Watch This Video! Rav Reuvain Grozovsky zatzal

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Today, the 22nd of Adar, is the 65th yahrtzeit HaGaon HaRav Reuvain Grozovsky zatzal. 

Rav Grozovsky was Rosh Yeshivah of Knesses Bais Yitzchak in Kamenetz, Poland with his illustrious father-in-law, Rav Boruch ber Leibowitz zatzal.  Rav Reuvain Grozovsky zatzal was critically responsible for bringing Rav Aharon Kotler zatzal and Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zatzal to Slabodka.  His Chiddushei Rav Reuvain have become classics in the Oilam HaYeshivos.

He was also the Rebbe of Rav Yisroel Belsky zatzal.

***This video is being posted to help a specific case of PIdyon Shvuyim.  There is an incarcerated frum individual in prison right now, who has struggled with addictions and is essentially a good person.  He is facing a very bleak future in prison because of some poor choices he has made.  The judge has agreed to a rehab program (where the lawyer and those close to him believe he will most likely succeed).  Let us try to emulate Hashem here in, “V’rachamav al KOL maasav.”  

I need to pay the lawyer, Mr. Charlie Miller, who has done a remarkable job and also we need to pay for the rehab program too.  Whatever can be donated to the link below is a huge Mitzvah.  ***



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