Chief Rabbi Calls for Mass Tefilla for Rain on Taanis Esther


In light of the ongoing severe drought in Eretz Yisrael, Chief Rabbi David Lau Shlita is calling on the tzibur to be mispallel for rain on Taanis Esther. MK (Bayit Yehudi) Zevulun Kalfa, who heads the agricultural lobby in Knesset adds;

“עלינו לזעוק אל הקב”ה, לבקש רחמים על הארץ ולפתוח את שערי השמיים”

Kalfa met with Chief Rabbi David Lau and discussed ongoing efforts to prepare for 5775, which is a shmitah year. At the end of their meeting Rav Lau announced that on Wednesday, 11 Adar II, observed this year as Taanis Esther, a special atzeres tefilla will take place to daven for rain. The event will be followed by mincha at the Kosel.

Rav Lau quotes “ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם”, explaining the rainfall is entirely up to Am Yisrael and if we merit it. He spoke of his recent visit to northern Israel and seeing the damage that has resulted from the prolonged drought and how farmers are eliminating crops to cut their losses. He points out that the losses now seen in the fields will soon be apparent in the marketplace too chas v’sholom and we must gather to daven to HKBH.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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