Counterfeit Mezuzah Factory Uncovered by the Rabbanut & Police

mezBaruch Hashem police and agents of the Chief Rabbinate Kashrus Enforcement Unit have uncovered a counterfeit mezuzah operation. According to agents involved in the investigation and raid, the counterfeiting operation used a new and sophisticated method to create very high quality counterfeit mezuzos. The Chief Rabbinate has released a proclamation regarding these mezuzos, which are manufactured using this method.

The printing plates were created using special software that allows modifying letters in a mezuzah. To date, the identity of the letters was a primary vehicle to determine if a mezuzah was printed rather than written by a sofer because if they were printed, all the letters would be identical since they are created by machine, not man.

To read the entire article, please click HERE.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Courtesy of Jerusalem Kosher News)

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