OU Criticizes President Obama’s Budget Proposal to Reduce Charitable Contributions Tax Break

ouToday, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (Orthodox Union), the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, expressed concern about the impact President Obama’s 2015 budget proposal could have on the level of charitable giving in America.

As in past budgets, the President once again proposed that higher earning taxpayers (those making more than $250,000 for a married couple and $200,000 for an individual tax filer) will have their tax deduction for contributions to charities reduced to a maximum rate of 28 percent of their donations. Thus, for example, a person who is taxed at a rate of 35 percent making a $10,000 contribution to a charity would have his/her deduction reduced from $3,500 to $2,800 under the President’s proposal.

Nathan Diament, Executive Director of Public Policy for the Orthodox Union, stated: “The Orthodox Union, like others in America’s nonprofit sector, is deeply concerned over President Obama’s budget proposal to reduce the tax deductibility for charitable donations. Tax deductibility is an essential component to the fundraising efforts of so many Jewish organizations and charities. Without this incentive we risk losing the funds necessary to provide essential programming and resources to our fellow citizens. Experts have estimated that such a change in the tax law could reduce donations to American charities by approximately $4 billion annually. We are committed to working with our allies in Congress and across the nonprofit sector to prevent this harmful proposal from being enacted.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. In general, Democrats favor a state-oriented approach to all matters, and distrust anything that isn’t government controlled. Its a quasi-socialist way of looking things that has permeated the American left. A rich vibrant non-profit sector smacks too much of “freedom” and “individual rights”.

  2. Sorry…

    I wanted to use an expression about reaping and sowing but it didn’t come out right.

    Either way, one should not use that expression because it comes from the NT.

  3. A non-profit must have a ‘charitable’ purpose. These include defending civil rights and educational purposes. They cannot be involved with political campaigns or “substantial’ lobbying.

    Since some many organizations have blurred the lines between “educational” or “defending civil rights” and politics (such as the T Party) who claim that they are ‘charities’

    There is one easy solution.

    Let’s get the government out of the way.

    Don’t the administration or some bureaucrat judge who or what is a charity.
    — Even a church. (There is one “church” worth $170 billion and controlled assets around the world, including gold mines, Australian developments, telecommunication firms and a Phoenix technology company)
    — Even a hospital. (Look at how Howard Hughes avoided taxes by creating a hospital to scam the government)

    Get the IRS out of our life and don’t the IRS regulate who or what a charity is or is not.

    Disallow all charitable deductions.

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