Two Israeli sisters, ages 15 and 20, from Efrat in Gush Etzion were murdered and their mother, 48, was critically injured in a shooting attack on Friday morning in the Jordan Valley in northern Israel.
The terrorists shot at a car and the driver tried to continue driving and flee the scene but they chased after her. She lost control of the wheel and smashed into a Palestinian truck. The terrorists then shot the victims from close range at least 22 times from a Kalashnikov type of rifle.
The father of the family, who was driving in a separate car with his two younger children on the way to a Chol Hamoed trip, heard about the attack on the radio. He turned around and reached the scene of the attack, where he was told the bitter news.
MDA paramedics who arrived at the scene initially believed they were responding to a car accident but then saw bullet holes in the car and wounds on the victims.
MDA paramedics pronounced the death of the two sisters at the scene and administered emergency medical aid to the mother. She was then airlifted by helicopter to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, where doctors are fighting for her life.
The attack occurred at the Hamra Junction, near the Israel town of Hamra. A large number of police forces launched a manhunt for the terrorists, who fled the scene.
On Motzei Shabbos, the victims were identified as Rina, 15, hy’d, and Maya, 20, h’yd, Dee. The Dee family made aliyah from the UK several years ago. The levaya is scheduled to take place on Sunday at 5 p.m. to allow time for relatives from the UK to arrive in Israel.
An update from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Motzei Shabbos said that the mother Leah (Lucy) is still in critical condition and the staff is fighting for her life. She is sedated and ventilated in the ICU unit after undergoing emergency surgery.
The public is asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Leah bas Tziporah b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk is keeping you updated on the first day of Chol Hamoed from Jerusalem.)
22 Responses
Blood splashed car window?
The head of new Repersentative of Reform movement, BDS anarchist and
THE BLOOD OF THESE YOUNG LADIES IS ON US and EU sponsor of terrorists.
I spit on your face Lapid who for years demoralized the state and frum people and you and SHIKSE family allegedly pray to YASHKA AND ARE ACTING AS THE EREV RAV WHO HATED JEWS IN EGYPT.
Shame on you.
Shame on the father and mother who bore you.
Your BS “unity” is passing gas from mouth.
You, Lapid and GANTZ and Your US paymasters are the scum of scum.
May almighty pay you and your shiksa wife and kids mida keneged mida like you are destroying the Jews, the land and it’s people for power and money.
The main thing there are covid vaccines to Jewish families to save their health, never guns to Jewish families to save their lives.
The Arabs get their guns from agents of the medinah. They covertly arm Arabs and incite them to target Jews, then turn a blind eye to their premeditated attacks, then afterwards the medinah anticipates as all the fools turn to count on the medinah to protect them. It’s sick. Know your true enemy. Don’t be fooled just because they put a magen David on their uniforms and insignia. Don’t play their sick games. Know it’s the medinah and its agents behind these attacks. They are your true enemy. Arabs are just beasts of the field to aggravate, a hornets’ nest the medinah kicks to get you. Channel your anger towards the medinah. Also, nussan is totally right: the medinah also killed far more Yiddin with the vax than they ever did arming the local Arabs and denying Yiddin guns to protect themselves. They want you dead one way or another. Do not comply.
spit on LAPID…then Herzog
Wow – the level of nonsensical conspiracy theories in the comments is astounding. How about just recognizing the tragedy of the loss of two young Jewish lives at the hands of vicious enemies and saying Baruch Dayan haEmes?
an Israeli Yid
Forget La-pig, forget Herz-hog.
This is a sign we should all be moving to the super safe medinah where no goy will ever dare to hurt a Jew…….
Palestinians are donkeys.
Why you make a aliyah to this Zionist state? Its against the שלוש שבועות.
Hashem warnedאני מפקיר את בשרכם!!ח”ו ל”ע
Where’s Tom Nides, will he throw the Palestinian envoy of the plane too???
To Shmendrik:
All the Rabbonim, Ashkenaz, Sefard, Chassidim & etc., they all disagree with your logic.
You are completely alone with your comment.
Those saying not to move to Eretz Yisrael are a modern form of Meraglim who said the people of the land are too strong.
Time to blow up the wicked supreme court & wicked arabs in 1 shot quite literally
Does this get reported in the mainstream media and on college campuses. What do the Israelis do that even comes close to this אכזריות ? Will the Hague investigate?
“pure” yiddishkeit, right for massaged beef you are still justified to live amongst immoral half wits, anti semites..transgenders whatevers plus plus and who cares about our holy land, the gift Hshem gave us.. even though we talk about it after we fress, but its only figurative!! … its perfectly fine to breathe the very unholy air and live a fake jewish life for our comfort and materialism. And you are oh so safe amongst random shooters drug dealers serial killers everywhere you turn etc.. etc. just dont forget to always keep your AR under your pillow.
May Leah bas Tziporah be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!
Schmendrick by name…
Wipe them out!
To Shmendril:
Why are you so negative about everything?
You said in a different comment that the US Govt. was behind 9/11 and now you are saying that the Medina is the mafia and they want everyone dead.
Don’t you realize that someone is brainwashing you.
Is your mother really Jewish?
How can a sane person say that the USA was behind 9/11. That is totally absurd. Of course we all know the truth that the Arabs & Muslims were behind 9/11.
Are you an agent working for a foreign government??
Mavet La’aravim
to pure yiddishkeit…sad to say, that until Moshiach comes, and we are redeemed from this galus – there is no safe medinah where no goy would ever hurt a Jew
BDE. may your soul rise Mother has passed. Too sad
you got my point that was what i meant. just look at the other comments and you’ll chap that the others caught on to my sarcasm.
BTW @leah2330, you must be quite ignorant of the facts, lets set them straight:
1) “immoral half wits” is the most kind description you can give for the apikorsim in modern day “Israel”.
2) Anti Semites? There are more anti Semitic incidents/terror attacks etc in Israel than any other place in the world put together. The worst being the medinah itself, hence גדול מחטיאו יותר מההרגו.
3) If you’re going to mention Transgenders, you might as well be informed that the Tel Aviv located in your “holy” medinah, is actually a capital for trans etc. In fact it’s probably the biggest one at that!!
4) Hashem never “gave” us the land, he ENTRUSTED us with it’s TRUSTEESHIP, it being ours, up until we became un-deserving of it. But I suppose your trans-Nazi-christian loving zionists probably are deserving in your eyes ר”ל.
5) this is the best lie I have ever come across: In Israel they don’t fress? Are there no Pizza shops? No Falafel places? No shwarma places? Huh?? un-bury your head from the sand!!
6) If you’re going to talk about holy and unholy air, then lets just say this: A place doing wrong and indulging in gashmiyus (at the least and outright kefirah at its best) is worse than a typical gentile place.
7) If you’re going to make silly ignorant comments about random shooters, druggie’s and serial killers, let me remind you that your comment was written on a page reporting an article about a terror attack going on not in the USA or UK, rather in Israel!! just look how many shootings, stabbings, ramming’s היל”ת happened in E.Y. in the last period of time. So if you want to live among-st them than so be it. But i value the life H’ gave me and others, which is why i don’t support this blind zionist jump-off-the-cliff attitude to move to the dangerous war zone Israel has become because of the aveirah of שלש שבועות sorry.
P.S. btw there are more than enough drug dealers in Israel. Everyone knows that they only seek to emulate the USA, not some “holy air” life…..
Anyway, keep safe and people should educate themselves before they get over infatuated with a dangerous belief, both ברחניות and בגשמיות…. kol tuv..