Rav Levanon Shlita: I Searched for the Voice of Toras Emmes

levaHaGaon HaRav Elyakim Levanon Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Elon Moreh and Chief Rabbi of the Shomron communities spoke with Kol Berama Radio following the Million Man Atzeres.

Prior to the event Rav Levanon announced he planned to do his utmost to attend. He spoke of the desire to take part in such a large tefilla event and called on his talmidim who could attend to do so. The rav explained it was a positive event and he wanted to be a part of it.

At the end the rav however changed his opinion and sent a letter to talmidim explaining his decision. He explained that he did announce he supported taking part amid a realization his tzibur was being pulled in different directions. “However from my perspective, chizuk Torah is above all and this is the main point and this is why I felt it was the thing to do, to team up with the chareidim”.

“Why then did I change my mind at the last moment and I decided not to take part in the atzeres? I saw the atmosphere that prevailed in the street on the signs and so forth was one against IDF service, not limud and toiling in Torah but ‘יהרג ואל יעבור not to serve. The slogans and shouts against serving under any circumstance. Despite my search for the voice of Torah emmes, I did not find it and therefore I decided not to participate”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. There is an inherent conflict between the Dati Leumi position of insisting that Jewish rule of Eretz Yisrael is a mitsva (which means a need for a large military to deal with the war that results), and the traditional hareidi position which supports a lifestyle based on Torah and Mitsvos (which is incompatible with the militaristic zionism that results from having a state).

    The desire to have a zionist state, but not have hareidi fight for it, is intellectually inconsistent. One should choose Zionism over Torah (and support the state, as the Dati Leumi do), or support Torah alone (as Satmar and the Eidah hareidis do).

    The current position of Shas, Degel ha-Torah and Agudah is inconsistent. It is, as the goyim saying, wanting to have their cake and eat it to.

    If you are pro-Torah, you need to be pro-peace.

  2. He was 100% correct not to attend. Though billed as being purely an atzeres tefilah, it was obvious that this was intended to be a political statement.

    I was, therefore, surprised that any D”L rabbonim (Amaleikim) advocated going to it. I could have told you in advance exactly what the signs would say.

    #1- Are you pro-Torah?

  3. So the signs, which didn’t exist until the rally started, caused him to change his mind and not attend? Did he see the signs before not attending? Or did he perhaps not attend for some other reason, then chalked it up to the signs?

  4. Rav Levanon, that is the same reason that a large majority is sitting out the Sunday Manhattan Rally. It is not to fortify Limud Hatorah, Kedusha and Kiddush Hashem it is to delegitimize Israel and its existence.

    “If you are pro-Torah, you need to be pro-peace”—except when enemies are on your borders, in your cities and killing your residents. As the Chazon Ish recommended to a family that wanted to leave Kfar Saba (they lived on the border line)in the 1940 since their sheep & cows were being stolen and vandalize, it was assur to leave and allow their land to be claimed by the enemy.

  5. There is an inherent contradiction between the traditional Dati Leumi position that the Torah and real life are compatible and the modern Chareidi position that only focuses on the compatibility of Torah with real life when it suits them (marriage, having children, participating in politics) but not when it doesn’t suit them (employment, military service).

    The idea that the Chareidim are akin to Amish pacifists in contrast to militaristic Zionism is laughable. Any look at the history of Chareidi violence – including Chareidi vs. Chareidi violence – will demonstrate that Amish these are not…

    One can choose Torah (as in living a life of Torah, which includes defending our land and people against those who wish to destroy us) or choose “Torah” (as in hiding behind the veneer of limud Torah when it is convenient).

    If you are pro-Torah, you need to be pro-the entirety of Torah, not just the part you think excuses you from behaving like responsible adults.

  6. bklynmom,

    are you a neviah or you perhaps know people that aren’t going but how do you KNOW that that is the same reason why a large amount of people are sitting out? (they haven’t even sat out yet)

    I would love to hear an explanation from you

  7. Rabbi levanon the chazon ish states it is yahrog veal yaavor to join even sheirut leumi vechein omar maran harav schach! you couldnt hold their lunch pails.

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