Shaked Committee Approves Chabad Shlichus – Foreign Ministry says its Illegal

rebbeWhile Shaked Committee members reassure the nation the new chareidi draft bill is about to be passed into law, it appears things are not happening as smoothly as they would have liked.

One of the recent snags pertains to the committee recognizing the shlichus of 100 Chabad shluchim around the world as “national service” towards satisfying the new draft law requirements. These 100 will be counted as part of the annual chareidi induction goal, referring to shluchim in N. America or W. Europe. The National Service Authority will also assist in funding their operations together with the Chabad network.

However, folks in the Foreign Ministry say it is illegal since the shluchim are not serving abroad as official emissaries of the State of Israel. Ministry legal experts explain the state is going to violate local law in the countries shluchim serve in and at the end of the day the Foreign Ministry will have to intervene to address the mess that has been created. Ministry legal officials insist the situation as described by the Shaked Committee today is untenable from a legal standpoint.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This shaked committee was all about divide and conquer and turning people against each other. Likud deserves a lot of credit here for presenting the law brutally honest. One criminal sanctions – bayit yehudi for or agInst? Two – less time for men in the army. Announce that this will require women to serve longer. Bayit yehudi – what’s your position on giyus banos? 3- chabad shlichus as service – f ministry illegal. Now Bayit Yehudi are you for this law or against it? When it’s all over, i predict that you will have lapid and his party for it and everyone else against. Once they realize that this is a farce and a distraction.

  2. interesting concept that Chabad shiluchim doing their shilichus are considered doing shirut leumi, but, hey, they are really helping out k’llal yisroel in a most positive manner and that is probably the best form of sherut leumi that there is.

  3. # 2

    Because Aish and Ohr Sameach do NOT go to forsaken third world countries to find THOUSANDS of Israelis and help them out BIGASHMIYUS, in addition to their Ruchniyus.

    Quite simple, they are practically doing the work for the foreign ministry.

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