “a female’s place is not limited to the rear” and then Fuchs shouted ‘shiksa, have you no respect? Standing between avreichim is shameful”.

He continued shouting, police were summoned and he was placed in custody.

Some witnesses felt police were too quick to place him under arrest, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL as the incident occurred during a period of time that the issue of women and mehadrin buses was a major news event. Fuchs maintained that he was being victimized due to media bias.

The court back then banned Rabbi Fuchs, the father of 12, from using public buses due to the incident.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Calling a woman a shiksa for wanting to sit next to men on a Jewish bus! Arresting someone for using a mild insult? We are spoiled by western countries that have concepts of free speech, and a very high tolerance for rude remarks. In most middle eastern countries, insulting the local leaders and their servants is a serious offense. Actually, under English law, it might have been petty treason (a crime that never quite made it into American law). We should be a bit more tolerant of Israel, as it is in a part of the world where the American concepts of free speech and rule of law never quite reached. As despotic third world countries go, Medinat Yisrael is quite nice.

  2. Akuperma,

    In regards to your final sentence, there is nothing, “quite nice” about Medinat Yirael. It is a place where the anti-Torah lifestyle is protected and supported. How can someone as respectful as yourself fall for the zionist lies that they have a nice country?

  3. #1- As usual, you pick and choose phrases that fit yout agenda. The article says that he continued shouting at her. Shouting at someone on a bus can indeed be harassment, not free speech. Even in America. Now go learn some Torah.

  4. #2- Just compare the zionists to the Syrians. The worse the zionists want is to uproot Torah and destroy are culture, but they are definitely NOT cannibals. So one shouldn’t complain.

  5. making her way to the front of the crowded bus to pay the driver. So the female is a Tzadekes for wishing to pay her fare and not steal from Egged. Even though not stealing is 1 of 7 Noach laws applying to Shiksas, Notwithstanding, Noach Fuch’s remarks were reprehensible, and the soldier is an honorable Bas Yisroel.

  6. maybe she was not observing proper etiquette, but he was worse.

    when a chiloni acts in a disrespectful manner it is not nice, but a mere reflection of an education without yerais shamayim; but when a ben Torah acts the way he did, it is worse, it is a chillul haShem.

    One who studies Torah, as he stated, Toraso Umanuso, he should accept her deviant behavior and move on.

    But still, remember, the state is making an example out of him so that this type of behavior never happens again.

    BTW: the concept of ‘mehedran’ buses is now dead in Israel. I know, I ride one of them each day. Now when women elect to sit in the front no one says anything; and now many men will sit in the back.

  7. If this is criminal? Then all chareidim have such suits or charges that can be filed here In israel. Literally on a daily basis. Unbelievable that this is even being persued.

  8. “zionist lies that they have a nice country”

    You might consider living in Iran, Syria, Gaza or Lebanon. Do that for a few years and you will appreciate Medinat Yisrael.

  9. Not sure screaming at a soldier who wants to pay a bus driver rises to the level of harassment but being an idiot is not a criminal offense so I guess that’ll have to do. Actually a lifetime ban from riding egghead buses seems like a just punishment for this feeble-minded frummie.

  10. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    Sticks and stones can break my bones but names well never harm me. Sounds like some DIBs need to get thicker skin.

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