BREAKING: Nine Lev Tahor Cult Members Flee Canada; Detained In Trinidad And Tobago

levThe following is a report by

Nine members of Lev Tahor have been detained at an airport in Trinidad and Tobago.

An Immigration official has confirmed to that three adults and six children took a West Jet flight from Toronto on Monday.

They told immigration officials they were on their way to Mexico and were denied entry. The group refused to get back on a plane to Canada. The official says the group is being detained in a private room at the airport and he expects they’ll be sent back to Canada by Friday.

Meantime,’s Ashton Patis is at the Chatham courthouse where a decision is expected to be made today on whether 14 Lev Tahor children will be returned to Quebec and placed in foster care. No word if the members being held in Trinidad and Tobago are connected to the court matter.

(Source: BlackBurnNews)

14 Responses

  1. whats the deal with these people,are they really as messed up as the media portrays them??or their just old skool pious hassidim living the high life?

  2. The REAL Nebeach is: that there are some family’s who are desperate to get out of this cult for years but they can’t do it, because they are consistently threatened by the cult leaders. (gangsters)

    BTW the fact that they tried running away with the children who where due in court today, shows that this cult is guilty for child abuse, if not why are they on the run?

    This cult criminal leader: Shlomo Erez Hellbrans did sit Two Years in jail for kidnapping a minor Shy Fema.

  3. Rumors are that the entire cult are planning to flee Canada in the next few days/weeks, and establish this horrible disgusting abusive cult in a different country, maybe even in a third world country, where nobody will bother them.(They should have the funds put away in cash)

  4. #6
    Not saying if they’re extreme in their beliefs or not. from all reports, they force nobody to stay in their midst. The fact that people outside them call it a cult, doesn’t mean jack …. to me. Just like the haredi bleed over their brethren being lost to the unharedi, secular bleed over their kin becoming religious. Now this is an extreme religious, only explains why the secular in all the videos are sooo adamantly and passionately opposed to this. In todays days, it is a sin to say or act in a manner that confirms that one doesn’t want to look at the opposite sect. Furthermore, it is a crime to live life to oneself in a religious way. Kidnapping ones kids is imho a crime against humanity. Lets at least see their track record. What percentage do they have that leave their fold? I understand that the media won’t accept that one prefers to expel his daughter rather than see her naked (in his eyes). Not that I know exactly what’s happening there, other than what the prosecutor as well as the investigator claims. Their claim (and i hardly ever use this term) stinks from anti semitism! (I hope I’m wrong). I don’t believe it. A kid had a fungus on her foot! Could you believe it! This is a major point! Another point, They found urine on a mattress! (don’t know, did it never in history happen that during training period a kid has an accident!) Now, this constitutes, yea, Oh yeAH Child abuse!

    What the authorities (or henchmen) claim, sounds soooo childish that I can’t think of another term other than anti semitism which should be an affront to all of us. Cause based on history, we’re next!

  5. I would not want anyone I know to chas vesholom end up with this cult and i think that lifestyle is deranged and certainly not Torah. i would feel the same way about a lot of cults, Jewish and not Jewish. but what i think should not control the way the government interacts with its subjects. people should still have the right to practice their sincerely held religious beliefs so long as they are not harming anyone. To the outside world, every chassidishe rebbe, lehavdil, is a lunatic and a control monster and every chossid is, chas vesholom, a horse in the stable.

    Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) is a Supreme Court decision which I think is quite persuasive. There, the court held that the Amish may home school their children until 8th grade and then end education, notwithstanding Wisconsin law to the contrary. The Court ruled that the sincerely held religious beliefs of the Amish outweighed what Wisconsin thought was best for them. Furthermore, the Court contended that the Amish community was a very successful social unit in American society, a self-sufficient, law-abiding member of society, which paid all of the required taxes.

    The same is true here. Lev Tahor was originally summoned to court because Quebec did not feel that the education given to the children was appropriate.

    I have not seen any evidence that Halberns is any crazier than the next guy who wears 18th century polish costumes in the modern world but even if we are to assume that he is crazy, is that a reason to persecute all of them?

    I have not seen any evidence that people are forced to live this way by gangsters(any more than people in any close knit, insular, community feel social pressure to stay and find it very hard to lead normal lives.)

    If you are going to be for persecuting Lev Tahor you begin a slippery slope which can have consequences right in your own living room.

    If there are abusive people among them, which there may be, those individuals should be brought to justice.

  6. can some one tell me:
    1. why were they flying to where ever?
    2. where do they get their funding? costs money to move an entire community from here to there.

  7. Accepting such a way of life is against Toiroh and the Gedoileh Yisroel are very much against them.
    The Pnimius of the person is her face as Rebbezen Heller said in her speech never ever should Jiddishe women hide their face this is chukass hagoiy.
    We have the Toiroh and this is our guide there is no need for additions and yes we have to make sure that none of our Jidden should fall into these club because it does not bring any good to Klall Yisroel.It is a deviation of our Messoiroh very often Baal Teshuvos in their big enthousiasm to become frum mix up with what they saw by the gurus H. Yishmor!Plus it is a big Chillul H.


    The rumors have been confirmed by one of the cult leaders. The entire group from the Cult Lev Tahor, are planing to leave Canada and resettle in Guatemala, so nobody can bother them, this way they can out smart the judicial system.

  9. I’ve been to every province and territory in Canada. I have never seen a single minority at all that owns any farmland or real open land in the entire country(with the exception of a couple christian minority groups who are under similar pressures).

    How is this naturally possible?, In what possible ways could this situation be unnaturally created (and it is)?

    Dienekes blog a couple years ago had an article regarding genetic successes in open territories, it happened to be regarding Quebec.
    It concluded the following: “We find that families who are at the forefront of a range expansion into new territories had greater reproductive success. In other words, that they had more children, and more children who also had children,”.. “As a result, these families made a higher genetic contribution to the contemporary population than those who remained behind in what we call the range core, as opposed to the wave front.

    The U.N. definition of genocide perfectly applies to this situation.
    They disregard it in every instance and have created a bloc on prosecuting it.
    The effect is a total control of genetic variance.

    Lev Tahor obviously has a right to live in a rural area without the western government (who already apparently exterminated everyone in the province) knowing a single thing about what they’re doing. The only ones not capable of taking care of themselves are aggressors in this situation.

    It’s interesting, I actually drove to the town where this group was located a few years go to see if they would let me study and live with them. The area wasn’t rural enough for my liking(I have constant issues with vicious persecution) and I turned around. It was the most rural Jewish location in the world to my knowledge.

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